Friday, July 31, 2020

It's so damned hot it's taking the fun out of the end of the world. That, and my elder stuff seems kicking in more. It's like my body got the memo it was 70, and acted accordingly. Mostly I'm very tired, my grandma became.

I remember asking my Ma why grandma had to be asleep all the time. She said older folks needed their rest. Grandma had just turned 70. Swell.   I'm hanging around my digs watching the seasons pass, and watching old movies I love. 
Mostly that sweet thoughtful pre-post modern stuff. 
The Human Comedy" directed by Clarence Brown,...see below.

It was done in 1943. This early in WW2 when the outcome was far from certain. It centered on an extended family. How they, and their friends coped with the war. Having boys in the service the struggles of the late depression era,...and their humanity. All of those small things that turn out to have vast meanings.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The American century is over. As WW1 ended the 19th century. Globalizing tech our long culture wars, and the pandemic ended the American Era.
Only a handful of nations scattered around the world now accept U.S. passports. See map. This may be slow to change vaccine or not.

Historians might mark the Moon landings as our height.
Our end are effects of changing world economies, and internal disunity.
The long culture wars driven by ethnic rivalries, and vast economic injustices. These worsened by the Trump discontinuity, and official in-action on the Pandemic.

These things showed the world that they no longer needed us.
That they could, and are now adjusting their economies, and alliances. They are doing this, and are moving on,...without us.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Dog Days of High Summer.
This got it's name in Roman times.
Them folks thought the appearance of the star Sirius 
Made it real hot in summer.

Such primitive times!

In fact it's now known that
it's the devil smoking a pipe on his back porch.
I mean this stands to reason.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

These Times.

Our disturbed head of state is sending federal mercenaries to liberal governed states, and cities to "restore order" As he expected this has great popularity with his base. 

Reading their posts they support shoot to kill orders. 
At this time in our history 40% of Americans are voicing support for shooting en masse in the streets other Americans. This with our head of state cheering them on.

Our head of state further threatens to send various regions tens of thousands more mercenaries to suppress disloyalty to his rule.

Simultaneous there are now three New York level COVID disasters in progress at the moment. At our peak  the City...just NYC not the State of New York NYC was seeing 1000+ perish a day from the virus. 
Add the dead, and infected from the state at that time multiply it by three, and you have the Pandemic in our republic on this hot summer night.

The CDC though censored by #45 still said that there may be as many as another 30,000 that's Thirty Thousand dead Americans from the virus in three weeks. About mid-August.

At or near 30,000 people alive tonight will be dead in three weeks.
Most maybe a majority of these might have lived. The New York dead may have lived if we had a rational plan a national plan for containing the virus. 
Most nations in the world did this, and avoided mass infections, and death. We at the national level ignored it. Our head of state still is saying it "...will just magic." His exact words then, and now.

This is where we are.

I think we have to plan for what we will do if he is re-elected which he may well be. Given the state of the nation. The suppression of votes the questionable value of polls, and future disturbed behaviors of the head of state.

We need to think about what we will do to save what may be left of this republic. I wish I was being alarmist. I think I'm in fact being moderately cautious.

"Romani Victores"
Speaking of small town heat around the country getting powerful Army surplus. Apparently a New Jersey Roman Legion re-enactors club was given vintage jeeps, and trucks with mounted .50 cal machine guns.
Seems the Army surplus guys thought they were the town police. The Legionnaires really like them! They later requested vintage "Sherman's" or "Patton's" that the Feds might want to unload. Heck wouldn't mind one of these myself.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Senator Mitt Romney sez that #45 will win despite the polls. I think he's right. Like last time polls don't matter. Also true kids do-not-vote. These are busy being kids. The youth in the streets are not the mass of youth who are uninterested. Minorities do vote.
However because of steady work by republicans over decades that vote is effectively suppressed,...most of the time. Yeah, and he's an incumbent that's a big deal even for him. Like last time he'll lose the popular a few more millions, but he'll still win. Then he'll set about a rage of vengeance against the 50% that refused to support him.
Most of this country...not all, but most will just go along. Things being what they are life will just go on. This because that's who we are. What will he do? Perhaps build Confederate memorials like he said he would. Overturn the 1964 Civil Rights Act also because as he said racism is over. He'll ignore the millions of evicted jobless from our collapsed economy.
Demonstrators will be shot in the streets, and or given life sentences,...Barr will see to this. We'll leave NATO more trade wars. COVID will kill near two Millions Americans. In the next four years he'll do all the really insane weird cruel, and dangerous things he could not do the first time.
Oh,...and California parts of Washington state, and Oregon, and perhaps the Northeast will attempt to leave the Union. California will get out for sure. New York,...we're too chaotic to manage that.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The Emerald City.
It's as fucking Hot as it looks.

