Sunday, August 9, 2020


Good news! I'm massively ill. Barfing like crazy...even water. Sweats chills dizzy all the usual. No idea where this came from. I'm assuming I ate something spoiled. This happens even if ya careful in hot humid times. Happened twice last summer.

On the other hand,...

If this shit keeps up I may have won the Plague Lotto. High time too. What does a guy have to do to get infected around here?! We'll see where this goes. Aw crap I feel like shit, and no one to complain to, but my Barbie dolls, and this Babbage machine. ...Google that.

I just looked out the window.

The world continues to end. So everything is fine. If I don't die I'll be back on the other side of this shit in a few days. 

Besides all that mayhem.

Here's a model of a Brit WW2 seaplane I built. Came out pretty good. Been banging away at them flying kits since I was six. Which makes it 64 years. 

I think I kinda got the hang of it now.


  1. Hang in there Uncle!
    We need you now more than ever!

  2. Thanks comrade.
    Mostly in bed...dizzy tired, but no longer leaking from both ends.
    Ain't life grand.

  3. So sorry to hear you've been suffering like this. That bites the big one. I hope you've made a good recovery by now.



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