Wednesday, August 21, 2019

"Speaking of Theologies"

Apparently #45 has just declared himself a G-d King. Some red capped neo-Nazi radio guy said the President was in fact "King of the Jews",...and it seems the effective Second Helping everybody's been wanting.

Of course #45 re-tweeted. 

However the sudden appearance of an actual G-d King in the Oval office today has apparently not changed anything. 
They still wanted money from me at he store. Also there were no Angels messing about anywhere that I saw.

Such times we live in.

1 comment:

  1. I guess we shouldn't be surprised that this ends up in Blasphemy. I mean #45 edging towards g-dhood, and all. It's exactly where his emotional disorder would lead him.

    Still I am disturbed. The last administrator to do this that comes to mind is Caligula. Though he came to a bad end. He did considerable damage till then.


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