Friday, June 29, 2018
Well okay, but so long as ya leaves the good ones alone.
We need them other guys to protect us from
Gang-bangers the IRS, and Reptilians.
Imagine a world where the fucking Cops are actually on our side, and not out to fuck everybody up, and kill us.
Them guys is a bit out of control to some folks.
Folks like me what was nearly shot dead by them for going to the fucking Library.
They didn't even have all the books I wanted.
All in all it was a bad day.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
"In Other News"
Things are pretty bad in these times. I'm not a happy camper. Nothing specific just the accretion of all the ugly shit out there. In my case the usual early 21st century Senior Citizen sob story.
Remembering how it was where we thought we were going. Loses of family friends position responsibilities purpose. All that swell stuff. The world is now a science fiction William Burroughs Philp K. Dick Samuel Delany Three Stooges nightmare.
...and getting more interesting all the time.
The Newspaper mass shooting today sort of did it for me. The normalization of mass murder the rise of 1930's style fascism everywhere don't help. One becomes weary of the spectacle.
So I called the Suicide Hotline,...expecting to get a machine. A digitized Confessional. I figured I'd complain into some hard drive. Then tell it to go fuck itself. I'd hang up refreshed, and ready to face more shit slammed into my face.
Instead I got a human being.
Imagine my surprise. She listened as I unwound decades of chaos into her ear. Such patients. I imagine being a catholic confessor must be much the same.
If I were one of them folks I'd just prescribe watching a few episodes of "Mayberry RFD", it, as a cure all penance.
Perhaps repeat viewings of the boxed sets of "Walking Dead" for any republicans.
Anyway my Confessor just listened, and made a few thoughtful comments. Her timing was impeccable. She knew her business. I'm still here. So another day another mass shooting, and #45 curses his hatred of more than half the country.
Stay Tuned.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
"End Times"
As another sign of the End of Days.
A surprise Snow Storm struck a two block area of Brooklyn today.
The Mayor is hiding in the Subway. Trump sez we had it coming.
When reached for comment
Uncle Sidney is reported to have said, "...Holy Shit!"
"Merry X-Mass"
The Universe Explained
G-d has moved on. We didn't work out.
So the celestial Fuck Face is off somewhere trying again.
He's busy totally ass fucking some baby universe into hell.
As for us.
We got dumped in some box like a failed 5th grade science project.
Then kicked into a basement with the
other Trillion Zillion Killion Eternities he mutilated for fun.
He Date Raped Burned Gouged,
and Drowned us in the Blood of Infants.
He Tortured us with Dreams of Hope Joy, and Love.
Then Ripped out our Hearts Eyes Cunts, and Cocks.
This just to see what would happen.
He filled our Eternity with Fire, and Nightmares.
Then got bored, and moved on.
The End
"The United States of America"
This is where we are certainly going. This is the only outcome of our visceral Tribal hatreds.
This will be our legacy. I don't see any way of avoiding a great fall.
A great fratricidal blood-letting.
Millions seem to actually 'want' this.
The good as always will do little or nothing so it 'will' happen.
Something will replace us our system I have no idea what.
However our short lived Empire is finished.
Just a few details to attend to then over.
Still the 1950's, and part of the 60's were fun.
I lived it was there for it. I saw it with my own eyes.
The Empire at it's height. Now the stuff of legend.
Tail-fins Doowop cheap gas color TV, and 10 cent comic books.
Our dads had jobs summer camp ice cream polio vaccines.
For real space satellites. Beatniks integration.
Good King John was on our Throne.
It was a kind of Paradise.
A Paradise Lost.
Monday, June 25, 2018
"Uncle Harry"
"Harry Hay"
The Ignored Founder of the "mid-20th Century Queer Movement"
Uncle Harry up there now repudiated was the founder of the third wave of 20th century Queer activism. Yeah there were two others the one before Harry was in Europe, and wiped out by the Nazis in the mid-1930's. Harry, and some very brave comrades tried again in the late 40's early 1950's.
Google him.
Later in his active life he declined to be part of the "We're just like you" Stockholm Syndrome homophile movement.
Saying that we were Queers, and not remotely like the people that had been killing us for basically 1000's of years.
He liked Boy Lovers, and the culture they had which he said was the oldest form of Queer Love in western, and other Queer histories.
By the surviving record it seems they are.
For this he was finally rebuked along with Allen Ginsberg, and Hakim Bey. Who through their research came to same unwanted conclusion.
This a horror to contemporary culture that views it in 'any' form as rape, and nothing more. This is why both the Thomas Mann book, and Visconti's film of "Death in Venice" has been withdrawn, and any revival profoundly unlikely.
