Wednesday, July 31, 2019

"I Want A Parade!"

I'm Fifty~Nineteen years old now...have been for near a month so far. However a FB pal in Germany pointed out the obvious. I'm 'in' my 70th year. So I'm really 70. ...kinda.
I like that number. It looks so neat, and sounds just right.

Everyone 70 years old should get a parade. 

Folks carrying 70 years just fucking deserve a parade for getting that far alive. Before who cares, and after too. However 70 is a big deal. 

I want a fucking parade. 

A big fucking ass parade celebrating all the weird scary fucked up, and wonderful shit I saw said, and did!


I want an Atomic Cannon. It could be a float in my parade,...see post above. Well that or a man portable nuclear device. Never mind what for,...I just want one. ...or two. I have plans. Well don't we all, but still. Like #45 said. "Why have them if we don't use them?"

With the simplicity of a violently disturbed child that maniac sees the truth. We must fight the Mothmen! 

The above is a kind of satire.

All of the recent shootings assorted violent assaults, and #45's Nazi Bund rallies of late should tell us much about the human heart. In fact the last 200k+ years. Starting with our extermination of our cousins the Neanderthals has told us a particular truth.

The human Heart does not exist.
That pumping thing is real, but the human Soul is not.

Nuff said.

"Life in the Future"

The Facebook algorithm just mistook one of my doll portraits for me. It used the image, see above, in some nonsense they were doing. They have the right to use your images essays whatever without permission or compensation.

All that, and they got it wrong.

I decided it let it ride. Contacting them would only compound the problem. They'd probably use an image of my childhood pet dog "Brownie" as me next time.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

"If you do it do it Right"

Okay another shooting this time Mississippi,...where else. At a Walmart,...ditto. Disgruntled employee. Is there any other kind.
Like I say further down. There aren't enough guns out there. 300,000,000+ guns clearly isn't enough. 

I mean this guy just had the basics. Whereas he needed a belt fed M-60, see above, to do the job right. Just a few killed a few wounded, and traumatized. What sort of liberal snowflake crap is that. If ya gonna do it do it fucking right. 

You want a body count of 30,...minimum.

Com'on folks get with the program. No more of this green horn shit!

Monday, July 29, 2019

"Jim Crow Mulatto Barbie 1959"

The American Dream.
This is who we are this is what we do.

"...a nice way"

So I wake up today to another mass shooting in our republic. This time at a "Garlic Festival". There might be a surreal joke in there if the body count weren't so sad. Seems the shooter was insane, and heavily armed. He clipped his way through a security fence hissing, and cursing as he went. Witnesses said he was consumed with rage.

Rage over what?

Does it matter? There's all sort of fantasies lies, and conspiracies out there that could have sparked this. Like the one which said that Hillary was running a child slave sex business out of a pizza shop in D.C. Millions believed, and still believe this. One believed so much that he went there, and shot the place up.

This to free the kiddies chained up in the basement. Imagine his disappointment when he found the building had no basement. Btw there was a mass shooting in Brooklyn not far from me a few days ago. Made the international news.

It's summer it's very very hot people are generally nuts these days, and they seem to have military grade artillery handy. Yeah shit's going to happen. Anyone with a few AK-47's hanging around might do something final.

Don't misunderstand. I'm not arguing for any kind of gun control. Just the opposite. I say give all of us all the hardware we could want, and tons of ammo as well. Let's stop fucking around with raging tweets, and comments, and get this show on the road.

"America Gotterdammerung"

It just has such a nice sound to it. Let's just settle all those scores tie those loose ends, and pay those bills that history is calling us on. ...but in a nice way.

Sunday, July 28, 2019


I'm very tired somewhat ill pissed off, and generally suicidal. Nothing new. It's just things are bad. They've always been, but still. You know how now, and then something fucked up gets stuck in your head. A really bad song or like that. 

Lately the fact that our current head of state didn't know , and still doesn't accept that Hawaii, and Puerto Rico are part of the United States, and he also has no concept of the constitutional separation of powers.  The Executive Legislative, and Judicial being co-equal branches of our government. 

All that stuff we learned when we were five years old. 

