Thursday, December 30, 2021


I've had these two for near 20 years.
They're as banged up and mended as I am.
My ma also had, and mended figurines.



"...Our days go by"

Symptoms ongoing. Mild to rough, but okay. I sleep much. Awake for just a few hours a day. I'm up poking about now. Taking care of life routines. Took out the trash got the mail had a cup of soup. Emailed family, and friends that I'm still okay. Listened to the Mikado. ... see/listen below.

Then back to bed. Loves ya. Be mindful be safe be kind.



I’m just sitting here…and sitting…and sitting. Sometimes I sleep and have dreams of sitting here. Anxiety nightmares depression. Are these part of the symptoms? What if back when I was seeing shrinks. I was seeing two. Long story. What if one of them fell asleep on me.

This while I’m spilling about the stupid traumatic horrors of my existence. What’s the etiquette for that? This sounds like a problem Thurber would have made a cartoon for in a 1928 New Yorker.
Still, what to do? Does one leave, and if you do should you pour pancake syrup over his head? Which you should always carry. Deduct his nap time? Perhaps also go to sleep as well then compare dreams?
And another thing.
What if I really was abducted with my aunt by them Saucer guys from her back yard in 1956. Then there’s all that Angel, and Demon stuff that went on when I was going to catholic school. That noise seemed pretty 3-D at the time. All these are my X-Files which Omicron has awakened.
Being so much closer to 100 than 20. I have tons of static in my head. The Pandemic era gave me loads of time to think about it. My film reviewer friend the late Paul Wunder always said, … “Everyone has at least one good script in them. One decent movie up their sleeves.”

Well, we’ll see.



FB Memory from a year ago today.
Once upon a time: “…pillbox”

I love this. My Ma, and Aunts used to take me with them when they shopped for hats, and dresses. I would sit and watch as they tried on this then that one. Chat with the lady…they’d laugh chat. This is where I fell in love with Pillbox hats. Those visits were sweet.
Very different than going to the hardware store or lumber yard with my Dad or Uncles.
Guys…well we’re a bit short on sweet chatting. …at least back then.

*If I could relive one of those moments. I might have the courage to ask my Ma for one.


"Procession of comedians"
By Jean-Baptiste Joseph Pater.

The 17th century had many plagues
wars and horrors.
Yet they still knew how to have a good time.



Eternity spoke. There was light.
She sang there was life.
She dreamed
and painted the void with love and fire.


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Given 2021/2020.

We should hold off saying anything "Happy" about 2022 for a few months then see. Otherwise drink heavily, and real sleep late.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

"...movement at the front"

Okay the latest from the front. MSN news sez da New York Omicron infection rate was 19.97% on Sunday. Near one in four of us. So as a pal said "'s not 'if' but when". Call it 20+%. By the time you read this it will be higher.

In a battle, with casualties like that you ask for terms. The upside is that if ya Vaxed you mostly won't die. There's very low perished numbers for the Vaxed so far. Basically, Brooklyn gunplay during a weekend heatwave. So not too bad.

Me I'm swell. Fever pains upper chest stuff always in change with the latter. Watching movies on Netflix. I like the space stuff. Watching all of Voyager.  Thanks, Karen

You good folks be smart be careful be kind.

"... Sleeping with Omicron"

So many dreams horrors, and wonders in Brownian motion.

I’m not sure if I dreamed this or did it, however: Once upon a time.
I took my dark matter pocket watch tapped in June 1956 CE, Queens. This to my aunt Agnes’s house. I walked a familiar block. Went to her side window. There she was with my then toddler cousin Henry. How I miss them and that far away world. I stood for a moment. Watched as they lived their lives. Quiet so precious. Walked on.
Lightning bugs. There were fireflies in and about the lawns, and hedges. These vanished in the 21st century. A Dairy Queen. Then new to the City. Think Starbucks with ice cream. I had a Sherbert cone and chatted with the lone clerk.
He asked about how I was dressed. I said I was from 2021. Came to look up family. Clerks see everything so wasn’t surprised. I said “…for me they all passed long ago.” Said he was sorry. Wanted to know if we went to the moon. I said yes …Mars too. He nodded. He was cool.
I paid with a 2018-dollar bill. Pressed recall shimmered neon blue. Poof …gone.

"...and then a nightmare"

We're 'already' in a damned Civil War.
We're just waiting for orders.


Monday, December 27, 2021


Much sleep.
So many dreams.
Horrors and wonders
in Brownian motion.



Years ago, on a cold wet Crown Street night.
I saw these figurines.
I was trudging home saw them in a window
and adopted them.
As soon as I got home I shot images.
It was as if they asked me to.
The wind the rain that night still live.
We are moments.
Some choose to stay alive within us.



"Sunflower Barbie"
This portrait is better for June.
However, it cheered me up.


"...night train"

I want to be on this Tram tonight.
Going away.
Going far far away.


