Wednesday, May 4, 2022

"...In other news"

Here I share a missive sent to an old friend. This in answer to: “…How are you?’ A dangerous question to anyone since they may tell you.  Which I did. 

Once upon a time: 

My current life is like driving a 1950 Ford two tone in the Indy 500. Yes, I am moving though not apace with my fellow travelers. Dropouts. Items go missing or appear where not expected from moment to moment. This as mental images vanish as fast as they are imagined. Also I repeat words while speaking or writing not realizing I’ve done it. 

This stage of my low budget musical comedy is…manageable. With my dear Aunt Tempy whom I helped care give for. It was a spiraling format. She lost more and more of herself by the day. I’m told this may not be my future…perhaps maybe.

I am not encouraged.

Especially since my doctors seem to be between 8 and 10 years of age. The elders among them perhaps 14. In gratitude for their kindness, besides Medicare I’ll give them comic books and candy.  Btw my sister wanted to take me to Disney World. This while I still had the cognition to enjoy it. 

Disney and the covertly insidious fantasies they represent have been ongoing gags between us. I hope to go before I have an incontinence episode on Mickey’s ample shoes. Otherwise, I’m just peachy. 

How are you?


  1. Very unsettling. With regards to your aunt Tempy and her situation, my understanding is that in that condition the soul is still present, the individual essence is still there, but the consciousness transciever that is the brain is no longer capable of sustaining the personality. It's very depressing, and I hope it doesn't happen to anyone I know.

    I have a cousin who loves Disney; she visits Disneyland every year and absolutely believes in the probity and goodness of all the associated images, the fairy princesses and castles and all the rest of it. I don't think much of the Disney brand, but I say nothing because I think it's a bad thing to try to ruin other people's pleasure. She's a nice person and doesn't deserve that, so far as I'm aware.


  2. Not bashing other's comforting fantasies is a thoughtful kindness', ...good on you. About my aunt and perhaps myself in time. She'd come back to us. Even after the brain scan showed the part of the brain that holds personality had literally in a dark void where it was. Our souls persist. Even when as you say the transceiver is gone. Indeed that intermediator may not be entirely needed as she would come back to us seeming intact. Albeit for only minutes or moments. In the end even this faded. We are such fragile beings.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...