He considers the 'Executive' as the beginning, and end of the law. He thinks he's an emperor. This besides his being a semi-literate disturbed bigoted demagogue.

Well all that is stuck in my head, and won't leave.

Normally Life is life, and one just tries to get by. 
That the murderous mayhem around us sometimes leaks in is,...disconcerting. Imagine there's this big comet headed our way to wipe us the fuck out finally. It won't be here for a few years so we sometimes forget. We just go on with our doomed boring lives.

Right now I'm reminded of the Comet.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

"My Summer Reading"

Looks like "Puff", and "Spot" didn't make it.
Powerful Enemies.
Never owe the Mob money.

"Just Super"

DC this October is issuing a new series. "Superman Smashes the Klan". Just in time I'd say, ...time 'ol Sup did something.
Maybe he'll take on the Nazi militias as well.
"Still Nine Hundred Ninety Nine cents??!!!"
Hey I remember .10 cents. Sup should take on the Comics industry next!!

I hear you ask, "...but gee Uncle Sid. Don't you believe in free expression? Why are you hard on them Nazis, and the Klan?" To which I say, "...because they want to kill me."

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Saturday, July 20, 2019

"Yeah we Went"

50 years ago we sent a couple of guys to the Moon.
Cool that.

"Good News",...and a nightmare

Greetings comrades I bring good news! Yes the rumors are true. It's going to be 106 to 112f for the next three days! Actually only about 100 to 102f. The rest is the effect on your body when adding in the humidity. In other words the weather is now fatal.

The Darwin Award solution will take effect for assorted health nuts that will insist on jogging, and exercising in direct sunlight for the next few days. The down side little kids, and me could drop dead if we ain't careful.

Anyone in da States reading this anywhere east of the Mississippi take heed. A third of the country is in the red zone. As the climate continues to go nuts expect years of this to come. 

The upside here is unlike the West Coast Canada, and Alaska we don't have dense forests to dry out, and burn up. We fucking cut them all down for bullshit over the last 200 years.

Meanwhile I stay in my Thermal Shelter watching old DVDs of movies, and TV shows...and having nightmares. I had a Concentration Camp dream. It had all the usual suspects. Jews Fags Niggahs. No Hispanics,...maybe tonight's dream.

We were in long lines slowly shuffling into the place. We each had a clear plastic box with our papers, and various personal items in. These were closely examined by bored administrators. 

I heard screams.

Horrifying screams.  As some nightmares do it kept going. I'd wake up it stops,...I fall back to sleep it picked up where it left off. 
Such was my night.

No this was not an Internment Camp. 

Those of the kind now socially acceptable. Amazing how fast that happened. One day such a thing is a horror. A few news cycles later it's fine,...just like summer camp.

Ya notice how #45's fans make the big deal that they approve of putting "Brown" kids in "Internment" camps.
They always make the point when asked on the news that these are not the kind with the gas, and the ovens. So they think this makes it okay. 

There will be an accounting of this era one day. 

No nightmare lasts forever. Mine ended. We will awake from this see what was done, who, and why. Also who supported it with cheers, and who just looked the other way eating pizza, and playing computer games.

Damn this country to Hell.

Because unlike so many others it 'knows' better.

Friday, July 19, 2019

"Hot Shit"

Well it's going to be hotter than a firecracker up Satan's Butt for next few days. It's already insanely hot, and humid. Only now it gets life threatening. Three days of 100f degree temps with humidity to match starts tomorrow.

This may be the peak of the summer heat this year,...I fucking hope!

What with my digs mostly no longer air conditioned. This thanks to the NYFD. Damned inspector made me remove my main unit,...from a fire exit window. 

Seems I get to burn up after all.

Anyway I've been in my refrigerated bedroom hibernating through most of the summer. Sleeping reading writing, and watching DVDs of old movie favs, and TV series. 
I've hacked my way through several seasons of Dr. Who so far. All of the "Ring" trilogy, and extras like the "Hobbit" plus lots of Sci/Fi..."Gravity" next when I log off here.

I was just out. Buying a bag of ice plus seltzer, and diet Pepsi. All sugarless. I'm mostly okay in the losing limbs dept. lately. No swelling for a few months less pain no fevers either. So the meds are working for now. Seem I'm not dying as fast as I was.

