Monday, August 19, 2019

"...In nobis pacem"


  1. Hey... Let's go fishing with Walt Whitman!

    "A Song of Joys"

    In winter I take my eel-basket and eel-spear and travel out
    on foot on the ice ~ I have a small axe to cut holes in
    the ice.

    Behold me well-clothed going gayly or returning in the
    afternoon, my brood of tough boys accompanying me,

    My brood of grown and part-grown boys, who love to be with
    no one else so well as they love to be with me,

    By day to work with me, and by night to sleep with me.

    ~ Walt Whitman
    from Leaves of Grass

  2. "I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct for revenge for which no expedient is sufficiently poisonous, secret, subterranean, petty — I call it the one immortal blemish of mankind." -Nietzsche, "The Antichrist", 1888

  3. On Monday, Boing Boing had an article on Samuel "Chip" Delany:

  4. And finally, for now at least, here is the last word on the freedom of our bodies as elaborated by FĂ©lix Guattari in his essay "To Have Done With the Massacre of the Body". We have only gone downhill since this was written in 1973. Guattari was a leading psychiatrist of the 20th century. Read this:

  5. As for the Christians,...I like some of their music. I like white Country Western as well. ...again 'some' of it. Both those cultures want me dead.

    But music is music.

    About the image. I was referring to the Mother Goddess. Our first, and oldest human spiritual attempt.

    "Mary" like Isis before her, and Wonder Woman now is just a cultural survival of this oldest faith. I'm okay with Her.

    Otherwise it's just another hot humid day at the twilight of Empire.

    Thanks for the Boing Boing headz up.

    Btw I was acquainted with Mr. Delany years ago when I was in the 'Zine publishing biz,...this before the internet.


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