Wednesday, December 28, 2022

"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>> 

This due to tech problems with Blogsplot. 
The other page was/is where I put my stories. 
Now it'll have my deranged rants as well. 

So get over there.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

"...I'm outta' Here!"

I'm moving over to my Book of Days Blog "Book of Days" (

As I just posted to our dear long-time comrade and pal "Z" I'm moving. This since there's problems here. Blogsplot is fucked up. ...again. I can post new things here, but you'll only see the few items in the current page. Years of stuff is cut off. I can see it on my control panel. But folks can't. The whole right column with links to my other pages and past post is gone.

So yeah, I'm moving over.

I'll post new stuff here as a mirror of current things. However, it will only be the 4 or 5 items the page can show. However, these plus ongoing threads will be over on "Book of Days". So go over there instead. Swell. I always enjoy complications and Happy New Year to you and yours. It's going up into the 20's and 30's. A serious heatwave coming. I'll lay in hot dogs' fries and lemonade!

Btw the above issue of the New Yorker was issued literally the day before I was born. So the faeries work in mysterious ways...what with my move. That and the New Yorker was Twenty Cents and no sales tax! It's currently setting smarty pants cosmopolitan and their wannabees back $8.99 a pop!

That's $107.88 cent a year here in our fading year of 2022, CE
As opposed to $24. buck back in da year of da Lawd 1950, AD

If it weren't a gift subscription from a cousin, I'd be missing out on all those reviews of unwatchable experimental plays and adverts for zillion $$$ estates I could buy. I only really bother for the cartoons. I've a pal that does some over there. He did a faerie thing once as a nod to our being pals. Does this make me famous once removed? 

Friday, December 23, 2022

It was 56f/13c at noon it’s now 4:30pm and 24f/-4c.
At 9:00pm its forecast to be 9f/-12c. Brooklyn dusk from my steamy kitchen window. Sub-freezing Christmas weekend ahead.
Stay in keep warm.

I stay up to write or watch old movies.
As we move on we become more like cats.
We stare at spirits we eat we dream we sleep.
Love has no season no boundaries no fear.



"...we exist"

The greatest threats to Nazis 
in the whole world.
The lad brings terror to every Kluxer and Nazi 
that even images him.
At top Marsha Thomson. "Miss Marsha"
Just by her existing Kluxers fled!
Known in the community loved and remembered.
I knew her when I was a kid.
She was found murdered.

Her Spirit Lives
We Live.


Beware inking down of your dreams.

They'll either end up in some future scripture or as evidence at your trial. 

We need a gender translation book for dummies. Make a useful holiday gift. I'm not even sure where I am on the scale. My color on da Rainbow flag would be 'Infrared'. I've dear friends whom I no longer know how to address. I tried "...hey you" but they didn't like that either. There's a situation comedy in this somewhere.

I'm an old school mid-20th century Queer. The whole point back then was to stop people from hurting us. Marriage adopting the works. That was science fiction to us. I’m glad we’re moving along but at heart before the alphabet soup era. We just wanted to be left alone and not hunted beaten or killed.

Life here in the future. I wonder what it’s like to be a Trans Gendered kid now. Like I wonder what a post Jim Crow youngster feels. These folks are different from me and my generational cohort. They have problems but not the ones we had. It’s still dangerous even deadly but we have moved along for both.  Thing is we don’t have a clue about the human heart or the formula for the perfect doughnut.

100 years ago, they explained Queers as the Third Sex and called it a day. 40 years after that we became Gay. Moved on to Lesbians and Gays then all those ever-changing letters now this. Gender-fluidity. It even sounds like it’s from the future. Wonder what ol’ George Jetson would make of this. You youngsters google him. 100 years from now if they ain’t wiped us out. They’ll see the “Fluidities” in the same way we view that Third Sex mayhem. We live we learn we change

Monday, December 19, 2022

"...unwanted history"


*From my COVID Journals. December 14th, 2020. 

So I'm in bed late this afternoon. The sun already down it looks like two in the morning. A loud knock. Finally, the cops have come to shoot me. Thought they'd never get here. No 9mm drama this time. 'Just a helpful neighbor checking on an old guy to make sure I ain't dead yet. This happens now. 

Since March eight died of the Virus in the building...mostly old folks. The knock was from my upstairs pal. She hadn't seen me in days. I'm a shut in that’s what I do. Keeps knocking just won't leave. She really wants me to be alive. I opened up, and we masked, and distanced chatted for a few minutes. I told her I was having the usual times we all are. She confirmed she's got the same, and that staying sane is the secret. She’s a kindly soul. ...said I was a favorite. She liked my stories of the ancient times I lived through all that. Sweet kid. Thoughtful smart. I think I'm a grandpa figure for her. I do the best I can. 

Today's numbers. I'll more than understand if you stop here.

419,000+ so far perished. About twice all U.S. combat deaths in WW2. 11,264 persons in this republic who were alive on this day a week ago are now perished thanks' to COVID. 

