Thursday, May 31, 2018

"Um,...this didn't go well.

Neither did this.

None of my toy cars were annoyed or injured 
during the production of this post.
The altered roadies are stunt doubles.


Nature is unaware of us.
We would be wise to remember that.

"Days Go By"

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


If you're looking at my other pages I decided to re-post some of what I'm doing here over on the "Sweetness, and Light" page. I moved from there a few weeks ago. However it seems no one other than my immediate pals have noticed.

The same numbers are show up over there. Whereas new folks are slowly appearing here unrelated to any other page I do.

As for my absence not being noted.

This happened once before. I ran away from home when I was nine or so,...nobody noticed. My note was where I left it unread. 
There's a short story in that. 
In the old days so long as you turned up alive for dinner no one paid much attention. It was an innocent time.

"The Wonderful World of Men"

I'm in mind of a rant about male-hood. I'm thinking of bullets, and Viagra. Both should be legal.

However they should be $200,000. bucks a pop. You want to shoot the place up,...swell. Then start saving when you're 12 for that great shoot out when your 30.  
Sure some multi-billionaires will be unaffected. What's $30 million for a hunting party. They spend that much already.

However for the NASCAR gun show crowd. Well they'll have to make do with sucking the shit out of #45's butt like they're doing now. Mind you some of the smarter ones with room temperature IQ's. These geniuses will be in their garage with their pals making their own ammo.

This carries it's own cure as most of these will explode in the chamber. Nature has a way of evening things out. 

As for compulsive fucking.

Men run everything,...for now. So instead of finding a cure for breast cancer, and other female tragedies. They found a way for themselves to stay horny, and stupid into old age.


"Seek medical help if erection lasts for longer than seven hours."


You fucking kidding me?! Isn't that just on the Nagasaki side of Throbbing Cock overkill? "Da fuck's s'matter with you morons? I foresee some sort of "Orgasmatron".

Guys will hook their aged weenies to it plug that sucker in, and it's old faithful for the rest of the week. This also carries it's own cure. These old dummies will be found much less than alive after a week or so of this,...with I assume demented toothless drooling grins all over them.

Till then Viagra, and no cancer cure.

This Nazi science wonder drug should be $5,000,000. per tab. So Likely future customers should start saving their paper route money now. 

Thing is men are dogs. 

We're talking dogs with Atomic Bombs, and wear sox. We just fucking are. Like I said in the post further down civilization just isn't our thing. We only put up with it for the booze, and the hope of getting laid by somebody,...anybody.

The end.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Showgirls or Captive gals playing chess. 
This between acts at the "Latin Quarter" in 1958.

Future historians will view this as an image of Slaves.
Captive 20th century wage, and sex slaves.

Future texts will say,...

"Unlike the slaves of the 19th century. 
Slaves in the 20th, and 21st were owned by corporations. 
Who unlike the earlier masters did not feed or house them.
Rather they paid them a small wage. This which kept them just above starvation roughly housed, and clothed."
"This form of Slavery lasted well into the 22nd century."

"Valued Slaves were paid a larger wage. This gave them the illusion of freedom. Such amused their owners."

I was born in the wrong century.
Either hundreds of years too late or centuries too soon.
I think this may be a common problem.


Desire is inexplicable. Given that we live in a complex  contradictory world culture. Where there's nearly eight billion of us destroyer of worlds running around loose. Each with an ever changing set of desires. Orientations. That, and each of us under pressure to keep them quiet.

This because to keep any kind of order we have a standardized set of norms for everyone.

A set that has nothing whatever to do with what the sweaty lot of us would otherwise die or kill for, least in our dreams. We spend our whole lives in primal want. It is no wonder our world is an unending slaughter house.

However there have been attempts at solutions in fiction.

Samuel Delany's "Lawless Zones" in his novel "Triton". The TAZ "Temporary Autonomous Zones" from Hakim Bey. The "Red Hour" from Star trek prime. This on a world where all law is suspended at a specific time.
The very popular "Mad Max" clones. This where post end of society war lords murder, and rape to the cheers of their adoring fans. This I think is what most males in any society want. Civilization was never a good fit for men.

The above are the only alternatives I'm aware of.

As for what Freedom would really look like. I mean for real. Well considering that otherwise normal folks have sexual dreams involving door knobs small mammals, and carpentry tools I shudder to imagine.

I think most forms of personal freedom would not look much like mine. Which tends towards Hippie Be-ins of a half century ago. Most would be of the above "Mad Max" sort.

Guys just like that sort of thing. Banners wars guns rape power, and booze are their core desires. For now they have to make do with joining the Nazi party or some such nationalist gang.

"Monsters from the id", the unseen power of our primal wants.

... see below, and Google it.

So those soul killing standardized values is all that's keeping the lid on. Sort of like the Cold War held back all those ethnic genocides. However there may still be a way out, no idea what, but it's nice to say.

Research continues.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

"Fresh Paint"

The crew finally came to plaster, and paint my digs. This after the "Blaze of the Century".  So far so good. It's about 3/4 done. Then they suddenly all left. 


I was in my bedroom, and didn't know they'd gone.
I hope they come back. A City Inspector came yesterday asking when the crew would come. They'd send a City crew if nothing happened . An inspector came a few days before as well. I guess got the ball rolling.

As for finishing the job we'll see. Heck give me some paint, and I'll finish it. Anyway the smell of plaster, and fresh paint got me into a renewal head. I took down the curtains, and dragged them to the laundry,...dragged everything else too.