Niqab chador Hijab Islamic Barbie.
#45's worse nightmare.

Wow that didn't take long!
Above posters already!
The feds are kidnapping folks off the streets
of Portland, and soon other cities.

Part of #45's tuff guy thing.
He couldn't get the Army to do his dirty work.
You recall how the entire Pentagon 
told him to fuck off!

Like they say...
"We only kill for the Constitution.
You have a local job call the cops."

He did.

I look forward to the t-shirts
Maybe some nice Hoodies for fall.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Went out to sit on the Parkway this afternoon. It was only 95f today...103f in my kitchen as usual. Anyway I figured I get some sun for a change. Vitamin D from the sun helps the immune system, Colored folks of which I seem to be one are hit harder by the Virus. 

This for the usual reasons. 

Anyway I sat there socially distanced as hell. this because no one else was fucking insane enuff to sit in the sun in da middle of a deadly heatwave. Hey I thought it would be healthy.

Of course I fell asleep, and got fucking fried. Woke up darker than expected, and with a headache. Got my damned "D" though!

I stumbled back to my digs took a shower drank serval gallons of ice water, and generally passed out till evening. 
Before that though I took some snaps of my doll pals. ...above, and note the halo on the top pix...cute that.

There they are Brooklyn Geisha Kiko, and Air France Barbie hanging out in my 100f degree digs...except for the bedroom. that's fucking refrigerated to hell.

Btw #45 is deploying Federal troops to democratically run cities to stir up trouble. Ya know basically kick ass arrest, and torture to get a violent reaction. This so he can as he put's it,...DOMINATE THE STREETS!!!. 
His caps, and exclamation points from his tweets about this. 
He figures this will go down real well with his Nazi will too.

Below footage of them doing a grab. Listen as they tell onlookers, 

"...If you follow us you will be shot!"

Interesting shit huh?
Ain't life grand.

101f~38c as Air France Barbie takes readings in my baked kitchen.
Official Central Park temp is 96f.
They should take that temp in Times Square...a rotisserie.
Or Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn.
That joint is hotter than a fire cracker going off up Satan's butt!!
Stay inside drink ice cold iced tea...un-sugared.
That, and sleep.
Mammals do this in nutty weather. Just ask your cat.

Monday, July 20, 2020

July 1969. A time of Hope, and Imagination.
Woodstock, and we landed a couple of folks on the moon.
We went to the Moon not once, but many times.
Soon we'll go back.

We did a robotic survey of the whole bleeping Solar system,
and sent four probes beyond to the Stars.
...not bad that for just 51 years.

Ancient Israelites arguing at the National Health Plan luncheon.
"Well are Women included or not?! ...and what about them Reform weirdos?

Sez da Rabbi,..."First we eat,..."
Btw which of you mashuganas' ordered the pork chops?"

Above is my first or one of my first attempt at Jewish humor. I mean I was a Shabbos goy as a kid. So I got the gist,...kinda.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

95F~35c at my kitchen window sill. A few degrees cooler officially. They take readings in Central Park,...where no body lives.
I'm watching the whole "Lord of the Rings" series through the "Hobbit' movies. In my refrigerated bedroom. That should get me through this. Below the Emerald City baking, feels as hot as it looks.

