Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Virginia is the first state to declare racism a health issue.

Malcolm X said that racism makes both it's perpetrators, and it's victims insane.
Yeah I'd call mass insanity a health issue. Maybe it would be better illustrated if it turned us into Vampires, and Zombies. Then it might get more serious attention.

"...we just were"

We all start somewhere. See below our extended family home on East 127th Street Harlem. House on left. This in 1945 more or less. My maternal grandpa bought it for his children who shared ongoing expenses. These being my Aunt Sybil aunt Agnes, and my Ma Carmen. My Aunt Agnes, and my Ma lived there till they bought their own homes later in the early 50’s. Aunt Sybil, and her family stayed till the early 1960′s.

Back then even as new immigrants do now. One house is brought, and the extended family moves in. Mom, and dad lived on the second floor. I’m told I was nearly born there. No plaque as yet. My Uncle Clyde…designated maternity driver. His car nearly didn’t start, but he got us there.
We stayed close as we all grew up. The families always visited,.…near every week. Tho' we lived in far parts of town. One moment I’m digging holes in the back yard when Dad yanks me into the old Buick. Then I’m digging holes in my aunts yard. Only now with my cousins.
We were always taking in relatives as they came through NYC from the Islands. I remember folks just showing up, and staying for a while. This in all of the family houses. Like grandma taught. Always cook for one or two more. Ma did, and often. ...a good thing too. Cousins friends of family connections of affection. As kids we thought this was normal. Folks just came, and were treated as family.
As I mention sometimes. History is hard to see when it rings the door bell. When it’s that close. We were witnessing were part of the Second Great Migration North. The first from the Deep South this from the Islands.
As happens to kids our folks never explained details to us. We were on our own to figure connections, and meanings. I just remember a happy blur amongst sisters brother cousins friends. That we all belonged together was unquestioned. We were family. We just were.



Above is a WW2 M-3 Stuart tank.

(This one's for you Tom departed pal. He knew this stuff in, and out. I mean the guy could give you the serial numbers on the engine blocks of these things.)
We gave a bunch of Stuarts to the Brits to fight Nazis. Mine for now guards my computer. Been reading much about WW2 of late. The last time Evil made a play for the World. Assorted nationalists aka them Nazi bastards is back for another round. Bleep’em.



Three quarter Moon 
over the Emerald City this morning.


Tuesday, February 23, 2021


I forgot my groceries at the shop left my keys too. A note for inside of my door. “Am I wearing pants? Do I know why I’m going out?” On the other hand for three days I couldn’t remember Oscar Wilde’s name. Exhibit “A” above.

I could quote his stuff remember his image, but his name vanished. 'Wouldn’t look him up wanted to see how long to get that chemical thought string back. Three days. I had no idea being an old Queer would be this difficult.


Bob da Bunny changes a tire on the Mars Percy Rover.
NASA points cameras the other way 
for the procedure.

The real Percy Rover.
This at Camp Hillary Clinton on Mars.
One of many secret Liberal bases on the red planet.
All the conspiracies are real.

Of course Mars like Earth and all the planets
and stars everywhere are flat.
That, and 500,000 people didn't die of COVID.
Because it was a hoax!

All those people are chained slaves to Queer liberals.
This on Mars Jupiter, and Zambia!
Open ya eyes Sheeple!!!





A geological expedition from the stars on Earth 4 Billion years from now. These beings will find a thin black line. This down through the strata. That line will be us.

First Contact.

Humanity all we were, and did. From when we walked out of the seas at our beginning to when we raised it's level at our end.

We'll be catalogued. Archived, and made a footnote in the history of sentient species.



Day 360,...I think.

I make little worlds, above,...emotional diversions. I dunno. I feel more sad angry, and nuts now than I did before the vaccine. We're all going through various sorts of hell. No I don't think we'll be the same because we're already not. 'But we will go on. We'll make of this what we can. Memories songs books plays paintings are in all this. 'But then like war vets some will never speak of it again. We have been changed. The Earth Abides.


"...two souls"

FB just gave a pre-COVID memory from four years ago. Just days before #45 took office.

A dear friend told me we have two souls. A Warrior's, and a Mother's. Our "Warrior" side fights to survive in this deranged world the "Mothering" side makes Art, and Cares for Family Friends the World. shrink came to mostly the same conclusion.
We try when not caught up in our own noise. We try to give what love we can to whoever we can.
I just met a lady while shopping. This before Christmas. In conversation it came out she's a recovering Addict. That, and fearful of falling back in. I don't know where my words came from, but they always do. It's the same for you. ...they just come.
I spoke about my own destructive habits, and how I got out...and stayed out. We went on like this for a while...a very long Holiday line. Ya see we're all Angels. We all are called on from time to time to give a message. That's what an Angel is. A 'verb' not a noun. A message.
We're Messengers 'all' of us.
Anyway we parted well, and I'm sure she's passing on her own messages. She certainly gave me one. Imagine called on to give healing words when all you think you're doing is buying soap.


