Saturday, February 29, 2020


It is our Moral Duty to End Want.
A Sacred Obligation to make such Suffering Impossible.
This a reflection on the 11th Anniversary
of my Homeless Year.


Everyone should have a Jeep these days.
Especially one with a 50 cal. in back.
Be ready for the COVID-19 Zombies


Me on Mars.

Me on Earth.

Mars is better.

"How to be Queer"

I found this aged YouTube video file buried in my junk. It's from that old flick "Party Monster". In this scene an Infant Macaulay Culkin,...he's 40 now. Yeah I know. This makes me 248. Anyway our hero is taught how to be Queer. ...well a 1998 Queer.

After that Queers began to seriously become extinct as the "We're just like you" generation were spawned from hell, and obliterated centuries of Queer culture. 

This to embrace Straight customs. Now they can pay taxes get drafted into the Army get Divorced, and still have the shit beat out of them in an alley. Congratulations.

But they're happy.



I love Nijinsky. As a youth I read everything I could find on him. I longed over the historic photos that survived. It isn’t that I wanted to be a dancer it’s just that his story, his strange, wonderful, intense life spoke to me.

Touched the very center of my Soul.
Perhaps It’s good that we’re separated by half a world, and now more than a century of apocalyptic history. Otherwise I would have followed him about.
If I were 15 or 16 had access to a time machine, and could speak French, Russian, and German I’d be his shadow.

Plot for a short story.
A Queer colored teenager from the 21st century pursues the object of his confused desires. All this amid the intrigues of 1911 Moscow.
I can see her now, Romola, Nijinsky’s long suffering wife sits me down in my hearts desires study. She pours me mint tea.

“…young man”

“You must understand my husband is very busy.”

Steam curls above my cup.

“His work is very important, and he can’t be disturbed”

“I just want to see him for a moment” I say.

“Please, I just want to look into his eyes”

“To see his soul”

“I must understand him”

“I wish the same, said Romola,…so do we all that love him.”

That's as far as I take this time portal. 
How to explain to Romola my time machine becoming a lad again or YouTube. 


"Страсть Сент-Джонс"

"Saint John's Passion"    

"Days Go By"


"It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are thoroughly alive. 
There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, 
and we must hunger after them."
George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss

Friday, February 28, 2020


Nuff Said. 

"Colonel Barbie"

Barbie Kohler born West Germany 1946.
Heidelberg University of Science 1967.
Qualified pilot Heer Luftwaffe 1969
Bundeswehr Intel Analyst 1972~1998. Retired a Colonel.
Current status Model Actress Action Figure.

"..still here"

Still breathing. Tho' very tired. This flu has been a ride. It's true what they say old folks get hit harder.

What a burning dumpster the world is these days. Madness ugly shit, and now plague. We hit the trifecta! 
Btw Doc Campbell sez today that in a year 30% of the world will have this thing.


Watch Dr. John Campbell here. 
See his COVID Vids as opposed to teaching dissection's...ecck.

Shit is getting real interesting. Maybe when static get's real crazy,...bodies in the streets like China, and now Iran everything locked down. That might be time to take my show on the road. 
Naw it ain't making fun. Com'on what else can one do in such times other than make theatre.

I'll scrawl a sign, and go to street corners. 
I'll be preaching the Book of Revelations. I think I'll have plenty of competition as other nutters will have the same idea. We could work deals over territory. 

"Look pal I got Crown Street to Utica Avenue. You can take the Parkway to the Museum,"

Yeah we'll work it out like ladies', and gents. After all we're all doing da Lawd's work. Now what should I wear? Sack cloth with ashes is so itchy. I'm open to suggestions.


From "Cloud Atlas"
Our lives are not our own.
From womb to womb we are bound to others.
Past, and Present.
By each crime, and every kindness we birth the future.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

"Blue Skies,...and Hope"

"Even More Good News"

Hate Map. 
Areas in red that are "Queer Free" in Poland

Nearly 100 Polish municipal or local governments have now proclaimed themselves to be “free from LGBTI ideology”. Local authorities in these areas pledge to refrain from acts that encourage tolerance and must avoid providing financial assistance to NGOs working to promote equal rights.
Equality parades in Poland are routinely attacked by far-right activists who violently oppose Pride-goers with homophobic chants and explosive projectiles.

"Queer Free" stickers that are distributed by the Polish ruling party.
From Pink News.

This has happened before, and in the same places.


There is defeat
to overcome
and acceptance of living
to be established
and always
there must be hope.

From the East End Temple's Service of Healing.

"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...