This despite both once being honored as works of art. A new version of the film a producer in the know had commented in private,
"...they will not make a version of that film faithful to the book for perhaps another century."
So here we are.
"...and AGAIN!"
She came back the next day dug the wife beating daughter raping Queer bashing fucker up, and shot him again!
'Just to make sure!
Well meaning friends even family have wished me a "...happy pride day". Rather than be polite, and just say thanks or nothing.
I unloaded. To the point I said that this was once a life, and death struggle.
It's now a gaudy vulgar carnival. One limited to acceptable types.
See our new friends above/below.
These guys hunted blackmailed beat, and killed us,...remember?
I plainly said "...Fuck'em all to hell they have nothing to do with me or me with them."
My well wishers backed off in confusion,...they really didn't, and don't get it.
The upside.
They'll never bother me with this shit of celebrating stroller pushing Marine sergeant Dykes again or their technically male equivalents.
These who would with glee turn the likes of me over to their new friends the cops to be killed.
Otherwise it was a hot humid day so I stayed home in the air conditioning, and watched old movies.
Saturday, June 23, 2018
I just again stumbled over that revised "correct" homophile flag.
See new eye-test above.
They add Black, and Brown stripes,...even put the Black one on top. Thanks. This after 50 years of calling us "Dinge",...pervert slang for NIGGER for a million years.
Did I say Fuck you to hell, and ya Mama too?
I have nothing, but visceral contempt for this, and the white pervert movement that spawned it in insincere guilt. You delusional piles of ash in waiting tell your murderers that "We're just you" ...???!!!!
Angels Laugh!
Even your most liberal pals are revolted at the thought of you, and how you live love, and fuck. You all of us. Fucking stroller pushing Marine sergeant Dykes to hunted Boy Lovers we're all the same to them, and all will in time be shoved into the same Oven.
They're already dragging Brown Children fucking babies too into Internment Camps. What do you imagine they have on the menu for your faggot ass.
Happy "Pride Day",...while you still have them.
*One more thing.
You are 21st century Judenrats.
Judenrats were WW2 Jewish-German Collaborative Agencies.
Principally within the Ghettoes of Nazi Occupied Europe.
Purpose: Administrative in their own Extermination.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
"...extreme care"
On being a Black Time Traveler in America's past. One would have to pick the place year season time of day, and location with extreme care. Unlike pink temporal travelers that can bungle into any era anywhere any time, and more or less not get killed.
Colored temporal researchers have to have rather a lot more care. For example I could appear on the above street safely. 9th Avenue/53rd Street in NYC. It's November 18th 1930 9:00pm. I could wormhole there, and explore the area with minor cautions.
Then again the Court House steps in Jasper Mississippi at noon on Jefferson's Davis's birthday in 1926 might be a serious problem.
Walking while Black in any part of North America from 1609~AD thru roughly 2300~CE. This would be a life threatening though interesting adventure.
I'm thinking of spending the summer working on a science fiction story called "Black to the Future"
Sub-titled "Safety Precautions for the Black Time Traveler".
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
"Nation of Islam meets Uncle Sidney"
As if things weren't nuts enough. The other day when I foolishly wandered out into the hot sun, and nearly died. Well just before that I got into a conversation with this guy selling copies of the "Call" or something.
This the main print rag of the "Nation of Islam" aka the "Black Muslims". Ask your Civil Rights worker grandparents about them guys. Not known for their sense of humor.
I have complicated feelings for them characters.
I mean other than being stone cold racist anti-Semites violent homophobes delusional religious fanatics, and being suspect in the murder of an older cousin in the mid-1960's,...besides all that.
I guess they're fine.
As for that friendly chat with this agent of utter evil. He insisted as the Nation does that all the Black Slaves were Muslim. I pointed out there was no trace of Negro Islam till long after the Civil War.
The first appearances in the northern cities where Coloreds of the time were migrating.
I mentioned this was the actual origins of his outfit specifically.
I guess you could say he became apoplectic at this point.
It's if I told a conservative Catholic that Mary of Magdalen not Peter was the true founder of the Church,...which she was.
Bottom line my pal wasn't having it. He dismissed me as having been brainwashed by the white devil.
Here I always thought the Devil was Red.
Btw above some happy visitors to the Black Muslims Convention in the early 1960's. These guys had so much in common then,...still do.
At the time the Nation was into Back to Africa.
Them Nazis thought this made sense.
" as usual"
The King is Mad.
In the old days this would have been handled quickly smoothly. Powers within the Court would have arraigned an appropriate accident. That or perhaps a valiant death in battle.
