Wednesday, July 17, 2019

"A Day in the Life"

I visited old friends yesterday. 
We sat discussed the madness of the world. The nature of Black Holes. Told tales of science fiction fandom. Of which we are all gleeful members. Then had a swell Chinese take out meal.
Of such are the pleasant moments of life. 

All was well.


  1. Well, I certainly hope your discussions included the magnificent book by Samuel R. Delany called "Hogg".

  2. As it happens I was thinking of "Triton" not "Hogg". This in reference to the "Law-less" zones set aside on not just that colony, but many in the system.

    A deliberate placement of regions where official law is not recognized, and people live as they will with each other with their own unique arrangements.

    This codifying what already has existed in cities from their beginnings. There was always a place or places where the black market thrived, and unpopular lifestyles were allowed.

    Yes from time to time "cleansed" during moral or religious panics. However they always returned when the right officials got their cut.

    The "Law-less Zones" merely removed the corruption, and made them "official' spaces for bohemians.

  3. Your explanation is absolutely brilliant Uncle Sid! Brilliant!

  4. Also as Delany illustrated in Triton, and elsewhere. Law-less meant just that. A multi-edged sword. Watch ya back!

    1920's thru 90's Greenwich Village or the then East Village cases in point.

  5. ...after the 1990's those above areas became upscale, and (white) family friendly as did Times Square of the same era to the present. The NYC Law-less zones because of economic pressures are at present much smaller of uncertain durations, and widely dispersed.

  6. Oh... Please, please, please take me back to the old days in the Village and "The Deuce"! Please... will ya?

  7. My good comrade,...I would if I could.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...