Sunday, December 1, 2019


I visited, and sat in my childhood church for a while today.
It's all still there all the mysteries, and contridictions.
All the memories too.
While meditating on these I was happy to see
the stained glass had been restored.
Color, and light.
This is all that's really needed.


  1. I love it.

    I want to create a stained glass pagan pantheist Hermetic Hellenist domed temple, like the Pantheon but in glorious translucent colors.

  2. Back in my Queer artist daze I had intended to do an ongoing series of Japanese style screens of assorted Queer Angel boys.

    Never got beyond the sketch stage.

    The hysteria had started, and the galleries that were open to my work changed their minds. I like to think in another reality another history I had gone on with all that, and more as I had planned.

    My family legal consul, and friends all I mean 'all' implored me not to do anymore work. I mostly didn't.

    My last slim book of Queer boy Angels their wings in glory got me a visit as I mentioned here by two count'em two detectives.

    An era had ended.

    If I had wanted to paint bearded rough trade muscle men raping each other on beds of nails that would have been fine. Beauty, and kindly gentleness no longer had a place.

    Assimilation had begun.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...