As for the rest of the world. 

Everybody is murdering everybody else as fast as it can be arraigned. #45 is in some sort of school yard brawl with some commie Congress women. #45's crowd chanted hateful racist shit about it at one of his Bund rallies in support of that. 

So no change there.

Out in the universe was watching that footage of the Chinese rover on the far-side of the moon. Btw a Chinese space agency wonk said that the next one will land near, and drive over to the Apollo 11 landing site. 

This to pay homage. Also to shut the moon landing deniers the fuck up finally. It got loads of laughs at the Chi-Com politburo meeting this took place at. I had a chuckle myself, and hope they do it.

Anyway back to my bedroom Thermal Shelter. 

You folks stay cool.

Chinese Rover lands, and drives on Far Side of the Moon!
Fucking Cool!!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

"I Love Company"

An Evangelical couple knocked on my door last Sunday. How they got into the building I don't know. I was polite, and didn't ask. They were looking for converts. Much as their pals the Jehovah Witnesses.

I'm always polite when folks come to visit. The only folks I see are the social workers the City sends to make sure elders like me are still alive, and not living in some sort of hoarder's hell.

My place is the opposite,...very Zen.

Anyway I let's them in we sit, and they try to save me from Satan grasp. I tell them it's far too late for that. Also as to how Lucifer was Yahweh's boyfriend, and they still have a kind of thing going on. 

I think I confused them. 

Anyway I love chatting theologies with the faithful. Always have since I was a kid. I pissed my folks off by letting them Witness nutters in. So I goes on about how all them bronze/iron age Mediterranean myths were so much alike. That, and how Christians took on so many elements of them.

Confused looks.

This wasn't going that way it usually does for them. I warmed to my subject. ...A waited for savior born of a virgin that from the Greeks. Divine interventions, and winged animals, and people...angels. This from the Persians. 
Basically Comparative Religions 101,...which these folks never took or perhaps heard of.

We had a nice back, and forth. 

They said as to how Satan had confused me with false texts, and science. I asked if they knew what the scientific method was. Blank stares. I mentioned the car they drive in, and the lights they just read scripture by, and the printing press the scripture was made with came from that. ...Blank.

We went on to personalities in the Bible. 

They favored a few that proved that gawd wanted males to dominate women all that. I mentioned that was a tradition of desert peoples where most of our religious myths come from. 
Also the many sources for these guys. That they were never one person. That like Moses these folks were an ancient conglomeration of many prophets god's kings stories all that. 

Horror...actual horror came across the face of my older guest.

I took their comic books, and thanked them, and invited them to visit again. They said that science had confused me, and they'd pray for me.

Actually that was very nice. Prayers are at heart positive affirmations. Their comic books were cute as well. Full of visions of heaven. Sort of like Disneyland without the mouse. 

They left, and I went back to watching "Predator".

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

"A Day in the Life"

I visited old friends yesterday. 
We sat discussed the madness of the world. The nature of Black Holes. Told tales of science fiction fandom. Of which we are all gleeful members. Then had a swell Chinese take out meal.
Of such are the pleasant moments of life. 

All was well.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


What is History?
Laurie Anderson answered this many years ago.
Lyrics for some of the video below.


"History is an Angel being blown backwards into the future."
History is a pile of debris
And the Angel wants to go back, and fix things
To repair the things that have been broken
But there's a storm blowing from Paradise
And the storm keeps blowing the Angel backwards into the future
"And this storm this storm is called Progress"

"Oh to be Young, and Queer", at the Beach

Saints Burroughs Ginsberg, and Bey would understand.
Patty Smith would, and did get it too.


Summer in America.

