Friday, October 28, 2022

"...oatmeal cookies"

I'd end my City daze and live here. Add a porch solar panels root cellar. Spend my days making oatmeal cookies. Write deranged operas sermons draw weird graphic novels. Have gardens spend springs and summers working in them. Wander the woods listen to doo-wop on a 45-rpm record player. Take lots of snaps of the moon clouds and spirits. Finally get a cat...a few of them. Basically, live out my time in a place that ain't stealing my soul.


  1. Reminds me I want my own Bucky Fuller dome home amid a forest garden: trees with edibles that just happen (by design) to be growing randomly in the local forest, and a nice clean running stream nearby. I'd make some really weird garden sculptures to freak people out, and grow kiwi all over them. Also, I'd have a mini domelet hidden way up a big redwood tree, in case I need to make myself scarce.

    One advantage of geodesics is that their resale value is crapola, which could really help when the tax assessor comes around.

    Somewhere in the wilds of the western seaboard is an old guy who lives in a cabin that to get to you have to ride on a rope-slung seat across a churning river. That's the way to welcome official visitors.


  2. It’s real. It’s not a rope swing; rather, it’s a seat hung from a rope that’s slung over a cable that crosses the river; you slide across: probably not that hard to use, but your average pampered bureaucrat is not going to relish the prospect of using it. Keeps the pests away!

  3. Hum. Could use one of them things at my proposed homestead.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...