Sunday, May 24, 2020


  1. One of the all time great albums.

    My reality has become increasingly grim in the past two weeks. My response: I've been watching videos of old kid's TV shows with Jack Wild in them. This reality shit, I just can't look at it any more.


  2. Hey Z... I have an idea to keep us all entertained. Let's start a New Inquisition. Then we could move on to witch hunts. Sounds pretty nifty to me, huh? And all we have to say is that God told us to do this AND it is consistent with Christian tradition. God Bless You and Sidney too!

  3. That sounds like fun Anon. But in terms of payoff, witch hunts are small potatoes. Who really makes out, besides a few cut rate witch finders? Inquisitions are where it's at. They're like a marketing campaign for indulgences. "For every coin that in my little box rings, another soul from perdition springs." I love the sound of those jingling golden coins! Ring a ding ding! Guilt trips really pay.



"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...