Thursday, June 30, 2022
"...The pause that refreshes"
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Monday, June 27, 2022
Friday, June 24, 2022
"...Everybody is fucked"
So it's back to 1938 which is where half the country wants to go and where the other half don't care if we do. I didn't see any of this foul fucking shit on the Jetsons. This Nazi mayhem didn't even have a booth at the '64 Worlds' Fair about da future.
I know. As a young teen I went every weekend. Aw well, shit happens.
'...An Emotional Outburst'
I'm living in a batshit demented country of millions of folks gone barking at the fucking moon deranged. A mob willfully hateful superstitious deranged angry selfish greedy vengeful out to torment Women kill Queers Trans and anybody da Lawd tells them to!
… Enough!!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Queerdom has morphed so far out of reality. As to be something entirely different than what we survivors from the Stonewall generation would know. It is a thing neither recognizable nor desired. They’ve built their own inflexible hostile hierarchy. It is in fact not Queer. It is a now nameless something else with dogmas and group think intimidations. Holy Mother Church looks on with admiration at its style if not substance.
A thread missive I posted on a good pal's page. He lives in Oklahoma gun country.
Once upon a time:
I live in Brooklyn where I suspect by our body count more people have guns than they do in Texas. Despite the notion...No New Yorkers are not unarmed Liberals. Okay we're Liberals but we're gunned up. We even drive cars and drink heavily. Often at the same time.
It's the first day of Summer. So I’m late for Father’s Day but this just occurred to me. When I get to Paradise… if they let me in on probation. When I stumble in there which looks like a mash of the ‘64 World’s Fair and Mall of America. I’ll look up my Dad. You can be any age you want so I’m 15 dad 38. A matching set. We’ll go to some Bodega have pastrami heroes, and root beer. Then go watch the Brooklyn Dodgers play in Heaven’s Ebbits Field. After we’ll hop into a ‘58 Buick hit the road, and look up Grandma, both of them and our dog ‘Brownie’. We’ll have laffs.
Monday, June 20, 2022
A bit of bookkeeping from your esteemed editor. I looked at my stats, and Russia is still blocking my page. I assume for the hints of Queerness I post from time to time. My calling them war criminals likely didn't help. Um...them shots of blown up commie tanks didn't go over so swell either.
There seems to be about a 2000 or so individual views a month for all this stuff. Thanks for hanging out. Granted I'd have more readers if I handed this static out as leaflets on the subway. Never mind it's easier this way. Probably won't get shot at as much.
You swell folks are old blog fans listeners from my radio days and my comrade radio worker pals. This along with folks from around this grand republic FB and several countries.
Btw welcome to readers in Malta...all 14 of you.
You're the first from there...I think.
Message to 'Z'. Sorry I ain't answered your comments. I missed a bunch for the last month or so. Go back to where PLW aka Hakim Bey passed and work ya way forward. Was busy with deranged affairs of state so was late in replying.
Otherwise as usual I can't post everything I'd like to as in da old days. I did decades of Queer comics that would get this joint nuked in a Times Square heartbeat. So you'll just have to make your own...sorry. Otherwise shit is just fucking peachy.
Stay tuned.
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Since it's June here's something from my Queer daze. I was always presumed Queer…even by myself. That being so I was very much a John Addington Symonds fan in my youth. A once noted pacifist smarty pants. John Addington Symonds - Wikipedia This in my days as a Queer outlaw idealist. I had this romantic idea that all Queers were idealistic artists and pacifists.
Today Sunday June 19th, 2022, is the 157th Juneteenth now a National Holiday. The below official flag representing 'Juneteenth' was created by Ben Haith, the founder of the National Juneteenth Celebration Foundation. Juneteenth…the freeing of the last American Slaves by the Union Army of the North is now a National Holiday. This passed by the United States Senate in June 2021.
“…Bike Détente”
Saturday, June 18, 2022
I'm remembering “Joey”. He was a trans kid…boy to girl. 1961. Milk was delivered in bottles cars had fins the Twilight Zone wasn't even in re-runs yet and Good King John was on the Throne. Joey and I we were both 11. We all have history Women Queers Trans and all the identities. Even straight white people. Bigotry to anyone for any reason is poor mental health. Well, part of my family was in show business, so my folks had seen a wider world. My being a Queer kid wasn’t traumatic for them. …mostly. They knew since I was born. Consistently screwing up at math was another matter.
So they didn’t call an exorcist when Joey and I did makeup in the garage. However, my Ma given those times always said ‘only do this in the house’…fearing for our safety. Joey’s family except for his sister gave him hell. Our house was his safe place. I loved my folks for that.
Come to remember it the guys on the block didn't bother him much …he was just Joey. Kids I think have other concerns than ritual tribal hatreds. They some of them in time fall into it. However, in our early beginnings we’re innocent. Would we could all find our way back to that.
