Monday, March 30, 2020

Photo taken by my FB pal Dante.
They still have snow in winter there.
That, and everything seems to be horny.


  1. This NYC Dr has THE BEST advice, no joke. Watch from the 6min to 18min point. If you do, imo, you will have a lot less fear.

    link is also on my name above, Kyo.

    After watching this Dr. I think the people working in foodstores, banks, etc NEED TO WEAR GLOVES.

    But then, if they touch their eyes, nose or mouth, they will get it.

    Most will get better in 5 days, but just 2 DAYS BEFORE you feel sick, you give it to others.

    ��This is why you stay home.

    This video was strongly recommended by M. Moore from his recent podcast number 58 3/31/2020.

    M. Moore says you can microwave your food that was delivered. 30 sec and the virus is killed that might be on the paper plate it was delivered on.

    watch him, it's kinda good news, imo.

    now when I go out with dog, not such an issue.

    hands have an alcohol wipe in them, just incase I touch face, which happens maybe 2 times an hr. , we can't help it. no problem cause my hands were kinda clean, I think.

    Sure don't be with someone for 15min and then touch something they have. WATCH the video, 6min to 18min segment


  2. Yea, good news

    From watching that Dr from the 6min to the 18min point, I now don't have as much fear.

    WATCH that VIDEO of the NYC Dr.fron previous comment

    He gives advice in how to _stop_ COVID19.

    OH no, bad news.

    This link is also in my name, Kyo
    But, on tonight's Maddow show these states have NO STAY AT HOME order.

    no STATE WIDE stay home order SEE 2MIN ATTACHED video

    North Dakota
    South Dakota
    North Carolina

    Some of these states already have problems in some cities.

  3. WE either die in this or we won't.

    Now they say near 300,000 may perish.

    Up from yesterday saying 100,000.

    Worse case 2,000,000.

    What the fuck are we suppose to do with this.

    Go to a Bernie demo?

    Fuck all this shit.

  4. the video of the Dr above, from the 6min to 18min segment tells his expert advice in how to stay alive. it's based on touch and being near people for about 15min. he is the top Dr in his hospital and has the horrible job of selecting who gets a ventilator and who dies. BUT..... before this, he interviewed a lot of folks and his ADVICE imo, will keep you alive. WATCH IT.

    Why just mention a Bernie rally, watch it. 6min to 18min

  5. If Bernie wins or even lives through this swell.

    Biden I could live with. ...more or less.

    This all assuming there's an election, and all three of the last contenders hang around breathing.

    If #45 Biden, and Bernie stay alive.

    They might not,...I might not.

    We're all old with ongoing conditions.

    Fuck it I had laughs, and saw plenty...this last show before me is seriously wild shit.

    Otherwise,...interesting times


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