When I was eight. Sister Alice my teacher gave me something magical. She said all of our lives every moment, and everything we did no
 matter how small,…was a prayer. 
To G-d every living being all life is a prayer. Individual special living prayers. 

My Mother gave me life Sister Alice gave me a miracle to put into it.



Sunday, February 21, 2021

"...Remember now?"



Los Angeles just opened a tiny internment camp to house a few of the Homeless. See model above...just swell. Looks like a Lego toy town designed by public housing wonks. Still some critics say the usual. Basically work or die. As if there were jobs. Also the poor will run them down do drugs drink, and kill each other. So easy to say when one has a roof comforts, and eats regular.

However if they’ve kept their self respect sanity, and hope for a future. As many so desperately try to. Yes they’ll take care of these Internment  sheds. Which in place of living wage jobs, and actual ‘affordable’ housing they are. I would have been very grateful to get one. I imagine they’ll have a lottery for them.  These sheds being so few, and the homeless so very many. In the context of our times this is a good thing. It’s also a sign that Homelessness will never end. As the system is accommodating it not ending it.

Civil Service jobs now depends on a growing Homeless population.

I was houseless for a year. I was the same person on the street as before the wandering time. It was the attitude of others that changed. I was no more likely to deface one of these sheds than I would my home before my experience or now…we’re people like everyone else. 

A decade later I’m the same person I was when I had a normal boring life then lived on the streets then came back to boredom. Well except for traumas that are with me for the rest of my life. Bright lights sudden movements sharp noises being unable even now to sleep a complete cycle, and a thousand other small things. 

Much as soldiers that come back from wars. 

My brother who served in a war said I was a vet now. Since like him I spent over a year in constant danger of injury or death. My family, and most friends did not know. Not till much later. I’m a performer. I acted the part of my myself. I learned later some thought I was traveling. Which in many ways I was. Be safe be kind.

A year ago my Dark Matter pocket watch.

My sentient time machine shut herself off. She’s slept in my fridge since.

The other afternoon she chimed, and woke up.
October 22nd, 1148 CE, 5:36pm.
I portaled to what would one day be Virginia.
I came to watch the sunset.
Still. Quiet. I could hear the faintest breeze whistle in my ears. The buzz of every insect the step of every living thing near me.
I sat, and beheld a pre-industrial evening. The sky empty of men was already filling with bright stars. I scented the aroma of the ocean half a hundred miles away.
If not for bears I would have slept the night.
West 28th Street Manhattan,…current time.
Smears of neon. Noise. Chaos.
I went to a Chinese take-out had dumplings, and tea.

Once I imagined that all my life was a dream. A dream I was having as a child.

I’ll awake. I’m in a bunkbed. My brother John asleep below me. It’s winter I can see snow in the back yard. I’m nine. It’s January 1960.
I dreamed in fine detail a whole history. A long lifetime in a moment's dream.
I hear my dog “Brownie” padding about below.
My dad getting ready to go to work. School,...I have to go to school. I have the experiences, memories of a lifetime. 60 future years. From that I will make new worlds. ...better worlds.

Friday, February 19, 2021

"...Robby in America"

Cops ethnically profile stop, and frisk Robby.
Yeah shit happens,...bastards.

Sez Robby.
"Hey gimme a break I'm just walk'n here!"


Wednesday, February 17, 2021


On the passing of the commentator Rush Limbaugh.

I wonder about the cruel, and selfish. It exists in us all, but we temper them. However this man became wealthy famous powerful by his cruel words. He knowingly prospered by dividing peoples. I wonder about that world that so embraced what he said to them, and rewarded him for it. I wonder of him. I was taught that redemption in it's secular, and spirituals senses is possible. No matter how deep in unlighted realms one is.

So I wonder about such souls.
Was there ever any quietness kindness in him? I don't know. Was he aware of what he was doing by his words. Probably. Yet he said them. Such is humanity. This is why I never adhered to any faith. ...much. So many contradictions. The unknowns so vast. Judgments the needed answers so uncertain. Still,...May his wounds be healed may the many wounds he inflicted because of them be healed.


What seemed thunder, and lightning were cannonades. Wind, and hail the rattling of musketry. It was as the "Wilderness". That most terrible of Civil War battles. Fought day through night to dawn.
This was no re-enactment no movie.
I was there heard it saw it was afraid. A forest set ablaze in an eternal midnight of cannon, and screams.