Joey was a special soul. Sweet gentle kind brilliant. Born in the wrong era as so many. He took his life when he was in his 20's. The cruelty became too much. I wrote this so his story or part of it would be known. He lived walked this earth and gave only love.
Friday, June 17, 2022
"...walk on water"
World Peace World Sanity Free Lunch Free Tuition Freedom from Fear, and all the other things that should just be the givens of an advanced society. Turns out it’s just a matter of Pixie Dust….and very Hard Work. …who knew?!
You can Fly!
Back when they still taught you how to find your country on a map cars had fins TV was b&w, and Good King John was committing adultery with Marilyn Monroe. Back in the glorious times when comic books were .10 cents, and they gave you a free Coke with your hot dog at the movies. Anyone remember the free soda pop days at the kiddie matinees?
Back in them forever lost years of the former American Empire…I thought I could Fly. Made perfect sense. Every night we sat out either at the park or in our backyards to watch the new Satellites slowly sail over us. The night sky was familiar to us. Light pollution much less then. We knew the stars, and their arraignment as constellations. So we knew it when something new appeared…oh those magical ships of stars.
We lived in an age of Miracles.
It was within that former realm of magic I believed I could fly. I felt truly believed that I could perch on the window sill and…Leap! I’d soar through the air make right angle turns and land atop the trees across the street. Then again into the stary night, and fly to my Aunt Sybil’s house to surprise her. As I sit here posting this mayhem as a cranky old guy I see my young self planning this great adventure.
As it happened I never got the chance.
My Dad had a company install storm windows, and screens. This just days before my planned ascension. So I was saved from breaking certain bones or getting air sickness. No matter. I think kids do fly, and perform any number of miracles.
They fly appear disappear walk on water speak with Angels see Demons. However, they don’t tell. Never. I wouldn’t I didn’t. They’d never believe us. Peter Pan is right. Most forget or if remembered dismiss it all as dreams. But some like you and I remember. Like when I saw the sky was a different color than I’d been told or I could hear singing in the sky. This is just how kids exist. They see and do the miraculous.
Perhaps the Peter Pan myth is an echo of our lost adventures. Maybe there is a Never-land or any of the thousand names children have for their magic place. Maybe without knowing that’s what so many are trying to re-capture. Live your best dreams.
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
We used to honor this holiday before the Vietnam era made our flag a symbol of contention. This as partisan groups claimed it as theirs and theirs alone…this continues. Flag Day like Memorial Day has changed. In the last 50 years one vanished the other became a consumer sale day.
Locally here in NYC. The day honored not only the Stars and Stripes but also the many banners of our republic. As a child I remember seeing the flags of many nations hanging from the windows of homes and businesses. These honoring both our republic and the lands many came from. As we are many so we are one. E pluribus unum.
"...two guys and a train"
Sunday, June 12, 2022
"...train cave"
Friday, June 10, 2022
This from my nuked Queer blogs of some years ago.
Speaking of Gay Wedding cakes. I was out today and overheard a portion of a conversation. It was a third hand story as the lady was on the phone telling it to a friend. Seems she was just at a store, and a customer was making fun of gay guy on line…this is the Emerald City. We stand ‘on’ line not in one. Well, the owner of this shop laid into this guy…the bigot. Told him off good. The last person you want pissed at you is a Black woman…especially one from Jamaica. Which as I listened to the story she was. The lady on the phone gave it theatrics as she related the tale. This is why I love this town. Every street is theater. Said she, “…he didn’t pick out being gay no store he was born that way, and it’s how g-d wants him!” It went on, but you gets the drift. Just when I was fried by all the ugly in this world. I happen on this. I just ‘happen’ to be next to this lady relating 'this’ story. …which I needed to hear. This was a coincidence of course…there are no Angels we’re not all connected by a vast dark matter quantum spiritual internet,…naw no way. Above Wonder Woman drops by to say ‘Hi,…sup?’
Thursday, June 9, 2022
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
*Over the years I've posted of all sorts of stuff that I thought were culture changing events. I was always wrong. I might have been about my post below. Too soon to tell. The piece from June 8th, 2020, is about the worldwide reaction to the George Floyd murder by cops. A routine American lynching of just another darkie...who cares.
Turned out the whole damned world did.
At least it did for about six months then forgot. More variations of COVID followed by popular resistance to the vaccines. A tanking economy. Then a European World War kicked everything off the front pages.
...and here we are.
Like I sez it's still too soon to tell if any good will come from any of this. It's like that when you're in the middle of history happening in real time. One needs years to digest what the fuck happened and if it did any good. Me I'm having ice cream's the little things. So ...Once upon a time:
Democrats in the United States Congress Take a Knee.
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Monday, June 6, 2022
"...Fire Sale!"
I am now posting on >>>> "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot. The ot...

"...stunned" 1944 Americans in stunned horror. This as they see 2019 Americans support Nazis.
I found in my archives photos of my model WW1~Albatros. I still have it in one of my closet boxes. Click to view. I wanted to ...