Saturday, May 8, 2021

"...The awful Arithmetic"

Here's another FB piece I did at the start of the Pandemic. I was pretty much on the money saying if Trump lost we'd top off at or near One Million of today we're at 600,000. By fall with the Vaccine now common we may not break 700k.  So maybe the butcher's Bill in this country will be around 650k. 450k Over 400,000 dead Americans is at #45 feet. He's directly responsible for those.

Anyway...Once upon a time.

Here's our reality. We're going to have 100,000 perished in our country soon. As unimaginable as that sounds we are on the will happen. We near 80K as I post. The original forecast at the start of this was they'd be 200k fatalities. Seems they were right. That is where we are headed.

That is as Eisenhower once put it regards to nuclear war, "...The awful Arithmetic of our situation."
Only it won't stop there.
They also said there was the possibility that at the end there could be 2 Millions U.S. perished by the end of 2021. That's roughly the time effective vaccines are being distributed...when you, and people you know will have got the shot.
No miracle cure by summer or fall.
The real work being done by all the major players say a year to develop the damned thing. Then six to eight months of testing approving then manufacturing. After that a WW2 level effort to distribute it to the Seven Billions all over the Earth. getting the picture here.
We're 18 months from actually getting shots.
You see how bad we've fucked this up so far, and when #45 is re-elected... By what he's doing look for 3 to 5 million Americans dead at his door.
I'll be optimistic,...if the election goes the other way...near or at One Million+ dead in our republic with all that will mean.
This is our future.
This is exactly where we are headed. I'm a Western rationalist. The "Awful Arithmetic". The certainties of the numbers, and where they are headed by our current actions tell us this. Not conspiracies' injecting bleach wishful thinking religion or politics. The cold impersonal mathematics of this pandemic tells me this.




"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...