Monday, July 15, 2019


The National Weather Service today announced that after Friday July 19, 2019 at 11:48am. After this date, and time there will be no more weather. At least none as we currently understand it. This being because of our coming encounter with the Black Hole "Wolf 359".
Black holes as most know are profoundly mysterious. A feature of their nature is that they can appear anywhere at anytime. This some astro-physicists belatedly say may explain some aspects of Dark Matter.
Not that this matters now, to speak.
The outer Event Horizon of Wolf 359 will touch down 250km off the coast of California, and move with the rotation of the Earth westward. Boiling the seas in front of it as it goes. Behind this the earth possibly to a depth of 50 miles will be stripped into the Hole. Some think to the core as the earth itself is devoured whole.
In front of the event wave the boiling ocean will slowly scald all life slowly to death. There is no possible shelter. This will take a full earthly rotation to complete. So 24 hours from the initial contact the world will be no more.
If the surface is stripped to the 50 miles anticipated it's possible that within two to three billion years the planet will "heal".
Though it would not be an "Earth" we would recognize. Some scientists project that it would be closer to the current "Mars"with a possibly lighter atmosphere. That some kind of life 'may' re-evolve this is unlikely.
As for reactions to this sudden interesting news President Trump says he will go France. They do parades so well. He also just resigned. "Fuck this shit. I did it on a dare anyway"
The new President is Slone Gibson the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and 17th in line of succession. The rest had other plans. The President has announced a "National Block Party" to begin at 9am Monday, and to last till the consumption of the earth.
The party will be funded by the National Treasury.
"Basically all the material needs, and wants of the American people will be met. "Of course" said the new President, "...we could have been doing this all along, but the evil shits that ran things thought you were no better than slaves so treated you accordingly."
The new, and now very popular President also opened our national secret archives for both scholars, and the curious to examine. Turns out them UFO guys are real. Their recent disappearance no doubt linked to the approach of "Wolf 359". It btw was in humor named after an episode in the "Star Trek" mythology.
Also yes as assumed it was a combination of wealthy elites business interests the intelligence community of this, and other nations that killed the Kennedy brothers as well as Dr. MLK. Cures for most kinds of cancers were found in the mid-1980's but kept from the population for economic reasons. The wealthy elites of course has access to them.
This, free tuition free lunch, and flying cars jet packs for real 3D-TV hyper-quantum internet have been in existence for 20 years, but were also kept from the world. With the exception of the elites, and military.
The reaction from the religious leaders of the world was predictable. The Dali Lama is reported to have said, "...I told you so" Pope Francis, "...and you deserve every bit of it you selfish greedy shits!". Also that guy on the "700 Club" wept into the camera, "...'The Fuck?!!"
Locally obscure blogger collage artist, and even more obscure former radio personality Uncle Sidney was rather at ease with the whole thing. Uncle on hearing of the coming weird, and rather painful end of the world revealed himself as a minor member of the Angelic realm.
"I was in lower middle management" said Uncle.
"I finally pissed off enough bosses to get sent to earth as a clerk. My job was cataloging comic books, and really bad novels." "Btw" Uncle went on. "This shit is not just the end of you guys down here."
"All of the human made religions, and gawds are toast. This includes their spiritual bureaucracies as well."
Uncle mused, "Sorry, but that whole Abraham thing from which us Angels came was sort of made up. However with so much human energy poured into it for so long it became,...well sort of real. Hard to explain. Anyway when humanity goes the energy goes with it goes. So all your heavens hells or whatever is toast on Tuesday along with everything else around here.
Me I'm taking president what's his name's offer to get neat stuff. I gots my eye on a hot pink 1956 "Thunderbird",...ya know with that little "porthole"? Yeah that if they can find one in time.
However all may not be lost,...Uncle goes on.
"Um,...I must say at this point. I mean still having a bit of connection with all that spirit jazz."
"Nothing may happen."
"The Ultra-verse is weird. Ya know like that big Blizzard we were supposed to get here in NYC the other winter. At literally the 'last' moment it went north, and we got drizzle instead."
"Well "Wolf 359" may well do the same, and disappear back into whatever dark matter corner it came from. Just saying."
"Also Trump may want his job back."
More on this developing story as events warrant.


