Sunday, July 31, 2022

Arthur Szyk's scroll of the 
Covenant of the League of Nations.
Paris 1931.

We persist in hoping


  1. The League of Nations, the UN and the EU are all expressions of an old elite wet dream of ruling the world. “Peace on Our Terms” is the Pax referred to.


  2. The Charter of Human Rights which includes 'Freedom from Fear' was written by Ellenor Roosevelt. It's part of the founding charter of the U.N. She did it because a similar motion was rejected by the founders of the L.N. They also rejected anti-racism and ending colonialism motions. Ironically these were backed by the then brief democratic Japanese government.

    The L.N. was as you say made by the old Imperial powers to insure their existence. The U.N. was an attempt to correct that. Despite Ms. Roosevelt and others, the fix was in again, but the P.R. was better.

    So it was inevitable the U.N. and related organizations became absolute failures. Wars persecutions and genocides continued. The only use of that entity at the moment is as a device that might prevent species self-extinction. Tho' I don't count on it for a second.

  3. As I mentioned I posted and will post the Covenant in hope.
    'Hope' ultimately in the face of human nature and this kind of world is all we have.


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