Sunday, July 21, 2019


Today's Heat Index for Brooklyn 2pm.


  1. Gotta follow that dog's example. He's a smarty.

  2. Shit! and double Shit!!
    Paul Krassner died yesterday. He was 87.

    "Avoid internalizing society's sexism, racism, ageism - pick an ism, any ism."
    -Paul Krassner

  3. Just read about a massive power black out in New York City. Have been hit with that? I hope you are able to stay comfortable.

  4. Awful. The husky has the right idea.

  5. P.S. - If you lose power for your AC, remember what I said about a cool bath.

  6. Had large Brown-outs. Parts of Manhattan dark again like earlier in the month. Not enough power for my bedroom AC.

    Yeah I took, and still take regular cold showers to drop my body temps. The walls are hot the door the floor. The window more than hot,...they burn to the touch.'s hell here these days.

    Lots of cold water other liquids, and staying the fuck out of the sun!!!


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