Wednesday, October 30, 2019

"Found this from four or five years back..."


Sorry about just reprinting my Face Book notes here for now. I've been rather busy not dying, and all so you'll forgive me. While laying about gathering dust I've had all manner of ideas for projects to fill up my end of the void with.

The usual art crap, and spirit stuff that no one will care about, but which will make at least me chuckle. Caravaggio had the same idea. "Yeah" he thought. "Think I'll paint this weird crypto-sexual painting of an Angel boy"

'And he did.

Popes, and assorted rich guys have had it in their private collections for centuries...till publishing came along, and perverts like me, and Keith Haring got our own sweaty copies.

There's the little fucker up there.

He goes in, and out of fashion like wing tipped shoes...right now in a bit of disfavor for reasons we know too well. Then again there's that wonderfully insane Van Gogh.

Him Caravaggio, and Walt Whitman I'd loved to have sat down with for the night, and snorted speed coke, and drunk bottles of cheap wine. While bullshitting about the world the fucking universe, and everything.

Yeah I'd have really liked that.

Be back later.


  1. Even as the centuries flutter by, the classics hold up.

    BL will always be with us - because, as Goethe pointed out, it's part of human nature, and will remain so, no matter how much hysteria may happen to be mobilized against it at any given time.

  2. I mentioned this on the air.

    This back when Greco Dionysian arts could be discussed without torch light mobs descending on one.

    I remember in the 80's early in the hysteria when museums were under pressure even being raided by the FBI. This for displaying questionable classical nude sculptures, and paintings.

    It's still insane though not quite that insane, least not in Fortress Manhattan. Though time will tell.

    Till then make art on materials that can last. Gawd gave us rag paper for a reason ya know. Do that then hide it till sanity returns.

    Von Gloeden's fans did this which is how we still have a handful of his works to pass into the future.


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