Monday, June 25, 2018

"Uncle Harry"

"Harry Hay"

 The Ignored Founder of the "mid-20th Century Queer Movement"
Uncle Harry up there now repudiated was the founder of the third wave of 20th century Queer activism. Yeah there were two others the one before Harry was in Europe, and wiped out by the Nazis in the mid-1930's. Harry, and some very brave comrades tried again in the late 40's early 1950's.

Google him.

Later in his active life he declined to be part of the "We're just like you" Stockholm Syndrome homophile movement. 
Saying that we were Queers, and not remotely like the people that had been killing us for basically 1000's of years. 

He liked Boy Lovers, and the culture they had which he said was the oldest form of Queer Love in western, and other Queer histories. 
By the surviving record it seems they are.
For this he was finally rebuked along with Allen Ginsberg, and Hakim Bey. Who through their research came to same unwanted conclusion.

This a horror to contemporary culture that views it in 'any' form as rape, and nothing more. This is why both the Thomas Mann book, and Visconti's film of "Death in Venice" has been withdrawn, and any revival profoundly unlikely. 

This despite both once being honored as works of art. A new version of the film a producer in the know had commented in private,
"...they will not make a version of that film faithful to the book for perhaps another century."

So here we are.


  1. Remember Uncle Harry. He's the real reason you're still alive.

  2. I met Harry Hay in 1990, right after his bio came out. I told him I was in the “n” group, and how I wanted to create some art for the Cause - but was conflicted because I also wanted to have a shot at a successful artistic career, and feared these would not be compatible. He told me, “You have to decide what’s important to you.”

    I never really dared to create the body of art I wanted to. I also never had a successful artistic career. Perhaps I was meant to do the one and not the other. I’ll never be accepted by the art establishment. I’m thinking maybe I should just go ahead and create the art I want to with the time that is left to me.


  3. When I began doing my Queer Angel Boy art, and publishing it as a youngster in the mid-1970's. I knew this would eventually be used against me. It was some decades later when it to contributed to the end of my radio career.

    My feeling when a kid then when I got the boot, and now was, and is,...Fuck'em.

    Make your art with the time you have. You've waiting for too long as it is. More will love you, and value your work than not.

  4. Yes I think you’re right. Time I get to it.

    BTW, I think it’s fair to say that the essence of the policy of the gay Judenrats is one of *appeasement.* And we know what that gets us.


  5. "We use media to destroy cultures, but we first use media
    to create a false record of what we are about to destroy."
    Edmund S. Carpenter 1972

  6. As for the Judenrats.

    When their services were complete. That is when the Ghettos were finally emptied, and sent to Death Camps.

    They usually were gathered together thanked for their loyalty, and hard work for the Reich,...then shot.

    Their loyalty came from the implied promise that they, and their families would be spared, and sent to a neutral country. Spain was the usual again,...implied destination.

    It never happened,...not once.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...