Wednesday, July 25, 2018

"A Final Solution"

Safe,...for it's purpose.
Conveniently located priced to go, and much needed.

I'm surprised republicans haven't put these 
in every ghetto, and trailer park. 
A boon to law enforcement, and trims the voting rolls far better that mere voter suppression.


Half price for commie trouble makers, and assorted perverts.

(FDA Approved.)


  1. Way too cheap for private enterprise; it must be funded by Big Lotto. I guess this is what all those worthless scratch-off tickets pay for.


  2. The Mega Lotto stuff is now at One Half Billion Bucks.

    The Romans used to free a few slaves now, and then at festivals. Just to keep the proles happy. Here in the future drugs online free games, and internet porn work even better.

    Termination Booths would be popular.

    Kids doing it on a dare, are stupid. The poor old disturbed, and stupid would be lined up around the corner with their quarters. Especially if the "Booth" companies had porn-sites about heaven.

    "All da pussy you can grab for just a fucking Quarter!"

    This would especially work if inside the booth you could choose the sort of eternal bliss you wanted.
    All white ones Nazi ones black power sorts lesbian separatist worlds junkie paradises. With the 3-D tech around our owners could make it look seriously inviting.

    They should put a scene like this in one of those marvel comics rip off summer movies. The people would love it, and demand the gubbermint make them.

    "I Did the Booth, and All I Got was this Lousy Can of Ashes"

  3. You can’t trust them bastards. Once you’re in the booth, who’s to say they won’t give you instant cremation without even bothering to knock you out? It’s not like you’re in a position to demand your money back by then.

    So on the whole I’d rather be back in Mandalay. We’ll use our stolen Lotto money to open that Residence Library for Retired Artistic Gentlemen.



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