Saturday, July 3, 2021

"...fuck all this shit"

I just stumbled over that demented revised "correct" homophile flag again. See new eye-test above. 


They added Black, and Brown stripes,...even put the Black one on top. Thanks. Hey I saw new one with Trans shit on it,...swell. This after giving them shit all these years...especially the Dykes. Yeah them gals had a special hatred for Trans folks. I was there I saw it heard it. I remember it. I saw my Trans pal's tears. 

Now they're being nice to them'n  us nigger's too...thanks so much Massa I been good a darkie for ya! This after 100 years of calling us "Dinge",...pervert slang for Dinge Queens,...them with fetish for black cock. How I hated them shits. I took joy in telling them to fuck off. 

Did I say Fuck you to hell, and ya Mama too? 

Remember the routine racism? 
Every queer bar, and café I tried to enter..."Sorry private party." Some nights every single place had a "Private Party". Not a word in the gay press not a mention in any meeting. Yeah I remember if no one else cares to. Fuck you all, and rot in fucking hell.

I have nothing, but visceral hatred for this all this, and the white pervert movement that spawned it. You delusional piles of ash in waiting telling your eventual murderers that,..."We're just you" ...???!!!!

Satan Laughs!

Even your most liberal pals are revolted at the thought of you, and how you live love, and fuck. You all of us. From fucking stroller pushing Marine sergeant Dykes to oblivious one percent butt fuckers to hunted, and hated boy lovers we're all the same to them, and all will in time be shoved into the same Ovens.

They're already dragged Brown Children fucking babies too into Internment Camps. What do you imagine they have on the menu for your faggot ass.

Hope ya had a happy "Pride Day",...while they still happen.

*One more thing.

You are 21st century Judenrats.

Judenrats were WW2 Jewish-German Collaborative Agencies.
Principally within the Ghettoes of Nazi Occupied Europe.

Purpose: Administrative in their own Extermination.  

**And Another Fucking Thing!

Well meaning friends even family last month wished me a "...happy pride day". Rather than be polite, and just say thanks or maybe nothing.

I unloaded on'em! 
I said that this was once a life, and death struggle. 
It's now a gaudy vulgar carnival. One limited to acceptable types. 

See our new friends above/below.
These guys hunted blackmailed beat, and killed us,...remember?

I plainly said "...Fuck'em all to hell they have nothing to do with me or me with them."
My well wishers backed off in confusion,...they really didn't, and don't get it. 

The upside. 

They'll never bother me with this shit of celebrating one percent fudge packing Gentrifiers or stroller pushing Marine sergeant Dykes again.
These who would with glee turn the likes of me over to their new friends the cops to be killed.

Otherwise it was just another shitty humid day so I stayed home in the air conditioning, and watched old movies.
I'm just fine thanks just waiting to be shot in da fucking face by Nazi cops or underclass fucking gangbangers.

Hey can't ya see I'm enraged tired fed up, and eating ice cream?!   

Fuck the fuck off!!!

***You still here? 

You want Uncle Syd nice nice,...fine read the shit below.
I was in a better mood then.


  1. Spot on Uncle! Spot on!
    You got it absolutely correct!
    Yes, Fuck'em all to hell!

  2. Dante will have to create new, and more interesting levels of Hades.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...