Thursday, October 31, 2019


Remember remember the Fifth of November!
Gunpowder Treason, and Plot;
I know of no reason why Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes, and companions did seek to contrive,
To Blow the King, and Parliament all up Alive!
Three score barrels, laid below, to prove Old England's Overthrow.

“Evening at the Institute”

I got an invitation to attend though not speak at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research. They might think I’m still on the air. Anyway the subject is evil, and what it means. A bunch of high brow noise about the mayhem. This by crapping out the works of Augustine, Nietzsche, and Arendt at each other.

If there’s a buffet, and drinks I’ll go.
On the other hand I could hold a counter forum outside that joint. I’ll set up a card table, and a folding chair where I’ll explain the real deal. This without the customers having to pay the $315. bucks cover charge.
I’ll take donations in a pink plastic Jack ‘O Lantern.

Thank you.
I’ll be here all weekend. 

"...Five cents"

Things being what they are in 2019. I needed to get the fuck out of Dodge for a few minutes. Above I time portaled this morning to West 38th Street Manhattan October 9th 1953 1:43pm.
I was dressed in my 2018 jeans Nikes NASA sweat-shirt, and Vietnam veteran's cap. I wear it for my brother.

No one noticed. I love NY.

What strikes one are the smells. Unfiltered exhausts smog soot from light industry which was all over the city then. Also a background radiation of cigarette smoke. In them technicolor days everyone over the age of 15 smoked like chimney.

It made me light headed.

I weaved into the street taking the snap above. 'Was almost hit by a '53 Hudson delivery van. The guy yelled assorted ethnic slurs, and traffic rules at me. I would have taken his portrait, but didn't want to start a race riot.

I stumbled along a side street time shifted ahead two months, and came to this news stand.  I asked if the guy had "Fantastic Four" No.1,....he never heard of it. Seems I was about a decade early. Anyway I got a Hershey bar which is twice the size as ours, and costs 5.cents! 

That, and a copy of the December 1953 New Yorker which I'll sell on eBay, and I was on my happy way. Btw common 21st century home printers are swell currency duplicators of ancient currency. The down stream yokels are impressed.

I went behind a phone booth,...yeah these were all over the place. 
I then warped temporal shifted phased or whatever back to the glorious freedom loving demented, and expensive future.

I Hate it Here.


Being a partial shut-in is mostly not a problem for me. I've always been solitary,...since childhood. However complete shut-in life is more than one should do. At the moment the only people I see or speak to are my doctors or shop keepers.

They're nice folks, but a soul needs more to function.

Mind you I've certainly no wish to be in peoples faces. However a visit or chat now, and then is nice. Social Services sends folks over to make sure I'm  alive. 
Pleasant folks. I remember they commented on how spear, and tidy my digs were. That the elders they usually visit have homes full of stuff from their lives.

I have the advantage of having been houseless some years ago. In that I lost 95% of all my stuff. I never replaced them. Really didn't want to. 

So it's just me the walls the dining room set my bed mostly empty book shelf computer, and TV.

Well a few boxes in the closet from my radio days dolls toys, and scale models I never built. ...but am starting too again.

What more does one need.

I was waiting for a sunny day to go to the park or Coney Island. 
So far no dice. 
Well the sun comes out here, and there, but mostly it's slate grey. 
Did I mention my elder crap like my guts are fucked up my feet hurt, and my eyesight is shit. 

...never mind.

Maybe November.


"Our Lady of Autumn"


"Angry Witches, and the Yule Ram"

It is time to call upon 'all' forces to defeat the Darkness.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

"More Rain Today"

"Found this from four or five years back..."


Sorry about just reprinting my Face Book notes here for now. I've been rather busy not dying, and all so you'll forgive me. While laying about gathering dust I've had all manner of ideas for projects to fill up my end of the void with.

The usual art crap, and spirit stuff that no one will care about, but which will make at least me chuckle. Caravaggio had the same idea. "Yeah" he thought. "Think I'll paint this weird crypto-sexual painting of an Angel boy"

'And he did.

Popes, and assorted rich guys have had it in their private collections for centuries...till publishing came along, and perverts like me, and Keith Haring got our own sweaty copies.

There's the little fucker up there.

He goes in, and out of fashion like wing tipped shoes...right now in a bit of disfavor for reasons we know too well. Then again there's that wonderfully insane Van Gogh.

Him Caravaggio, and Walt Whitman I'd loved to have sat down with for the night, and snorted speed coke, and drunk bottles of cheap wine. While bullshitting about the world the fucking universe, and everything.

Yeah I'd have really liked that.

Be back later.


