Monday, November 22, 2021

"...White Christmas"

A White person albeit a kid innocent on all counts of shooting dead two unarmed people, and crippling another.
As I said I want to forgive this. I am trying. 
Yes, it's complicated. 
However, I'm Attempting 
to see everyone's humanity in all parts of this. 
I can't. Not now at least. 
I just don't know how.



  1. Here's a one-minute vid of a key part of the trial:

    Here's a video of the event; it's a sort of hard to follow, but gives an idea of what happened:

    I think you'll find it didn't go down quite like they said in the news.


  2. Heart breaking. Complicated. Weariness.

  3. Here's another image of a Peaceful Protester gently remonstrating with the monstrous Rittenhouse, who is the figure lying on the ground.

    Immediately after this, the figure behind the jump-kicker then bashed Rittenhouse in the head with the skateboard one can make out in this photo, whereupon the latter shot him.

    These guys are about as defensible and innocent as the gay-bashers who murdered Matthew Shepard. They're trying to smash in his head.

    The media are enraged and the Left is infuriated because the jury - which was racially mixed and composed mostly of women - did not deliver the wrongful conviction and travesty of justice that those parties passionately yearn for.

    Where do you get your information from? You need to throw out your TV. It tells you nothing but lies.


    1. Z, this is a real eye opener!
      I haven't been following all this very closely, but I agree with you that we should throw out our TV sets and do a more comprehensive and multi-faceted analysis of what we hear and read.

  4. My friend I'm just so very sad, and weary with all of this. I've lived in our race war for my whole life. It's been better it's been worse. But my heart my actual soul can no longer exist in it.

    I just want it to end.

    It won't. Like the Middle East with its addiction to vengeance, and blood. We're addicted to this. We can't imagine our country without it. We love it, and want it to go on's who we are.

    1. I don't believe it. We are not the Middle East. Plenty of Americans want this to end. Do you really think you're the only one who's sick of it?

      I think someone is directing the press to foment hatred among the working class, on racial lines and using whatever other fissures will serve to keep that class from uniting to defend its own interests. I think this is a class war, not what they're making it out to be.

      Notice how the media are constantly focusing public attention on the pigmentation of everybody's skin. They are actively promoting race hatred, not combating it. Do they ever talk about class differences or the fact that social mobility has all but vanished, except for that going downward? Everything they do is calculated to distract attention from that fact.

      They are playing the oldest game in the book: divide and rule. They're doing it quite successfully too, so far. They are deliberately promoting racism, not ending it; they are stoking hatred and division in the service of class interests.

      The legacy media - cable news, big tech, nearly all the major newspapers - are not only enemies of the people; they're enemies of humanity. Don't listen to them.



"...Fire Sale!"

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