Monday, August 10, 2020

I've just noted that Free Mason big shot Albert Pike's statue has been smashed to pieces. The guy was a big wheel within the Masons, and a serious Kluxer. Worked hard to as he put it to, "...Preserve our sacred order from the Negro taint."

My grand Uncle was with the Negro Masons. 

I remember the aprons the whole deal.
I especially remember the Mason's Picnics held about this time of year.
This back in the 1950's. These were integrated, a way.

We were there it was friendly.
However we ate among ourselves
We mostly...always exceptions, but we mostly didn't play with the white children,...not allowed.
The Negro delegation was allowed limited movement within the general area, but only so much.

They were very polite.

A neat part was the motored model ships. Of course I worked models into this.
These were run in the lake there. This over in 'Jersey forget exactly where.
The colored kids were allowed to watch.
We even mixed in the the white kiddies...imagine. Such liberals.

Every year there was the ship we all looked forward to...both negro, and white.
There was this member who was a modeling fanatic.
He built a large scale....four feet stem to stern model of a Fletcher Class WW2 destroyer.
I remember a vague story that he's served on one during the war.

So separate, but equal worked fine,...for white people.

As for our hero Albert Pike.
I understand he's dead. I shall follow presently.
When I meet him I shall kick him soundly in the balls.

When I meet the guy that made that neat model I'll thank him.
I remember him as a kindly person to us lads no matter the hue.


  1. That segregated Masonic event sounds weird. Do you think they'll ever pass a law that puts an end to segregation?

    BTW, the also destroyed a statue of Frederick Douglass. Go figure. And also one of Hans Christian Heg, an abolitionist from Norway who died fighting against the Confederacy. These vandals don't seem altogether historically literate. Speaking of literature, they attacked a bust of Cervantes, along with figures of his creations Don Quijote and Sancho Panza. Antifa just don't seem very artistically inclined.


  2. This is why I long ago abandoned the far left. They are the same as their opposite number among the Kluxers, and Nazis. Same blind adherence to their grim dogmas. Same gross ignorance of near everything.

    However some some statues needed hauling down. They seemed to have got a few that deserved it by accident. If this is a revolution we're in it's going to be messy. The worse of either side may as usual to be on top in the end.

  3. Legal segregation ended on paper over fifty years ago.
    It lives a full life in local customs all over the country. Signs are no longer needed.
    One just knows where not to go.
    Even within blocks from where I'm posting,...customs.

  4. I've never supported the pulling down of statues because there is no particular limit to where it will stop. What if the mob decide that Donatello's David is a white supremacist statue and must be destroyed? Their decisions have not proven particularly reasonable or logical.

    Also, they deprive the public of its right to choose what we get to see when we walk down the street or through a public park. The decision whether to take down or put up a statue is a community decision; there ought to be something resembling a democratic process - a public meeting at City Hall, with input from the public, the local Arts Council, and perhaps a vote by council members. Letting mobs of self-appointed censors make the decision for everyone in a violent way is an abrogation of the rights of the public.

    It's true, de facto segregation is real. You can legislate against it, but you can't legislate peoples' attitudes (and it would be a mistake to try). I wish I could think of a handy solution for this. Let me know if anything occurs to you.



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