The King's youngest son would be put on the throne. The kid would be easy to handle, "...sign this or we'll cut ya dick off". A reliable Regent would be installed, and business could then go on as usual.
Madness cured.
However we're a democracy of sorts so it's more complicated. The separations of powers is so far working. #45 actually didn't know these existed. This when early on he bitterly complained as to how the Constitution was old fashioned. Kept getting in his way.
In fact the Constitution was specifically designed for a president like #45. It's 'supposed' to get in his way.
Them old slave holders were smart dudes.
The Judiciary has contained him,...for now. It may not into two terms. However if this demented maniac attacks the military establishment in the manner he's going after the intelligence community.
Then we should expect a more traditional remedy to his madness.
Now that evil shit sucking fuck #45 is setting up interment camps for Babies. Yeah you heard right fucking BABIES!!!
Fucking Crying Screaming little BABIES!!!!!
Kids Toddlers thru 13 are in that pipeline. They're shoving them into holding pens for now, and are setting up some tent cities for them in El Paso Texas.
This is high summer under the sun, fucking Texas. ...Hello?!!
As some are already saying about half grown kids. There's going to be some Tragedies. If only by the fucking law of averages. A large number of kids uncertain facilities no one trained for child care. The grunts there normally just bust heads, and shoot people in the face for a living.
Changing diapers may be not be in their skill sets.
Also these are un-White kids so their lives have little or no value. If they were mostly Black kids any number would be dead already. Being Brown this might buy them a bit of extra time,...but not much.
Having #45 nearby is like having to put up with a drooling insane billionaire uncle. You keep him around because he'll sign anything especially checks. However now he's taken to having rough S&M sex with the kids.
Tough choice. Your 10 year old daughters with bleeding buttholes, and black eyes or some more signed checks,...yeah a tuff one.
To think I was freaking out about just a handful of Queer interment camps in some fucked up former Soviet republics. Fuck I couldn't have begun to imagine.... I mean not even from #45!
He's done it.
He put children into interment camps...
Babies too is proud of it, and sez he won't stop.
Sez it "ain't his fault" he's just "carrying out the law".
Fuck this fuck to fucking hell.
The best thing to happen would be if this insane shit shot somebody say a liberal that got into one of his hand picked rallies. The guy might protest the evil fucks insane policies.
An enraged #45 then pulls out a pearl handled .38 Rosco, and plugs the do-gooder in the bleeping face.
To the thunderous applause of his fans.
He could make a show of it saying "....he had it coming, and I hereby pardon myself." The fans go crazy!
On the upside this might finally be too much even for the Republican Congress. I mean having a cold blooded murderer as sitting president with the smoking gun in his back pocket. might not look good.
'Might be the only way to make that 25th Amendment thing happen.
Failing that I wonder if my Social Security installment this month will be enough to buy one of them "ACME Escape Rocket" things, see above.
This so I can get the fuck out of here.
I'll get back to you about that.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
"Uncle Walt"
Well summer has air-burst like a tactical nuclear warhead over Coney Island. Which I still haven seen this season. Coney not the bomb. It was 238f degrees, and humid in the Emerald City this afternoon. So of course I went out for a long walk in the sun.
No I didn't end up in the hospital though I did think of going. This as I hung half off a park bench gasping for air, and clutching my chest. The phrase , "...What da Fuck were you Thinking!!" did come to mind.
They were handing out bottles of water outside my local library. With special attention to kids, and elders. I didn't even have to ask. Some nice NYU grad student came up to me as I stumbled by, and shoved a bottle in my hand.
"Are you alright sir?"
Aw crap do I look that bad? Well okay I'm 138, and wandering about on the surface of the sun. So yeah I could see her concern. Actually I wish they was handing out ice cream I could 'a used a hit of that. Yeah that stuff will kill me now, but so what I likes it.
Wait it get's better.
Another NYU do-gooder comes over, and offers to help me into the library. For those of you reading this in the civilized world. Thanks to the new Hotter Climate in NYC public spaces in summer are now Thermal Shelters. This includes libraries,...just like science fiction.
Also I imagine these nice kids are trained to see folks in trouble, which besides gasping for breath I had no idea I was in. What the heck I let them walk me,...they held me by the arms. Which was sweet. I like that folks are nice to old folks, and kids. The "Baby Snatching" by armed enforcers at our border with Brown people has awakened humanity is some.
Anyway they dump me a nice chair, and I'm good. Wait again,...get's even better. One of the librarians asks me if I would like a book or magazine to read while I got better from the heat.
Did I just win the humane society lotto or something?
Hey I'm game. I asks if she could find the "Collected Prose of Walt Whitman" the Penguin edition if it was handy. See smiles, and goes. A few minutes later she, and Uncle Walt appear.
