Thursday, December 16, 2021


Speaking of Mass Extinction musical comedies.  I’m really not sure where we stand. Even if you’ve had your booster you can still get COVID. Just not die from it. Now fuckng what? Did we waste our time being careful? Believing in science being responsible keeping distance staying home. 

I went to old friends for Thanksgiving. This after near two years. We planned having Christmas. So what do we do? The best I see is…yeah, you’ll probably get it after all, but you won’t die. Just cough blood, and crap ya self. W-T-F!!! …Not even Bob da Bunny has an answer this time.

On the Civil Disobedience front. Here in da Emerald City folks are overturning COVID testing tents attacking medical workers assaulting store clerks over masking. That, and generally insisting on getting infected, and spreading it as far, and wide as possible. In my hood I torn down posters calling for the firing of teachers that got vaxed. This to protect children from government control. This ain't redneck's fucking Brooklyn fer craps sakes. 

I get it everyone on earth has had e-fucken-nuff of all of this. Tuff!. We have a responsibility to ourselves, and each other. Meanwhile the virus is very happy for the increased vectors of infection from these folks. I hear Ambulances again as well. Part of the day, and during the night. Not as bad as early 2020. However, many times what it was a month ago. 

As for our Solstice gathering. All the folks involved are over 60, and vaxed to heck, and back. That’s why we met for Thanksgiving. Now I'm not sure about anything. Though vaxed to bits that may not matter. Any or of us may get ill. Either by travelling or actually meeting. As through all of this uncertainty rules. 

Let's look at the check list. 

Deadly worldwide Pandemic. Officially near 6 million dead worldwide. 800k dead in our country. In real numbers more like 1.3 million. Attempted coup. Workers screwed forced to work in deadly virus circumstances. Heck Amazon forced workers to stay at their posts during a tornado. It hit the place. Capitalism. Big wars simmering. Everybody broke everybody freaked out exhausted lean on any kind of hope. 

Did I mention the world continues to end as we knew it?

Climate stuff. Big chunks of Antarctica are breaking off. Warmer winter less snow melt more, and bigger fires in spring, and summer food prices continue to rise. Nazis in the street, and #46 generally in a stupor. #45 more, and more likely to come back, and finish killing what's left of the Constitution. As he famously said: It's old fashioned and keeps getting in my way. Who needs it? He also mentioned the country having a president for life as something we may want to try. ...he said this. 

Eh...will someone please give Biden a hit of meth or something. Okay the poor bastard is like 80 years old. He was all we had that was even remotely electable. It's just so much worse that I imagined. Unlike #45 he ain't doing demented evil things. He just not doing much of anything.  Okay infrastructure, but with no protections against what the coming GOP majority will do to it. So it might as well have never happened. ...I quit!

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