In October 2014, Ezekiel Emanuel published an essay in the Atlantic called “Why I Hope to Die at 75.” Because Emanuel is a medical doctor and chair of the University of Pennsylvania’s department of medical ethics and health policy, as well as a chief architect of Obamacare, the article stirred enormous controversy.

Emanuel vowed to refuse not only heroic medical interventions once he turned 75, but also antibiotics and vaccinations. His argument: older Americans live too long in a diminished state.

I often get, from the people who want to dismiss me, “You know, my Aunt Nellie, she was clear as a bell at 94, and blah-blah-blah …” But as I said in the article, there are outliers. There are not that many people who continue to be active and engaged and actually creative past 75. It’s a very small number.

In the early 1980s, we had a theory that as we live longer, we’re going to stay in better health. You know, at 70, we’re going to be like our parents were when they were 50. Well, if you look at the data, maybe not. We’re having more disabilities. We have people with more problems. And even more important, for most people, is the biological decline in cognitive function. If you look at really smart people, there aren’t that many writing brand-new books after 75, and really developing new areas where they are leading thinkers. They tend to be re-tilling familiar areas that they’ve worked on for a long time.

I would like to maintain my vigor, my intellectual capacity, my productivity, all the way through to the end. But I think we also need to be realistic—that’s not the way most of us are going to live.

The world will exist fine if you happen to die. Great people, maybe even people greater than you, like Newton and Shakespeare and Euler—they died. And guess what? The world’s still there.

The above is a very abridged version of the original essay.

...but ya gets the point. 

I strongly believe we should be allowed to die when we're ready. I'm not far off from this. I'll be 70 next summer. I have a chronic condition that my doctor has told me has taken 10 to 15 years off my lifespan.
So effectively right now I'm really 80 or nearly 85.

Not the joke it sounds like.

Every year, and now every few months my abilities diminish. 

I get it. 
Personally I see two to four.

When I'm in hospital which is often now. I hear other elders weep, and pray for their assorted gawds to come save them. 
This is why I despise religions they rob you of dignity when you need it most.

Me I never believed any of that noise so I'm fine in that department. If Euthanasia were legal I'd go before Spring,...or with the first buds.

I'm very tired, and have become weaker. ...who cares. Still I've done what good I could, and want to go. Now. This before I end up a lump of suffering flesh. 
This in the corner of some dreary ward being poked at by medical students that would rather be getting laid, and drunk.

However I, and so many are condemned to a lingering end of pain want, and lonliness. The medical people that treat us have one goal,...keep us alive. No thought remotely of the quality of that life.

We're just old beat up cars they're tinkering on, and making jokes about. Yeah I hear that when they think I'm still out.

So 75 sounds good 70 even better.

We're supposed to die a while after we become elders. 
I always thought it nuts to deny this. Yeah I want to have beautiful days. I want to laugh with old friends with my sister, and cousins. I want to enjoy hot baths weird movies the fucking beach pastires, and cats.

However no,...I do fucking not want to live forever.

Who would if they thought it through.

I want to go on my Terms.

Monday, October 28, 2019

“Head of State“

He’s a vindictive child. He is without restraint empathy introspection calmness compassion wit judgement foresight or a dog. If he were a private citizen his family would be caring for him,…keeping him from causing trouble. Unfortunately he’s President of the United States of America.
This is why there is an ongoing process to remove him.
Like Speaker of the House Pelosi said she prays for him.
He spurned these prayers, but she persists. Even as she works to remove him. I tried praying for him. Even the disturbed in my experience have lucid days.
I prayed he’d have such a day. In that brief time he’d come to us tell the truth of his disabilities, and resign for the good of the republic. This is the best I can dream for him.

“Rumors of War“

I got caught up in thread on a friends page. This about the recent events in the Middle East. A poster was going on about how this nation is the worst in all history the most genocidal. I said we were amateurs at it. Other’s were far worse. His point was we did it in peacetime. I replied:
“It’s not peacetime hasn’t been since July 1914. That following August WW1 started. The first part of the 20th century’s 100 Year’s War. It ended on September 11th 2001.”
This is the messy aftermath. We call it the Terror Wars.
Historians will call it something else as time, and distance makes them clearer. This btw was the Second Hundred Year’s War. Historians are just beginning to recognize this,…we were so close we didn’t realize it was really one long awful War.
The First Hundred Years War was in the 14th century. So no all of our crimes after WW2 were part of that greater War. Korea the Cold War the overthrow of governments Vietnam all that. The other side with their murders overthrows, and destabilizations them too.
The sooner the blood drenched hand of the 20th century with it’s deadly passions failed ideologies revolutions that gave the world mountains of dead. Their perversions of science, and culture demented religions…all that.
As it dies away the sooner the 21st century with it’s unique problems, and hopes can begin.

"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...