Saturday, September 24, 2022

Been writing missives posts through these times. Like cloistered nuns and monks, we’ve been at it. Dreaming and writing. Perhaps as back in the day when them New Hampshire ladies did Abolitionist broadsides. That and in their diaries remarking on their times. Thereby opening a door on what was really going on back there. Letters, and diaries is where the real truth of any era is to be found. Now emails and posts. Keep writing. ...the future is reading.

1 comment:

  1. Blogs are better. You can say what you want there, and take all the time you need to say it. As a fine medium of communication, email is a flop. There was once talk about how it would revive the epistolary art, but in reality everyone wants it short and bare bones. I've been yelled at for trying to write an email as a real letter. You might as well make it a telegram. True ink-and-paper letters won't be surpassed. Go ahead, call me a Luddite; I can take it.

    Funny how Vermeer apparently got next to no recognition in his lifetime for the great artist that he was - very unlike Rembrandt. It's not like the Dutch didn't have art connoisseurs.



"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...