Tuesday, May 25, 2021

"...sign nothing"


I was chatting online with a comrade on the other side of the planet,...hey this is the future. She's just come home from hospital. Not COVID thanks da gawds. Anyway she mentioned what a nasty mess the human body is. Yeah ya sees a bunch of shit in hospitals.

Code "Brown" common.

I told her I'd been in them things rather a lot these last years. While so incarcerated you'd be amazed at what ya gets used to. What were once horrors become routine. Suffering,...death.

A few years ago on my last cycle through that hell. Three other old guys bought it on my ward. Other's had serious stuff go down on them. I freaked at losing a toe. Next suit over the poor bastard lost a leg,...from the hip.

That, and blood madness screams unheard desperate prayers,...just another day on the factory floor.  Speaking of shit one gets used to. All serious conditions involve loss of bowel control. No shame,...just comes with the territory.

My suite-mate nice guy did this often. 
I tried my best to help him out. ...keep a few shreds of dignity all that. This till orderlies would eventually get there. We're all in it together in them places. 

Another thing is that your butt is always hanging out thanks to them smocks they make you wear. There they is ya full moons shining to all the world. Nurses cops visitors other victims getting a full gander.

I'm off butts now.
Nothing de-eroticizes more than seeing an organ doing what it was designed for.

The moral,...never get old sick poor or nuts.
Also keep laughing, and sign nothing.

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