Saturday, May 22, 2021


91f~32c this afternoon. Oddly not too bad. Hotter tomorrow then we'll see. Making Sugarless iced tea right now. We'll see how that turns out as well. Everyone be well sit in the sun for a bit...not too much. Hydrate, and wear ya hat! I knew something was up when Humidity Barbie told me the temps were inching up this morning.


  1. Storm Ana formed in the Atlantic Saturday morning. It is the first named storm of the 2021 season. Huzza! Huzza!

  2. Well we needs the rain.
    Also it's nice to see the Earth is just doing it's job. The clouds fly rains falls the Earth breathes, and we shit all over it.

    There's a poem in there somewhere.


"...Fire Sale!"

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