Sunday, December 26, 2021


As I was telling my friend Louise Berry. Symptoms feel strange. Nothing in my sensory data base like it. Still, I'm resting thinking wondering sleeping. They say even for those my age, and with my assorted co-morbidities there's no serious danger. Being Vaxed to bits mostly insures this. Been thinking of my mortality during this whole thing. Have been near death so many times in my life. Illness violence accidents. I walked into a shooting about a month ago. A deranged guy fired ten rounds into a crowd ...and missed all of us. The quality of Brooklyn maniacs is disgraceful these days. Literally just ducked a COVID. Curiouser and curiouser. Otherwise, I'm fine. Loves ya. Look after yourselves. This will pass.

"...Thoughts on our times"

The Covid era will slowly change things.

Not quickly because of the profound inertias. We found how fragile everything is. The cracking supply chains. How vulnerable so many are. The rich fled. Most were stuck having to live, and work in deadly environments. Many thousands of workers got sick and died.
It’s become clear. Viscerally clear to all what a production culture values, and it’s not lives. This is having an effect. Slowly it may change how we function as an industrial/post-industrial culture.
Like the Depression showed that we couldn’t leave people to just starve. Social Security, and other very basic havens came from that. More, and better may in time come from this.
No reform or revolution could do this. It’s so big so wrong, and unjust it took a worldwide act of nature to start the change.

"...also ran"

I had a Hershey Bar for Christmas.
Two! With Almonds.
I ate them all up too!
I figured I deserved a prize for getting this far.

Happy New Year 2022.
I'm old enough for this to
be the title of a science fiction movie.


Saturday, December 25, 2021


Well, this shit should be interesting.
My Covid Journals it seems are not over.
There I was collecting them to put away.
Still more entries to come.
Of which this is one.

Symptoms mild for now.
Like a bad cold.
Omicron settles in the upper throat.
Unlike the others that go for the lungs.
There's a choking sensation.
As if fingers are pinching.

Other than assorted pains and flu/cold symptoms.
Some fever. That's it so far.
Well, I do sleep all day, and night.
Dizzy and I'm nuts. 
But then I was anyway.

Still no idea how I was infected.
It's profoundly infectious and airborne. 
So it literally could be anything.

I want ice cream. 
It goes down so easy.
It gets around that choking thing. 
Stay tuned.

I took the second Covid test.
This from the kit.
Still a winner.
Tested positive once more.

A Very happy 2022 to all.
Even me.
Btw that's an F7F my fav WW2 Navy bird.





"...deeds done"

My Xmas list was severely practical as it's been in these years. Freshwater groceries, and electricity. A few other things that go with these, but that's it. 

Well so far, I paid my electric water of a kind still comes out of the tap and dear pals got me some groceries for Christmas. So I'm just Jim dandy around here. Poverty sucks.

If I posted what's really on my mind my family, and pals would send the heat and them swell EMT folks to my digs pronto. Seems they'd rather I stuck around. Cashing in is so damned typical this time of year. Bleep it. I'll wait for a less conspicuous day.

Now for New Year's in quarantine. The third such.

There's bad news, and good news. 

Bad... Shit is shutting down like it did in 2020. Shops theatres airlines. This time 'round I'm infected like everybody else. Food prices are visibly increasing...ya has to be working class or poor to notice. American Nazis are organizing for a defensive genocide.  This to overturn Civil Rights and extinguish diversity. 

They been at it for years. They're just getting bigger guns.

Da good news #45 now sez he's all for them injections. Albeit because he wants bragging rights for inventing the vaccines in his kitchen one night. Wadda guy. Who knew? 

Putin's hissy fit has run its course. He's pulled back thousands of his troops from eye-balling their NATO opposite numbers. So that war had been put off again. 

That, and as I mentioned Biden has sent out Half a Billion COVID test kits to the country. Expanded vaccine distribution. Imagine if we had such a government at the start of this. Hundreds of thousands would still be alive.

That's about it.

Me... I'm still alive tho' not enthusiastic about it.

Happy New Year 2022.

If of an age that sounds as a title for a science fiction movie. Like an old radio pal sez: "Life is like Science Fiction."

Now go out, and cause trouble.

" of daze"

A swell Xmas to all!
Sez Bob da Bunny, and Santa.
Sez Bob:
"If ya driving don't shoot up and lay off da booze."


Friday, December 24, 2021


I wish we had Dark Matter old fashioned styled time-television. This so we could tune in the as it was going on. Unlike today with infinite platforms. 100,000 channels and nothing on. Back then there were six at most nine channels, and neat shit on all of them!

I'd watch a lot of morning kid shows the cowboy, and variety shows. Gun Smoke and or Gary Moore ring-a-bell? I'd keep clear of news but watch those cheerful commercials. Folks seemed so happy to have dish detergent and toothpaste.

Below a 1961 variety show Xmas special. Folks in it smoking cigarettes all over the place. Laughing enjoying mid-century shit. The American empire owned the world, and cars had bleeping fins. Also fleets of brand-new B-52's loaded to busting with H-fucking-Bombs. Just in case anybody got funny ideas out there. It was a swell time...for those that mattered. The rest like now were fucked.



A Winterland
made from this morning's
Christmas Eve gale of Snow.



Christmas Eve Snow.
This at dawn.
I went out sat on the front steps.
Took samples for study.


"Sanctus Matris Sator of Somnium"

My dear pal 
Sharon Martin
Radio's "Pickles of the North"
Holding an Angel.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...