Friday, May 21, 2021


My pal, and part time biographer Barbie went shopping, and to the Post Office for me.  Sent in my Mail Ballot application. Came back, and picked up my letters downstairs. Bob da Bunny is away doing some NSA Op somewhere. Seems I got a missive from da bleeping White House! 

Uncle Joe his own self went, and wrote me personal. 

Sez he,...he sez:

"Hey Uncle Sid how the fuck are ya. Listen I hear ya been been kicked in da balls by the fucked economy. So here's a few bucks ta tide ya over till shit calms down. (...them Stimulus checks.)

Pay some bills why don't ya. Groceries is cool to. While ya at it go to the park buy a hot dawg, and chill. You, and 330 Millions of other cool folks deserves at least this. 

Anyway Hopes ya okay, and don't spend it all in one place. Thanks for voting for me all those times last November,...they added up. Say hi to Bob da Bunny for me."

Well this might not be 'literally' it, but it's da gist for sure. It was in Spanish too. Recognizing that's our second language, that. Also Barbie took some snaps of a few flowers on the block...ain't life grand?

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