Sunday, June 30, 2019
"Gay Cream!"
Yep Gay Time Gay Cream!
Like the sign sez,..."Party Spirit!"
A Desert you can Smack your Lips Around!
Tell your Mom you want a Gay Time!
Rock Hard Fruity Treats!
I don't like robots. In fact I fucking hate them, did Flash Gordon, but for different reasons. Them fuckers are going to evaporate every job in existence.
The designers engineers, and assorted corporate sociopaths that enabled them will be terminated in due course as well.
There has been no thought as to what happens to whole populations of the jobless once these digital mechanical job killers are inserted into an already collapsing economy. to that.
Our owners don't give a fuck.
To them they no longer have to pay anyone for anything.
It'll be better than Slavery for them.
For them Tomorrowland at last.
Saturday, June 29, 2019
"Play Ball!"
In that Spirit.
Here's a fucking ball game. The Red Sox, and fucking Yankees are playing in the UK. WTF? Yeah seems there's a London Series going on. We were so distracted with all the other shit this slipped by us.
I think it's cool.
That, and the more colorful branch of the Royal Owners over there dropped by to say Hi. I'm no Royalist, but it made me smile. Headlines out there. "Meghan Roots for Yankee's!"
...and I imagine the Red Sox too.
Friday, June 28, 2019
"Zack Pinsent"
Zack Prinsent. Occupation,...Regency era Dandy.
The world would be a kinder sweeter place with more such.
" night again"
A quick note on two events.
The Court just said republican gerrymandering to keep themselves in power is fine. Then the Dem debates.
The Court.
This will insure republican control of the government for decades to come. I see more electoral college give away events to them no matter how out-voted they are.
The Dem debate mess.
This illustrated what a bunch of useless assholes they all are. They should just concede defeat now, and save us the trouble, and false hope of voting in 18 or so months.
The only reason I watched is that my legs, and feet hurt too much for me to get the remote to shut it all off. Otherwise it was a very hot humid night. I'm turning on the AC so I can now sleep.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
As I've said. This will end this will pass. This unlighted era of violent ugliness in our republic. A year six ten a century it will end. When it does when the slow recovery begins. We will have to acknowledge what we actively did or what we calmly allowed to happen.
Why we took part or looked the other way.
Our calm National Complicity. We at last will have to face certain peoples. Look them in the eye, and admit what we did to them. More important admit why.
Race attitudes are complex. Difficult irrational contradictory. I have bits of racist resentments with other groups, but know it's nut so deal with it. Some are just not good at the dealing.
Brit rock star "Morrissey" is mixed up in anti-immigrant race hate groups. He was outted when they thanked him for his support. This has some folks stunned.
It's sad when someone you really dig breaks your heart.
I came across statements negative about the "Freedmen". That is the post civil war former slaves. This alleged to have been said by Walt Whitman. Yeah 'that' Uncle Walt. ...this in a current New Yorker.
This makes him less saintly, and more like the rest of us. Which of course always he was. Life is complicated, and tough. Being a peacenik I urge compassion, and forgiveness. This as I would also want it for myself.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Looking at this again it seems like flames
from a fire at a Crayon factory.
Happy 50th Annual Stonewall Riot Day.
This despite like many other perverts trouble makers dreamers idealists, and gleeful artistic weirdos.
We were all declared "not gay" decades ago.
We might offend the people who have been murdering us for thousands of years. They're still at it all over the world.
So light a candle for those still at sword point or hunted despised unloved, and unwanted. I don't think these gross hedonistic oblivious Las Vegas style displays are doing them any good.
"Hot Shit"
The first NYC Heat Wave has air burst upon us.
It's 93f at my kitchen window.
This after a very humid night. The wave will last the weekend.
Then a break only to start again.
Note if you're in the region try not to die.
Always take water with you.
That, and don't do stupid shit in direct sunlight.
Like laying asphalt or jogging.
I witnessed both just now.
Think of urban heatwaves as Blizzards in reverse.
Take rational precautions.
Yeah you kidding, air conditioner is on full blast.
Damn the cost. I'll deal with it later!
Me lecturing on Hyperwave Dark Matter realities at Brooklyn College.
This in 1959,...I was ahead of things somewhat.
I think I'd make a neat President,....I mean now that we know 'anyone' can get the job.
Yeah I'd be a totally insane Boss of Bosses down in D.C. Unlike our current patient there I'd have fun with shit. First off I'd have my new "Department of Happy Surprises" Fed-Ex everyone nice stuff. This happy Department will from time to give out goodies to everyone just because it's nice to do.
..hey what's government for?
We'd have the damned Army Navy 'n Marines set up emergency field clinics/hospitals everywhere...I mean 'everywhere' because what is this shit we're in, but a national Disaster.
...special attention!
This to the Black Lung victims in mining country. The opioid addiction regions inner city war zones special attention to kids, and the elderly. Make like we was just nuked, and we're putting shit back together 'cause it ain't all that different from that now.
A "Department of Chefs"!
New chefs all over the place cooking up 5 Star meals for everybody that wants or needs 'em.. That, and delivered by our Army...heck if I was a kid I'd join the service to be part of this swell stuff.
Imagine them new giant ass "King Stallion" choppers landing in the middle of a forsaken 'Murican" town. That and keen to serve G.I.s poring out to feed the hungry comfort the sorrowful, and heal the wounded. "Protect, and Serve" finally come to life!
Also perhaps an "Institute of Safe Desserts.
This would in league with the UN. Basically fixing it so creamy yummies won't give ya cancer diabetes or bad vibes. Figuring out how to make all the world's yummy stuff safe to eat...without killing the damned flavor! We went to the frigging Moon sent two Voyagers to the stars, and have bleeping robots fucking around on Mars...I think we could do this too.
All this, and tons more in the first year or so...I mean besides building the "Woodstock Stonewall Monument", and all the usual crap of running an empire.
"Yes Uncle, but how we gonna pay for all this neat bleep?"
We're still the richest fucking country in all bleeping history. It's just in the last forty years the rich quietly took it all for themselves! This can be fixed. Just ask Robespierre, Stalin, and Walt Disney.
Next issue.
My Birthday is creeping up again.
The damned things just won't stop no matter what I do! Anyway I wanna a damned cake, and will wander out to get one if it bleeping kills me.
Eating it my docs say probably will,...Bleep'em. It's 'my' birthday.
Above is a feasibility study on a scientifically safe cake. Um,...still might need a few more candles.
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