Thursday, October 31, 2019

“Evening at the Institute”

I got an invitation to attend though not speak at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research. They might think I’m still on the air. Anyway the subject is evil, and what it means. A bunch of high brow noise about the mayhem. This by crapping out the works of Augustine, Nietzsche, and Arendt at each other.

If there’s a buffet, and drinks I’ll go.
On the other hand I could hold a counter forum outside that joint. I’ll set up a card table, and a folding chair where I’ll explain the real deal. This without the customers having to pay the $315. bucks cover charge.
I’ll take donations in a pink plastic Jack ‘O Lantern.

Thank you.
I’ll be here all weekend. 


  1. This reminds me a lot of TED talks, which look to me like gatherings of rich people who've selected themselves as the smartest folks on the planet. But yeah, if the buffet's good and it's free, go for it.

  2. I'll do Like I see some,...they have stylish bags that they slyly shove goodies into. I saw one apparently arty lady in one deft move slip a whole plate of pastries into her swag bag...good for her.

    She like me, and others get these invites by mistake...sort of.

    They think because we're in media we're one of 'them' as opposed to secretly being from the sweaty masses.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...