Sunday, June 30, 2019


I don't like robots. In fact I fucking hate them, did Flash Gordon, but for different reasons. Them fuckers are going to evaporate every job in existence. 
The designers engineers, and assorted corporate sociopaths that enabled them will be terminated in due course as well.

There has been no thought as to what happens to whole populations of the jobless once these digital mechanical job killers are inserted into an already collapsing economy. to that.
Our owners don't give a fuck.

To them they no longer have to pay anyone for anything. 
It'll be better than Slavery for them.

For them Tomorrowland at last.


  1. Robot probes on the planetary moons, robots for spelunking in poisonous caves, robot submersibles to study the ocean depths: these I'm O.K. with, as long as they're operated by socially responsible scientists who are answerable to the public. All others must be abolished: spy bots, assassin bots, security bots, police bots, military bots and especially "labor-saving" robots that eliminate jobs. BTW, spying "security" cams are now hooked up to a vast AI network that correlates information on a planetary scale.

    Fuck the dweebs who think AI is wonderful and wax rhapsodic over dragonfly drones. Fuck the NetoCrats and their algorithms, a subtle instrument of tyranny if ever there was one. To hell's deepest pit with techno-buffoons who want to dictate to us what is the Next Big Thing that we all have to get on board with whether we wish to or not. They must go the way of Louis XVI.

  2. P.S. - Whoever refers to the aforemention robot-adoring techno-weenies as "visionaries" should be swatted over the head with a mallet, and I don't necessarily mean just a wooden one.

    Long ago, on my way to L.A., a couple of times I drove through what is now Silicon Valley when it was still orange groves. Orange groves are vastly superior to corporate office campuses, as is also the case with their comparative products.


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