It's a warm lonely semi-lockdown
for some elders anyway, Memorial Day.
Gone are Bar-B-Q days.
Hanging with pals or even as I do below
honoring our vets who saved our ungrateful butts.
However, while staring blankly, I found this.
An historical artifact from da BBC.
Oh, to be a class enemy.
These gals existed side by side
with 1950's Brit working class squalor.
Much as gleeful 2022 fashion shoppers today
step over the forsaken homeless.
As I mentioned.
If I were a Greek gawd.
I'd be chucking antimatter lightning bolts
and gay wedding cakes at the oblivious
despoilers of the earth.
Those debutantes should be sent to a reeducation camp in Italy and forced to participate in the spaghetti harvest.
Then spend long humid showerless days in the hot Alabama sun harvesting the Corn Dog Trees and French fries' bushes while in their best Deb ball gowns. All while reciting from the revised Penguin edition of 'The Limericks of Harry hay and Ralph Chubb'. That and only one cappuccino break a week.