Saturday, June 26, 2021

"...Watch the Skies"

The feds released that UFO report today. Turns out UFO's or UAP's as the defense department prefers are real. Yeah ya heard right...real. No they didn't say saucer guys from planet Mongo. They did say they ain't lens flares swamp gas Chinese drones or assorted fakes. The latter is too bad. As a kid I made a bunch of neat UFO fakes with my Ma's polaroid camera.

They come to this conclusion from the fact that these things have from the beginning been picked up by various means of sensory data. Radar infrared electronic target tracking systems the works. That, and testimony from folks that work in or watch the skies for a living.

The damned things show up in the controlled air space of military facilities assorted nuclear power plants. They even buzz our Naval Battle Groups at sea...they seem to like our carriers. So after near 75 years of telling us it ain't bleep, and we should shut up about it. They come...somewhat clean. That, and no one cares. Leave it to a government agency to take the fun out of stuff. Sort of like how NASA made Mars boring.

Anyway like I sez if these were normal times this would be a "Stop the presses!!" moment. Explain to your millennial friends enemies or kids what presses are. As many are saying that noticed any of this, UFO's are real. Now what? Me I think given who we are now no one will care. This will disappear in a few days. Folks will go back to trying to reinstall that insane guy who used to be president or watching porn online.

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"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...