Well I have a telephone. Well I did, died. I have to get another one. However when I did have one I would speak to people on it or they'd dial me, and speak to me. That's all it does. I had a time finding something that did just that, and only that!
A few years back while looking for such. I had a youngster in a shop trying to sell me all sorts of nonsense. It does this that the other. I said I just wanted to talk on it.
A blank look from the sales kid.
He actually said, "...I don't understand". I said I watch TV on my TV, and listen to radio on my radio, and take pictures with my camera. I email on my computers, and blog on the same. I have no use or need to drag all of that around with me. Blank look...stunned actually. He said, "I don't think they make anything like that now."
The manager came over he was his early 30's so may have seen a large black piece of plastic on a table at his grand mother's house when he was a baby. "You're the man that wants a "telephone?"
"Yeah" I sez. I tells him in the nicest way I can that at my age I know more dead folks than live ones. I tells him he "may be so lucky" one day. He smiles. That's nice. It's nice to make folks think, and smile.
Anyway I tell the youngster that I've never texted anyone in my life, and was unlikely to do this since everyone still alive I know has also never done such foolishness. That or watch movies on a bleeping phone. I mean whose idea was that?
Anyhow he taps on his hand held looks around, and sez, "Eh,...I think we actually have something you can use. It's Korean, and made for elders."
Anyway he sends junior to the storeroom to fetch the rare, and prized item. It's a slightly smaller than palm sized 2005-ish looking thing. It makes calls, and takes them. Also that "911" for free stuff. ...Period. Though he started to say "it could text if you,..." I said thanks I'll take it as it is." I said the only thing I need this for is my sister, and friends to "call me to see if I'm still alive", and me them. That's it. After over 50 years my pals and I have said all we need to say...other than to make sure we're all still alive.
Good thing I got it when I did as I doubt anyone on earth makes this sort anymore. Bleeping goat herders in Mongolia are more connected than I am. 'And they're welcome to it too!
The End.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

"Lights Out"

I apparently slept through the latest historic NYC Black out. A feeder line blew because of the extremes of heat.
This is our fourth major non-WW2 Blackout. I lived through the first three. The worst 42 years ago in 1977
That one caused massive riots. large parts of the city were set on fire by enraged bleeped over people. 
Poverty extreme heat *violent corrupt cops. 

*Google the Knapp Hearings. 

This plus lots, and lots of poor people,...yeah shit could, and did happen. Remember this was the era the City was bankrupt, and the Bronx was burning.

In I think 2003 there was another. Totally peaceful like the first in the fall in 1965.  This one was somewhat smaller,...only Manhattan. Again peaceful or as peaceful as one can be on a subway stalled in a tunnel with the temps at 115f~46c.

Things are starting to stabilize now. Power is mostly back on. Brown-outs in Brooklyn though. Dim lights low power, AC. It was 91f in my digs. Though some dark spots in, and around mid-town still. 

Subways our primal arterial pathways are coming back. Bleep the buses. Note if you're coming here walking or cabs are preferable to the bus,...if they ever come.

Otherwise things are just peachy in town.

"USS Franklin"

On March 19th 1945 the USS Franklin off the Japanese island
of Honshu was attacked by enemy forces.
The Franklin took a major bombing then Kamikaze strikes, but survived.
800 crew were killed 500 wounded 21 missing.

One of the killed in action was my Uncle John Calhoun.
I was born after the war so never met him, and knew little about him. Other than the letters to my Aunt he sent.
 Some of which I read many years ago.

My almost father was killed on the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor.
I only know his first name,...William.
He was my mother's boyfriend they intended to marry. 
He joined the Navy a year before the attack on the harbor.

As my mom told it he never had a chance.
Negro seaman were bunked in the lowest quarters so when the ship exploded there was no way for them to get out.
Same with Uncle John.

My dad, and other uncles all fought in the various fronts of WW2.
My mom, and aunts were all Colored Rosie the Riveters.
This thanks to FDR.

Navy Hellcat.

He made it law that any company with a war contract could not abide by local Jim Crow segregation employment customs.
So one aunt in Mississippi built P-51 Mustangs, and my mom in New Jersey built Navy Hellcat fighters.

I was thinking about all this so just noted it down for the record.


During the Vietnam War no one built anything.
Poor Whites poor Blacks, and Hispanics got drafted, and killed in their tens of thousands. Everyone else stayed home smoked dope got laid, and grew up to be republicans.

All the pointless wars after were fought by volunteers. 
Poor Whites poor Blacks, and Hispanics that needed the work.


Next time it's drones, and robots.

"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...