A dream.
This from my study of history, and events of recent days.


Reading about awful shit happening to people all over the place. Democracies dictatorships all the same. This is what governments do. One country screws religious ethnics others despised nationalities. Here we fuck over racial groups, and everybody bleeps up Queers. They all,...all of them do it. Some for ideological religious tribal hegemony. Other places because the insane president for life feels like it.

People once organized do this.
As far as evolution knows we're all still on the veldt.
It hasn't yet noticed the fact that we live in trans-tribal urban cultures swim in space fly in the skies need money have anthrax bombs, and 24 hour online porn. Our reflexes are still about running from big animals that want to eats us, and nasty tribes with the same idea.
I should teach a simple course at Brooklyn College.
"Why shit is fucked up, and why you could still get eaten."
They'll be hats, and t-shirts.


All wars would be fought by guys 60 or 70. ...and sock puppets. They'd be on da toilet complaining or sleeping. I know I would. Later telling the generals all the tanks are broken,...same with the planes. They're waiting for parts, and they should call back next week. Then wandering over to the enemy who are also about 70. To chat play cards trade meds then watch da games. World peace at last.

"...hard ride"

Things would be much better
if we rode Dinos
more often.


Monday, February 15, 2021


It's been a year I've been alone in my digs. Same for most. Yes I've gone nuts as have we all. Tho' functionally so. The Subway. I dream of lost tunnels, and tracks. In my 70 years this is the longest I've not been down there. 

My only travels by foot, and only about my 'hood. Very 19th even 18th century. When folks rarely left their town or county. I don't think things will be the same after this. Yes they'll be a media hysteria to say so, but it won't be. 

Being so close to history blinds us to it. The very Capitol Building of the Republic. Our temple to the Constitution. That document that dream we all believe in. It's temple was desecrated a murderous mob for the first time. Not even during our Civil War did that happen. 

That like living so close to home are too close to comprehend. We need time, and experience to use these experiences for the good. Time, and experience. Anyway it was one my mind,...again. Be well be safe.

The art is by my pal Ed Drooker. See his pages below.

Illustrations — Art of Eric Drooker

Sunday, February 14, 2021

“…And another ‘nother thing”

Like the Electoral College our form of Impeachment amazes, and mystifies the world. We’re the land of one person one vote yet do this. But then we’re complicated. Our system deliberately makes change very difficult. The founders seeing how fragile democracy is made it so. What can be quickly done can be just as quickly undone. 

Executive orders a prime example. So change comes generationally not at the stroke of a momentary pen. This is why the Civil Right Act is still there. Attacked since it’s passing it survives because it’s foundations are over a century of constant work deep. 

Impeachment is similar. 

It is as Senator McConnell said, “…a narrow tool for a narrow purpose.” With a two thirds majority needed to convict. This because the removal of a head of state without a coup or warfare is a profoundly difficult thing for a democracy to do. Witness what just happened in Myanmar. A coup was the easier choice for them. 

Our systems of governance still function despite the last four years. So a 43 to 57 minority freed a demagogue from justice. The republic stands. A successful democracy is when no one at the table gets all they want.

"...Barsoom Express"

My old radio pal Sharon Martin got us tickets to the latest Mars Rover. Our names are encoded on the Perseverance Mission. Aka the "Percy" mission. It lands on Thursday at 2:15 pm NY-EST. My 3rd trip to Mars. Next time we fly first class, Lime Ricki's. Seven other vessels from assorted nations are landing on Mars this week,...this must be the future. My tix above. Snapshot

Snapshot of my last trip to Mars
This on the Spirit, and Opportunity Mission.
I love it there.
The air is so fresh the water pure, and tuition free.


“...Advise, and Consent”

Senator McConnell’s a smart bastard. Watching this it’s clear Liberals, and traditional Conservatives have things in common. I mean besides running slave camps on Mars. They generally…mostly believe in the rule of law not men. Remember it was GOP bigshots that told Nixon to hit the road,…and he did. This because both he, and they were bottom-line constitutionalist. 

Sure they’d over turn the Civil Rights act if they could,…but can’t so they just chip at it. Still they mostly go by the game plan cooked up by the founding slave owners. Them guys back then while crunching the numbers on the Constitution. They were aware that the mob would from time to time install a demagogue. We’ve had several. 

Jackson, and a few others deliberately ordered genocide against the Native folks. Rutherford B. Hayes dealed his way in by destroying Reconstruction, and allowing the Klan, and Jim Crow to spread. Kennedy’s dad basically bought his kid the election,…or so it looked at the time. Politics is as entertaining as it is dirty.

However #45 was the only one that tried to overtly overturn an election he lost. That, and install himself possibly for life. Tho’ actually I don’t think he thought that far ahead. Like he didn’t think he’d be elected in the first place. Thank gawd he was a fucking dummy. 