20k+ a week infected, and now over 3000+ die every day. 

CDC sez expect those numbers to be sustained for the next 60 to 90 days.  We are in a major War despite the slow drip of Vaccine slipping through. Even less because #45 in one of his final acts of cruel insanity won't fund wide distribution. 

The vaccine sits in warehouses thanks to him. To the last vindictive disturbed cruel. I’d love to survive to see what history sez of these years. These people these times. Otherwise, I'm fine. Btw look in on folks you ain't seen. Call them zoom them text email heliograph telegraph bang on the wall or call to their window from the street. Like me they'll appreciate the effort.

*These Journals many wrote and still write are not for us. 

We don't care didn't care refused to care and just want to forget get laid fight make money and get high. Swell fine. All this will be forgotten...till next time. These works are for them. 

For next time. Which will be much sooner than expected.

"...Crown Street, 2:46 am 29f/-1c"

From one of my Mid-Night walks.
As a friend warned.
"Don't tickle the Dragon's tail.
It might awaken and notice you."


Sunday, December 18, 2022



Other than ‘Uncle’ my friend Elizabeth
just baptized me with the title:
"Daydreamy nightwalking broken down old fairy”.
Baptized with Lightning! 

T-shirts and hats on da way



Went for another midnight wander. A dear friend here said " careful". It was raw wet cold. Which is why I went. Too grim for the usual maniacs. Like I mentioned I like the cold. It envelopes it's sharp mysterious. That and my meds kicked in. ...thanks Doc.  A Dear pal Elizabeth commented that such walks were not possible for her. Her words below:

“As old and weak as you always portray yourself, as a woman I’d still not feel safe to do this, though I have always wanted to be able to. As unclassifiable as you feel, be glad for this pleasure alone that you’re in a male body.”

This struck me deeply. My reply:

Elizabeth “...I am profoundly aware of this. It's dangerous out there but being male makes it manageable. There are situations during my walks where if I was a Woman or Jewish or visibly Trans my life would be in danger. I know where I am who I am and who I am not. As a kid there were whole parts of this City where walking those streets would be life threatening. You still have to live that. That refuses to go away. Kindness gentleness thoughtfulness are no shields against this. There is only time and very slow uneven and insincere social progress. The Progress of a whole generation as we've seen that can be undone in one Court decision. This is who we are.”

Elizabeth replied:

“...think of me sometimes when the night air is like a startling tonic."


Out and about last week. Went to the Mc-Clinic had a Sonogram. Still not pregnant. Visited old pals. Stories laffs and wondering if Putin will ruin everyone's holidays with canned sunshine. Upside finally got that new phone thanks to cool pals. Tailor made for elders...It's a bleeping 'telephone' ...period. There was a dusting of snow at dawn. May be first real day of Winter. Wandered about. Temps at or near freezing. I wasn't dressed for the part so went home. If in the northern hemisphere bundle up. Took a snap of Mars with a very dear pal on the way to the train. Bright in the sky at dusk. Be well.

"...diabetic shock"


Tales of yester-year. Box tops, and da neat stuff ya sent away for. It was just a marketing scam, but it was fun. Ya sent produce box tops for all sorts of useless scraps of cardboard, and bright colored plastic gewgaws. Like below which looks suspiciously like a paper Mig-3. Then there were the things that came with the hyper-sugared diabetic shock cereal. I can't imagine how it would work today. Would a kid get a free bong in a box of Ganja flakes?


" daze"

Was doing Yule cleaning in my digs Found an old note from a passed on dear friend. A missive from him chatting about a show I had just done. He usually came on after me in the rotation but was home with flu that time.‎

Simon Loekle‎ to Sidney Smith

December 15, 2012, at 1:48 PM · 

This is just to say I greatly enjoyed your show this morning. I mean everything was pretty much the same as if I had been at the station, except I wasn't wearing a suit, and I didn't have to walk 100 yards to have a cigarette, and I didn't have to cross off my work sheet points you so excellently make. 

Yr rapid fire "zingers" are delicious "it tastes just like the can it comes from" got me laughing so hard I coughed well into the next program.  Hoping this Mayan end time thing pans out, I remain, as ever, yours: Simon Loekle.

He was a swell brilliant colleague and a heartful friend.


Before dawn I went for another frozen constitutional. Above shot with my camera which has the same astral resolution as Galileo's telescope. ...I'm in good company. It was 32f~0c. Exactly freezing. I love the cold and snow. Snow I enjoy by watching from a warm kitchen. The cold I love by walking in it. Crisp deep even mysterious. I wandered my hood which was once farmland. Before that wilderness and home to the “Lenape Nation”. Pronounced “Lenn-op-pee”. Here for many thousands of years before the Earth became real-estate. I wonder of their watching the stars and honoring the seasons. This especially now at Yule. Everything here is built over their bones. I think of them as I walk.  