I'm figuring this is candid Camera or whatever passes for that now. Anyway there I spent the balance of the afternoon. In the air conditioned womb of the same library I've been going to since I was six. I moved back to my old 'Hood after some decades of ambiguous adventures.
Today was a good though profoundly hot, and interesting day.
Monday, June 18, 2018
Rain coming down!
Rain coming down!
Like "Peas, and carrots' as my grand-aunt Joesy used to say. I love when nature especially via weather intercedes into the human realm. "Crowns of Creation" my aged butt!
We're no better than the other folks on this Earth. Though lady bugs, and old oaks are nicer.
Old oaks cleanse the air, and ladybugs are cute.
In human news.
The Canadian House of Commons just legalized Ganja. Besides heat without humidity this is yet another reason to escape North.
Closer to home. Republican bigshots, and media wonks are scrambling in damage control behind #45's "Baby Snatching" policy.
Wow only 'he' would think there'd be no blowback from armed enforcers snatching babies, and kids from people.
#45 could have had a nice job working with Eichmann.
The party of Lincoln is freaked out at the prospect of miles of footage of Brown 8 year old kids in cages, and babies being yanked from screaming mothers on every channel all day every day during the fall mid-term elections.
This is on the level his supporting that child rapist last fall in that Alabama election.
You couldn't make such a moral windfall up for stupid democrats. You bet they're working overtime to blow even this.
Meanwhile #45 fresh from wishing he could control all of us like Dear Leader Kim murderers his slaves. "I want my people to sit up, and pay attention to me like Kim's people do him"
He really said this.
He's digging his heels in on the "Baby Snatching" too.
Sez our dear Leader.
"My country will not be a Migrant camp,...not on my watch".
I guess we all know where we stand now.
Rain coming down!
Like "Peas, and carrots' as my grand-aunt Joesy used to say. I love when nature especially via weather intercedes into the human realm. "Crowns of Creation" my aged butt!
We're no better than the other folks on this Earth. Though lady bugs, and old oaks are nicer.
Old oaks cleanse the air, and ladybugs are cute.
In human news.
The Canadian House of Commons just legalized Ganja. Besides heat without humidity this is yet another reason to escape North.
Closer to home. Republican bigshots, and media wonks are scrambling in damage control behind #45's "Baby Snatching" policy.
Wow only 'he' would think there'd be no blowback from armed enforcers snatching babies, and kids from people.
#45 could have had a nice job working with Eichmann.
The party of Lincoln is freaked out at the prospect of miles of footage of Brown 8 year old kids in cages, and babies being yanked from screaming mothers on every channel all day every day during the fall mid-term elections.
This is on the level his supporting that child rapist last fall in that Alabama election.
You couldn't make such a moral windfall up for stupid democrats. You bet they're working overtime to blow even this.
Meanwhile #45 fresh from wishing he could control all of us like Dear Leader Kim murderers his slaves. "I want my people to sit up, and pay attention to me like Kim's people do him"
He really said this.
He's digging his heels in on the "Baby Snatching" too.
Sez our dear Leader.
"My country will not be a Migrant camp,...not on my watch".
I guess we all know where we stand now.
Sunday, June 17, 2018
I have a life story here. I mean what the fuck nobody, but old friends are here so I'll tell ya. As ya knows I been coughing my guts up barfing, and walking into the walls for over a week with this cold thing. Well I wakes up from one of my assorted bouts of near-sleep, and crawls to the kitchen.
I fall over alot so I figured I'd save time by going direct to the floor from bed.
I opens my little fridge,...I shut the big one off because that bastard sucked down power like a reactor on Crack. Anyway I opens the little guy, and a squeeze thing of mustard a bottle of Selzer, and a bag of meat balls flies out.
That's all I has in there being a Senior Citizen.
I asked about the prefabricated artificial food product meat ball thing at the check out. I mean I was a little suspicious. Ya know they looked weird came from some former Soviet republic, and had a picture of a unknown species on the package. ...which was laying dead by the side of a road.
I asked the kid if this shit would kill me,...she said "I dunno. You can bring it back if you die.". Everybody's a comedian.
Well as I attempts to stand up I drops the bottle of lemon lime Selzer to the floor. It pops open, and half the damn thing sprays all over the place.
I mean we all been there,...Fuck.
Being a good house frau I immediately thinks about mopping this crap up. However. Thinks I, "...this bleep is just water", a way.
I figure it's summer it'll dry on it's own,...less work for mother. Then again it's American food. Being so it's probably full of oven cleaner bug parts plutonium, and bits of human remains.
