Friday, January 21, 2022


Part of the earth blew up the other day.
Once this would have been worldwide front-page news.
No one noticed. It's already vanished.
News cycles didn't blink. It's gone.

Had the force of a 20 megaton Nuke.
Visible from space. Watch the Video below.
It's sobering to say the least.
Btw she has plenty more where that came from.

We continued with our important business. 
Basically examining each other's asshole lint.
Hating each other over every bit of nothing we can find.
Part of a country albeit one full of unwhite people
has vanish off the face of the earth.

The Earth spoke trying to get our attention.
We ignore her even spat on her for bothering us.
Do the fucking Math.
The Earth abides.
We're just along for the ride.



  1. Fasten your seat-belt!
    OOPS! I guess that won't work either!
    Hang on... this is gonna be some bumpy ride!

  2. The next time the ground shakes.
    It might not be a truck or the subway.

  3. That happened to me once. I though a truck was pulling up out front, and a few moments later realized I was experiencing a major quake. It was so violent and lasted so long that I was afraid the house might actually fall down on top of me.


  4. Glad ya made it.
    However, nature don't play.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...