I stopped at a Bodega on the way back. These open 24 hours. Think 7-11 with a human face. My dear sister Sylvia has been helping me with practical things. So I’m now well enough to wander about. Got little holiday tangerines and cashews. Yule treats. It's the small, pleasant things. The little kindnesses we have and share. The dignity of all souls deserves it. 

Elenore Roosevelt put “Freedom from Fear” in the United Nations founding Charter for a reason. Like “Pursuit of Happiness” in our Constitution. For now, ignored but in times to come...that is what we aspire towards. Small good, and kindly things...nuts tangerines...the right to vote freedom from hunger and violence we aspire to this. 

Below the dancing Buddha. Saw this a few years ago and had to collage him into something. So there he is on stage for the world to dance with him. Btw looked at Satellite maps. If you're in the U.S. Midwest or Northeast take care storms blizzards and flying walnuts coming. Stay home as much as ya can. Be safe loves ya.


The origins of my honorary title "Uncle"

Centuries ago, I accidentally produced a Kids Radio Show. I was passing the Program Directors office. Stephen Erickson at the time...a pal. Anyway, he comes out, and asks, "...Hey Syd, you wanna do a different sort of show?"  What da hell. I sez "yes", and we was off to da races. 

A lesson. If you’re in the Biz and they ask you to do a movie a play even a radio program...say bleeping yes. If they ask if you can you speak Croation and ride a horse say...Yes!  You can handle da details later. The secret is being in the right place right time then signing. 

I titled the series "Child's Play”. I did it for several years, and it turned out to be popular. Who knew? Years later I met grown-up folks who were kids that used to listened...imagine. My good on-air comrade R. Paul Martin back then began calling me "Uncle". The rest of the staff followed his lead soon after the listeners. It stuck for the next 37 years. From that day in 1985 to this moment in another century. 

Along the way I became a real Uncle and now a Granduncle. Indeed now an ‘Uncle’ to many good folks around the world. Thanks to the wonders of Mr. Internet’s amazing invention. Oh, the days of our lives. 


Bits, and Pieces. Every single object below has a history a reason. A purpose in my life. Every bit. Same as you. Look around your home ...a history a purpose. Such are the tangible fragments of our lives.


Speaking of life support. I notice the waves of suspicious items targeted at elders. Phony Social Security Medicare and $timulus give outs crappy iPhones flaky insurance. Did I mention useless meds? I can’t say every one of these is a scam. Just 98% and the other 2% needs close looking at. Otherwise, being an elder is swell. You no longer put up with bullshit and say so. You could drop dead and don’t care. You do and say shit you always wanted. You don’t get pop culture...except for your own. Hendrix Motown da Beatles! That and you vote like crazy. Also sometimes folks are nice to you for still being alive despite the world’s best efforts to vaporize you. Best of all it’s the general and gleeful attitude of ‘bleep it’ I enjoy the most. Happy Holidaze.

We learn we give we endure we love.



It's cold almost Christmas that and a big snow coming. So of course, I thought of Dante. Earth as most know is one of the moderate levels of hell. Sure it gets real bad sometimes...the Black Death Twitter Disneyland. However mostly it's just the usual dreary crap we all deal with. Like a planetary prison work release program. Our first invention was fire, the second religion to explain it. There's Dante above. Showing off his tourist roadmaps of Hades

"...Our Times"

From my 2020 Covid Journals.

Our flag at half-mast. She flutters in front of historic PS~167. This in my 'Hood. I took the image on March 28th, 2020, at the start of local Lockdowns.  She remains at half-staff 297 days later. I woke today to new numbers. To put it in context. The U.S. combat deaths in WW2 was 297,557. The CDC reported today's U.S. COVID perished as 308,957. We have just fought a Great War.

*This from December 2020. American totals still rise but thanks to vaccines slowly. Over One Million One Hundred Thousand as of this writing in late December 2022.

Most wish to forget.

This is why at the start it was asked that we all keep Journals of these times. Many did some still do. We wrote and do write not for today. Memories are short and we seem to want it that way. We write for the future.


Friday, December 16, 2022

 "...Plague years"

From my COVID Journal. December 28, 2020

The National Cathedral bells rang 300 times for the Pandemic dead in this country. *The CDC put it at 308,557 perished since February 2020. More than all the U.S. combat deaths in WW2. The bells tolled once for each 1000 people perished. To my knowledge this is the first official show of acknowledgment to what has happened to us. During #45's administration there was no observing of the deaths no words for the mourning. That administration dismissed the entire thing. The head of state saying, "...we should just get over it, and go back to work." This has passed our better selves have spoken. Now we acknowledge our times.

As of this reposting in December 2022 the national perished is 1.5 Millions ~1,100,000+.

Variations of the virus continue to infect and kill into 2023.

I was infected twice over these years...after the vaccine.

The 2021 Vaccines keep not all but many alive but doesn't stop infection.

"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...