This could attract squirrels.
Which btw I now have. The little bastards are always on my fire-escape looking in on me. Why who knows. Maybe the NSA has optioned them. Hey I used to be a dangerous commie artist, and might still be up to shit.
So begins my day.
I cleans up whatever that Selzer stuff really is, and all's right with the world. However them squirrels. More on them later.
"No We are Not like You"
Being Queer or un-Straight. ...and there are as many kinds of Queerness as their are Queers. It isn't, and never was about mere physical sex. There's same-sex behaviors in prisons, and isolated environments. Yet none of that is remotely Queer.
Being Queer is to have a sense of life of being that is different. Very different in temperament, and soul than others.
We are, and will always be Different.
This is our Sacred Virtue.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
"Saint Stephen's Day"
It's Saint Stephen's Day.
Comfort the lost the poor the grieving.
Make amends with your enemies. Forgive yourself.
Forgive all that have offended you.
"Forgive us as we have forgiven those
that have trespassed against us."
That, and other impossible things will you do this day.
The feast of the beloved Saint Stephen.
Friday, June 15, 2018
"You Had to Be There"
An apparent little known fact. In 1971 the world's first public Queer Community center opened on an upper loft floor above the music club "Folk City". This in Greenwich Village in lower Manhattan.
I was a Queer youngster in my late teen early twenties then, and used to visit it often.
As I recall it only lasted perhaps a year to 18 months. It had a rough ride. Local churches petitioned the City to close it. Which they eventually did via the usual. Inspections taxes, and strong arming the landlord.
After it was shut down there were various attempts at other centers through the years. Some of radical political bend some just party, and sex havens, and some were idealistic hippie sorts.
The most successful conservative, and stroller pusher friendly being the current one established in the 1990's.
The first known Queer Center was however the "Folk City" space. It was early enough back to still have the aura of the Hippie ethnic in a sincere way. We loved it. I still miss it.
"Old White Men Make War on Brown Children"
I wish the above images was just contrived propaganda.
It's not.
It's real.
We're doing this.
We now separate children form their parents at our southern border. The border with Brown people. We tell the parents their children are going to be given a shower. They're taken away not to be seen by their parents again,...for now.
An unfortunate choice of lie. This as the word resonates historically. Especially in an ethnic cleansing sense. I like you have been living with this unrefutable knowledge for some days now. Other than static from the usual suspects. Even a very few journalists.
One at the daily White House briefing called for compassion for these people. Only to be shut down with something about "...upholding the law."
I fear I'm seeing that as a country we're generally okay with this. Separating children from parents as a specific tactic to stem immigration. The Attorney General said as much,...we're doing it on purpose. He quoted Scripture to justify his actions.
We violate the Nuremberg Judgments to which we are signators even co-authors of by doing this. Seems we listened to our "Better Angels" back then.
All this speaks to what we will now accept as normal.
As for "normal" reactions. I wonder where the hundreds of thousands or even millions of "good" people are. Why aren't these out in the streets. Out there demanding an end to this. Telling our government that this a line we must never cross.
I'll stop now. We know what's going on, and we know what we should be doing. This is the way it is, and for now this is who we are.
Angels Weep.
The last moments of #45. A cautionary tale. #45 having abolished the Constitution, and exterminated all the Queers negros, and trouble makers ascends to his golden throne. This in his new National Palace on Trump Island.
Vast choirs sing his praises. 100k doves are released hundreds of jet bombers fly past, and thousands of tanks roll by to glorify him. As he waddles to his bejeweled golden throne he's struck down by the g-ds,...mostly for having such bad taste.
He falls over backwards pissing, and shitting himself,...on live worldwide 3-D TV. He rolling down the long stairway from his throne clutching his balls screaming in blinding agony, and crying for his favorite whore he used to rape at Studio 54 back in the early 70's.
He then dies rolling down the pearl steps from his throne. A bloody meatball of shit wrapped in a tacky Emperors outfit. He wakes up in Hell. Which for him is just over the border on the American side of Del Rio.
He's stomped kicked, and dragged to a holding cell by border guards in Kluxer, and Nazi uniforms. They throw him into a holding cell where he's raped beaten, and generally has the shit tortured out him for the next 348 years.
After this them same guards still enthusiastic with their work drags the ex-#45 to the celestial probation office.
The bored civil servants there decide this jerk as leaned his lesson. ...more or less. So they release the former #45 as a sub-Angel. He's dumped in the slummy part of heaven.
There he lives on food stamps, and sleeps in an abandoned taxi in a vacant lot.
His Karma has him scheduled to be reborn as a can of spam several dozen times. If he's good he'll promoted to a toaster.
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