It was way too hot to cook in the kitchen. So I sat, and took some pixs of my little pals. Then it got too hot for even that. Remember,...Hydrate! The sun is now directly overhead. Walk in the shade. Better yet stay home like we're supposed to.

Here the sun went broadside literally bleaching the images out. 
As I sat there the temps went up five degrees.
I closed shop for the day.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

This just in,....The National Weather Service today announced that after Tuesday July 23, 2020 at 11:48am. After this date, and time there will be no more weather. At least none as we currently understand it. This being because of our coming encounter with the Black Hole "Wolf 359".
Black holes as most know are profoundly mysterious. A feature of their nature as we now suddenly know is that they can appear anywhere at anytime. This some astro-physicists belatedly say may explain some aspects of Dark Matter.
Not that this matters now, to speak.
The outer Event Horizon of Wolf 359 will touch down 250km from the coast of California, and move with the rotation of the Earth westward. Boiling the seas in front of it as it goes. Behind this the earth possibly to a depth of 50 miles will be stripped into the Hole. Some think to the core as the earth itself is devoured whole.
In front of the event horizon wave the boiling ocean will slowing scald all life slowly to death. There is no possible shelter. This as reported will take a full earthly rotation to complete. So 24 hours from the initial contact the world will be no more.
If the surface is stripped to the 50 miles anticipated it's possible that within two to three billion years the planet will "heal".
Though it would not be an "Earth" we would recognize. Some scientists project that it would be closer to the current "Mars" model with a possible light atmosphere. Whereas some kind of life 'may' re-evolve this is unlikely.
As for reactions to this sudden interesting news President Trump says he will stay in Florida, and play golf. He also just resigned. "Fuck this shit. I did it on a dare anyway"
The new President is Slone Gibson the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and 17th in line of succession. The rest had other plans. The President has announced a "National Block Party" to begin at 9am Monday, and to last till the consumption of the earth that Tuesday morning.
The party will be funded by the National Treasury.
"Basically all the material needs, and wants of the American people will be met. 
"Of course" said the new President, "...we could have been doing this all along, but the evil shit heads that ran things thought you were no better than slaves so treated you accordingly."
The new, and now very popular President also opened our national secret archives for both scholars, and the curious to examine. Turns out them UFO guys are real. Their recent disappearance no doubt linked to the approach of "Wolf 359". It btw was in humor named after an episode in the "Star Trek" mythology.
Also yes as assumed it was a combination of wealthy elites business interests the intelligence community of this, and other nations that killed the Kennedy brothers as well as Dr. MLK. Cures for most kinds of cancers were found in the mid-1980's but kept from the population for economic reasons. Those wealthy elites of course has access to them.
This, free tuition free lunch, and flying cars jet packs no glasses needed for real 3D-TV hyper-quantum internet have been in existence for 20 years, but were also kept from the world. With the exception of the elites, and military.
The reaction from the religious leaders of the world was predictable. 
The Dali Lama is reported to have said, "...I told you so" Pope Francis, "...and you deserve every bit of it you selfish greedy shits!". Also that guy on the "700 Club" stunned wept into the camera, "...'The Fuck?!!"
Locally obscure blogger collage artist, and even more obscure former radio personality Uncle Sidney was rather at ease with the whole thing. Uncle on hearing of the coming weird, and rather painful end of the world revealed himself as a minor member of the Angelic realm.
"I was in lower middle management" said Uncle.
"I finally pissed off enough bosses to get sent to earth as a clerk. My job was cataloging comic books, and really bad novels." "Btw" Uncle went on. "This shit is not just the end of you guys down here."
"All of the human made religions, and gawds are toast. This includes their spiritual bureaucracies as well."
Uncle mused, "Sorry, but that whole Abraham thing from which us Angels came was sort of made up. However with so much human energy poured into it for so long it became,...well sort of real. Hard to explain. Anyway when humanity goes the energy goes with it so all your heavens hells or whatever is toast on Tuesday along with everything else around here.
Me I'm taking president what's his name's offer to get neat stuff. I gots my eye on a hot pink 1956 "Thunderbird",...ya know with that little "porthole"? Yeah that if they can find one in time.
However all may not be lost,...Uncle goes on.
"Um,...I must say at this point. I mean still having a bit of connection with all that spirit jazz."
"Nothing may happen."
"The Ultra-verse is weird. Ya know like that big Blizzard we were supposed to get here in NYC the other winter. At literally the 'last' moment it went north, and we got drizzle instead."
"Well "Wolf 359" may well do the same, and disappear back into whatever dark matter corner it came from. Just saying."
"Also Trump may want his job back."
More on this developing story as events warrant.