New fresh digs...eventually, and everything freshly washed.

ate Spring Cleaning, but still. It's a quality of life thing.

"Wild Boys"

"Wild Boys" fight for a Revolution we can believe in.

They'll  hold mass pie throwing's at the cruel One Percent.
In slow, and entertaining manners.

Just 63 of these guys hold 1/3 of the whole world's wealth.
That, and they want more!

They'll open the granaries. Cleanse the water tables.
Dump all the gold in Fort Knox into the Mariana Trench.
They'll tell the Truth.

They'll free all the wage slaves!
 Erase every episode of the "Walking Dead". 
Make life a university of joy!
Hold speed racing contests with jets fighters.
Burn temples of cultist worship, and build palaces for the homeless 
hungry, and fucked over...with free cable, 
and high speed unblocked connections.

Then they'll establish the Free Lunch for all!

All this on the first day.
After that they'll get serious.

"Happy Stroller Pusher Day"

Remember these guys?
They used to Blackmail En-trap to arrest Beat , and Murder us.
However now we're all friends.
Newspapers that used to print the home addresses telephone numbers. Places of employment, and photos of those busted in Queer bars. 

That or busted just for walking while Queer. Well them guys now sponsor the Stroller Pusher parades.

I was told point blank by a former "gay' comrade when I pointed this out. "Com'on we should forget the past".

This fool literally said this.
I think of Queer Berlin in 1929 or 1990 Muslims in the Balkans'
That thought they were integrated into the mainstream.

They weren't as their ashes attest.

I mention the oblivious because it's getting on that time again.
"Oh Brave New World,..."

Friday, May 25, 2018

Besides mass murder in our middle schools, and all of the venal ugly little #45 inspired atrocities that have become normal these days. Besides this I've noticed this summer that I don't feel heat the way I used to.

It's now 87f degrees, and I'm just swell. All comfy, and nice watching weird stuff on YouTube. Like all the other retired proles.

I remember I bought an air conditioner for my older Aunt Tempy because I thought she was suffering from the extremes of NYC heatwaves,...Not. 
She just sat there watching TV with a room temperature glass of water in 90f temps happy as can be. 

"Oh this heat feels fine!",...said she.

I imagine there were geriatric reasons for this. Whatever they are it seems I've caught up with her finally. 
I find I hardly use my air conditioner anymore either. 
Just like Auntie used to tell me. "I don't use that contraption much it just makes it too cold in the house."

Her visiting nurse mentioned to me that my Auntie would turn it on when she knew I was coming by to look in on her. That, and shut it off as soon as I left. 

However I still drink lots of ice tea. eh,...non-sugared.

Another school shooting this afternoon. 30 shots fired. Two known wounded so far. The situation is ongoing at this time. 
The American Civil Wars continue.

The American Civil War is not Over.
It's at 157 years, and counting.

There I am in the kit of the 9th U.S. Colored Cavalry

Thursday, May 24, 2018

"Zilla back in the Day"

Yep before that drug thing the bad marriages.
The fucked up merchandise deals with the studio. 
The libel case with King Kong. Then the rip off retirement. 
Old Godzilla was someone to recon with.

A retired Godzilla.

In old jeans, and his stocking feet. Too tired, and annoyed to stomp on anything anymore. "Zilla thinks, " the jerks. Right they'll probably sent them little tanks next like they always do."

"Gimme a break."

'ol Godzilla just carefully pads about town careful to bother no one or step on anything.  He figures, " week I'll come back, and just sit, and read the damned papers. See what they make of that."

"Message from Satan"

First thanks to everyone that tuned in. I just came by to say what a great job you're doing in fucking up each other, and the world so well. 
I couldn't be happier with you. 
Also, and this was a surprise you elected as head of state of your most powerful nuclear armed tribe,...wait for it. 

A complete disturbed drooling buffoon. 

He isn't even intelligent enough to be evil. Amazing I was afraid the safe guards against that were impregnable. Silly me. 
Well what can I say. 
Any moment now this guy might blow your shit literally to Hell. 
So thanks, and It looks like I'll be seeing the whole demented unworthy lot of you in the lower depths far sooner that even I imagined.

Eh, Bernie isn't going to save you.

You're all going to hell so get used it. So go out, and commit as many sins as ya can. ...extra points for depraved creativity.

See you all soon.

(...I'm not that guy with the Horns in the post below. He just plays me on the radio. Odd since he's going to heaven. Well that's show biz.)

"Shelter from the Storm"

About that Umbrella of mine that I take portraits of from time to time. I originally got it maybe 14 years ago at the South Street Seaport.
This at the tip of pre-Sandy Manhattan.

The shop ended up under 26 feet of water for a day or so.
Hey new Climate what can ya do?
As for the famed Umbrella it survived fine.
I use it once a year at the Annual Coney Island Mermaid's Parade.

The rest of the time it sit open in my living room. A bit of smoke damage from the recent fire downstairs. 
However unlike my lungs it's good to go!

Below are some of my old radio pals that I still hang out with. I got kicked out, but thanks Marconi they stayed on the air.
Here they are several years back at the Parade. 

There's Sharon, and Anne-Marie. 

Also "Uncle Max" with Anne-Marie.
Known to millions or at least thousands as "Mr., and Mrs. Satan".
I'm behind the camera.

"...found this"

No idea what's happening here.

"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...