Saturday, January 22, 2022


Anxious and drifting so I made a paper doll.
Used what was handy.
I should do it over, but I like it.
No matter the static we can always make art.
It'll get us through the night.



  1. Beautiful.

    I have no idea how to make paper dolls, other than those little cutouts that unfold in a row; and I'd probably be stuck even for that.


  2. Sorry I haven't answered. Been in bed.
    The COVID symptoms come and go.

    They really should have passed.
    They have for periods but return. Sometimes with a punch. Them witch doctors don't know Shit...they admit as much about Omicron.

    We're a vast research pool.

    I read some are fine in days. Others carry on with it for weeks. Me just past a month. The flu effect had me in bed for over two weeks. That lifted then back to simple cold stuff.

    Now a serious tiredness. I'm sleeping or in bed for a few days at a time. Edgy as well. That's why I made that paper doll project.
    Did it in bed.

    I'm looking at the morbidity for folks like me...old farts with all sorts on long term crap. Eh...I might not want to make long term plans. As Richard Pryor said: "...Fuck it I'm alive.

    As for the details of making the doll.

    First ya has to be Queer. Then have a certain amount of dexterity finger wise. Basic computer skills an imagination and time. Basically, the ability to make art out of any scraps ya has lying around.

    You well know how that is.

    By chance I have the lot.
    Can't write music though. Pity since I Deam music...wish I could note it down. I plan to make more scrap dolls as the days go by. Was going to tonight...too damned tired.

    Hope all is well on the burning homeless criminally mis-managed coast. Be well. ...or as best ya can.

  3. Ya better hunker down for dat bomb cyclone dey is takin bout comin on Friday! Hang in there Uncle!
    We all luvs ya!

  4. Local weather is downplaying it as nothing last I saw.
    You know how these laffing assholes are. "Everything is fine."
    Near 70f in January they grin and say, "What wonderful weather." Deliberately sidestepping this clear evidence of our slow-motion extinction event. I hate those grinning bleeps.

    Okay maybe two/three good ones in the market.

    The European weather model which they don't use because its reality based. That science-based algorithm sez we're going to get slammed. The whole eastern corridor. Norfolk Va. to Bangor Main.

    So snow it is.

    Locally in Brooklyn it could be a foot to two feet. Then maybe only six inches. It's warbling so it will vary. Like when the Bronx got a dusting, and we got a foot.

    Meanwhile I'm in bed.

    I'll watch this Arctic mayhem from my bedroom window.
    You and yours be safe out there comrade.
    Stay tuned.

  5. Hey... what happened to the picture of you from 1955?
    Hope your feeling better! Hang in there Uncle!

  6. I get self-conscious about family things.


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