Monday, July 13, 2020


Small details of a life. This as we stay within our walls for months on end...and start noticing details. I was just chatting with my FB pal Justin Belshe. Mostly about life culture, and history. We got to yakking about the little details of everyday living in our digs. 

He showed how he has has Kindle 10 on an arm over his bed so he can watch movies. I showed him my plastic earth over my bed...the city lights come on at dusk, and fade at dawn. Four bucks at the dollar store...I have a moon somewhere, but never put it up. 

I ought to dig the damn thing out, and bang it onto the wall too.

"Good News!"

Florida has peaked with 15,400 COVID cases a day. Far outpacing my home City of New York with a mere 5000+ a day at the start of this.
25,000+ folks perished in NYC since March. Eight in my building, two doors down the hall from me.
The death toll in this current spike in the first wave is just beginning.

The Second Wave ain't even got it's shoes on yet.

It took about a month for the 1st Wave deaths here in the Emerald City to be apparent in April. Now the rest of the country is starting to go through what we did. 

This Pandemic is a slow burn. 
This is why unaffected red states thought like beloved #45 that it was a Hoax. That moron still does.  Our dear leader the beloved #45 in the last week again said it would, "... just vanish",...then after he was told he was nuts. He said, "'re gonna have to live with this."

Problem solved.

Btw I just read that Dear Leader Beloved #45 is trailing Sleepy Joe in Texas polls today. Fucking Nazi "the death penalty is fun" Texas. Geez the fucking worm has turned for that guy. We all took demented murderous shit from him, he pays.

Mind you this is still a fucking Kluxer Nazi friendly country. 
He's now strongly appealing to them Brown Shirts. So if they really show up. He can still get back in. 

It's just his next ride will not be as much fun. 
This as two thirds of the country wants his butt on a burning
pike,...wants this bad.

Is this country fun or what?!

Saturday, July 11, 2020

I'm reading that many of those who refused to take any precautions over the weeks, and months.  In particular mask wearing are now infected. For example one in six Mississippi law makers in their state capital have tested positive. 

Several are now in intensive care. 

Many of the armed anti-lockdown activists are positive. Some deaths reported. The same with their opposite number that marched a month later. These within the anti-police violence demonstrations.

Thing is the Virus really doesn't care about our politics.

Everybody on Earth gets it, and are trying to be careful.  
The USA, and the Brazilians don't get it. We, and then Brazil following #45's lead ignored every warning, and has refused to act. 

There's no political agenda among microbes. 
This should be obvious. However given our times, and the kind of leadership we have perhaps not.

The Butchers' Bill for this is going to be much larger than it had to be. If the election goes well most of the most egregious behaviors may stop. There may be a national plan, and more effective actions. 

If it goes the other way. 
I imagine certainly a million+ U.S. perished going into 2021. 
Likely much more. Much the same for Brazil who sadly followed our example.


Friday, July 10, 2020

Basically I slept through this great day.
I'm three score, and ten.
Fucking ~70~Seventy.

This is fucking nuts.
I can hardly wait to see what happens next.
If Godzilla came walking up the Hudson
this afternoon I'd just say,...

"What again?!"

Stay Tuned.
It's now actually possible
that I might drop dead at this damned keyboard.
I understand it's happened.

This future is 'nothing' like they said it'd be.
I never saw this shit on the Jetson's.

"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...