Sunday, July 24, 2022

"...Holy Foc!!!!"

Official NYC HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT. Heat index up to 104f for Manhattan, Bronx, Southern Queens, Staten Island, Brooklyn. Isolated heat index values of around 106 are possible. The Heat Advisory may be extended into Monday or Tuesday. Hot temperatures and high humidity may cause heat illnesses to occur. Take precautions. New York City residents should call 3 1 1 for health and safety information.

*I don't think these wonks are kidding this time.

Shit is in the wind. Stay the fuck inside if you're in the region.
If you have A.C. bleeping use it like ya life depends on it... because it does. If not go the the many City Heat Shelters. These are usually in schools' libraries of local community centers.

Check online for locations.

Hydrate like Hell!
A glass of water 4x an hour if ya thirsty or not.
Heat stroke sneaks up on you. Been there. Loves you folks be aware.


  1. A few years ago it got up 109 around here. It’s weather I dread. Stay wet!


  2. By the way, things are heating up dramatically in other ways. The world is rocking with rebellion:

    They will never, ever tell you about this on TV - at least, not unless they find a way to grossly misrepresent and falsify it.


  3. The only thing I heard about the truckers and farmers was what they did to disrupt Canada Day. A usually and typically calm national celebration. In fact, I usually watch the home spun parades and such in small town Canada online every year. These are so sincere. Sort of like our patriotic local parades before the Vietnam Era started our Culture Wars.

    This year I saw angry deranged bearded manics dressed like the disturbed painted Nazi nutter from January 6th wearing that Viking helmet. It was all dismissed as just another Trump inspired far right racist mob. That's the last I heard of it.

    That guy and the rest of the mob reminded me of the train operator that tried to ram a medical supply ship bound for NYC at the start of the Covid Plague. He brought some conspiracy that it was one of the mobile incubation labs for the pandemic. There was plenty of hysteria around then...still is.

    Also the video link didn't explain much other than folks are pissed off at the eternal 'Them'...fill in blank. The 'Them' that run the weather machine that's making the oceans rise to control and starve the world into submission.

    Used to be Jews. Now it seems to be Big Tech and governments in general. About them guys they're mostly right. A bad news bunch. I doubt the weather machines, but I wouldn't be too surprised if they turned up.

    But the eugenic mind control big tech government planned population deflation stuff has been around for decades. I remember scare programs they'd show on local TV in the 50's. This about how the United Nations was going to take over the country. Force us and the rest of the world to share all our stuff for free. Limit how many kids you could have and what sort of school would be allowed. That and have foreign troops stationed everywhere. Seems little has changed at the fear factory.

    So a Big Tech World Government Conspiracy. Toss in forced Trans grooming in first grade for seasoning. Personally, I doubt them guys have the wit or demonic sense of humor to bother with such an undertaking. Anyway, this current mob loses me with the rest of their programs. Which is the usual mix of scary Populus stuff. By the looks of the Canadian branch with their Nazi and Confederate flags...I looked I found the images. That and Canadian Confederates. Fear has no borders. No matter the overarching causes the underpinnings are always the same with current Populus demos. They seem always to covertly or overtly suggest that killing Niggers Immigrants Queers and uppity bitches might be a good idea.

    Or did I get it wrong.

    At my age it's hard to get inspired by angry mobs of any kind. By nature, and just look at them mobs have no hearts or soul. It's sort of a hive mind thing. It's nothing like the Dr. King March on D.C. or related endeavors. Marching for justice or raging in fear and resentment are kind of different...In our years we have been in both kinds. Very different vibes.

    One has a soul one does not. One is a hive mine the other has a soul. All mobs tho' of different intent and ethnic religious ideological make up are basically the same...they end badly. Usually with folks like us twisting at the end of ropes.

  4. The short form is that mobs scare the bloody shit out of me.

  5. That’s a lot electronic ink to spill over one short video from a guy with a relatively modest YouTube following and a sketchy grasp of English pronunciation. Have I struck a nerve or something?


  6. Okay, that was a bit too snarky of me. I forgot you’re having to put up with 104f all day. That makes me melt down all the way. So I’ll just quote something recently posted by a modern sage:

    “ ..,the official version of what’s real has been twisted and folded like origami paper to prop up the status quo.”


  7. Well, I do go on...and it was unofficially 104f that day. A FB pal said it was 106f on his garage roof in Queens. What the hell he was going up there in that heat I can't imagine.

    2000 gallons of digital ink over some remote guy with pet peeves. I guess it was cumulative trigger reaction to the last few years of deranged hell we've all been enjoying. I felt much better after but was too hot and tried to delete.

    I can see why assorted presidents for life make 5-hour rants.
    They can and think people are actually listening. If I was dictator of the People's Prefecture of Greater Brooklyn, I'd do the same.

    Not over delusions and political paranoia. Rather I go on about important shit that my good and loyal subjects care about. Like why are there so many pizza eating rats running around loose. More to the point. Why ain't they paying taxes like everybody else.

    Otherwise, things is just swell in the latest murder capital of the country. I think we just beat Chicago for the most people killed in one weekend. Something like 20+. Someone should wake Biden or find where what's her name is. Be nice if someone did something.

    Trump just said he'd send in the National Guard. They did that in the mid-1960's. I remember I was there. They were just as bad as the looters. They beat the crap out'a folks and shot the hell out of people's homes...just like the gangs.

    The mayor ex-cop also a what's his name ain't doing shit. Well, he hands out medals to kids that won swimming meets which is nice. Unfortunately, some of them will be shot dead on da way home.

    See I'm going on again. Post-heatwave dementia.
    Sort of like a Russian dissident in 1957 who writes about democracy and dreams of Disneyland. I'd settle for Seven Flags.

  8. I should have stuck with the 'short form' for both above rants.
    However, they're just such fun to do.

  9. Not to worry. BTW, I’ve just learned there are a couple of big fires near Yosemite, so it may be nearly time for California to go up in smoke again. I really need to get an air purifier.



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