Monday, April 8, 2019

"Happy Event"

Good news! I had a dream this morning that I overdosed on Cocaine. Not unusual. I flash back to my O.D. events often. The difference is I got high this time. 
Haven't had a buzz in what,...22 years now. Longer maybe. Sure I dream of snorting up everything in sight, but to no effect.

Till now.

Thank you Jebus! On the down side what was really happening was a Hypoglycemic attack. That diabetes hell. Yep same symptoms. Funny that. Shakes sweats bright light tunnel vision, and other fun noise.

Though you don't get any buzz from the H.A. things. You either recover or die. Yeah them things are in their extreme extinction level events. I could have kicked the fucking bucket a few hours ago.

Aware of this I always have the cure handy. So when I woke in the middle of it I grabbed the stuff, and took it down. The shit started to pass in a bit. Swell I get to live some more.

On the bright side this put me in mind of that Douc I posted several posts down about dying alone. March 24th "Lonely Death". It's been on my mind a bit. Fuck I got no problem with going you guys know that. However the closer I gets I'm not so cool with doing it alone.

I'd resent being found up to a month later like some of them guys in the footage. True with summer coming it won't take that long to be noticed. Still I'd like company for the final act even if it's only to just lay there crapping, and gasping, and or telling bad jokes. 

I hope I do the latter.

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