Where was I? 

Right…the GOP. Their civil war between #45 cultists, and traditional Tories will be very interesting to watch. An education on our Constitution. Like McConnell’s speech where he condemns the Capitol riots, and murder yet acquits. He also made sure the trial was after the Inauguration guaranteeing acquittal,…smart bastard. This will be very interesting. 

I believe in a balanced governance. The extremes of recent decades will pass as the troubles that made them will. I retain my sanity by looking to the long road. The peaks, and valleys of history. Our original sins of Genocide, against the Natives, and Slavery both with long cruel aftermaths is still is slow play. There has been grudging progress. 

What we were in 1950 when I joined this story is not what we are now. My great grand niece will be born into yet another history as I now live in one noticeably different from the one I was born in.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

"...advise, and consent"

Sen. Mitch McConnell former Republican majority leader of the Senate. Sen. McConnell condemns #45 for the assaults the riot, and murder in the Capitol Building by mobs. 'Also explains the reason he could not vote to convict. In the full version of this clip McConnell goes on to say #45 is still liable legally in the civil courts for his acts as head of state. In particular for turning loose a mob on the seat of government.
Many will say too little too late. Still he said what was true. A rarity in these times.


I am no pal of any sort of Ethnic Nationalism of any color. That way always leads to death,...but I like flags. ..."Vexillology" it's called. Just liking flags is different...a bit. From going to Bund rallies.
There are seven US states that are completely at the same latitude of Africa - South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, and Texas.
These the states of the Deep South. Above is the Geo-centric African American flag.

Not by Coincidence
does the Geo-Black flag resemble the just above first flag of the Confederacy.
Peoples, and cultures are complicated.
I'm African Asian Scots Irish American. However in this country
you're what the last cop that saw you thinks you are.

My Chinese ancestors were teachers merchants.
My freedman ancestors owned, and ran a dairy in Mississippi.
My Scots Irish ancestor was an officer in the Confederate Calvary.

In this country if you have, but one drop of African blood.
You are Black, and once could be sold. Such was literally so.
Now it is culturally so. Once condemned to chains, now condemned
to the very bottom of my own country.

Yet if just one of the above family lines did not exist.
I would not exist.
Recognized or not we are Americans.

The two above flags however politically incorrect are true to my roots.
My love of the poetry of Black America, Celtic lore, and my love for the written word.
These all these come from whom I come from.




On a FB page about the 1950's. The issue of travelling while not white came up. I replied:

"Traveling as a child during legal Jim Crow left scars. Walking contemporary streets the same. These left me with a simple dream. I want to walk down the street anonymous at peace with the world eating an ice cream cone window shopping. All while minding my own business.
This, and never be stopped, and frisked. Never being under constant threat nor suspected crime being despised or feared. That's all I want.
To just be some guy peacefully wandering down the street. ...eating ice cream."

Thursday, February 11, 2021



Hazy cold February sun. This from my kitchen window. I mean behind the glass. Was too cold to open for the shot. A cold winter day in the Emerald City. Chance of snow later in week. Tho’ they say more likely sleet ice.

As in Narnia, “…Always winter never Christmas.”


Snow early this morning.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021


Ex-Slave Harriet Tubman.
She led so many others to freedom
This for years on the Underground Rail Road.

#45 despised her, and forbade her from the $20. note.
However justice is true. It waited for just a very little while.



WW2 P-40's, and Dinos!
This from the Secret History of the World.
Part 35, WTF is 'this' Shit?!!



"...this cheers me up"




From our latest snow.
More potentially on the way.

After our years long snow drought.
I asked the Angels for snow.
Had no idea they were this backed up!

Stalled garbage truck on my window sill.
It's 28F so the smell ain't so bad.
I called for a tow.

Ya know how a musical piece can run around in your head all day.  Well our pal Shubert is doing just that to me. Woke this morning there he was, and there he seems to stay.




The seas risen. The moon closer. The stars brighter. Ice covered the drowned city. Polar bears swam though sunken libraries with their cold, and floating stories. They slept on broken ledges of skyscrapers. These jutting from a new Arctic sea. All beneath a vast moon on a slowly healing Earth.

Sunday, February 7, 2021


Tomorrow #45 faces his second impeachment. This time for violent insurrection against the United States. That tool impeachment is in our Constitution for a reason.

The founders, for all their faults, knew that democracies were fragile. To survive they needed specific structures. The rise of a demagogue installed by the mob was among the possibilities which guided the writing of the Constitution. That document stopped #45 because he fit the exact template of what they expected. In 240 years such persons remain the same as essentially does the Constitution which defends against them.

"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...