Saturday, May 1, 2021



A short “Star Trek” tale. 
It concerns the fate of the Federation vessel USS Pequod. The back story of the ship, and crew I leave to your imaginations. We join them as they enter the Augustine System on the Federation/Bajoran border.
The Pequod became caught in a temporal slip. There it stayed for 200,000 years. …give or take. Outside the Slip the ages raised, and lowered seas, and rearraigned the stars. Through all this the crew lived the same 3.8 seconds.
The same, and the same, and the same.
‘Till they didn’t.
Like angels time slips are mercurial. Coming, and going as they please. The Event lifted leaving the Pequod facing, “…new worlds, and new civilizations”.
Centuries later their descendants met a species that knew them. Knew them, and had plans for them. For these were the authors of the Augustinian Event. These people called themselves,…
“The Q”. 
*Deleted scenes.
In the Pequod’s galley Engineering Ensign Ivy reached for her coffee. 200,000 years later she drank it.
In the corridor of deck three Crewman Rodrigo waited for the turbo lift. A geologic age later it arrived.
On the bridge Helmswoman Keung felt a hint of turbulence. A near quarter of a million years later she also noticed all the stars were in the wrong places.
328 years after that,…Keung's great great great grand kids met the "Q".

1 comment:

  1. Okay it's kind of lame'n predictable in a high school S/F sort of way.
    I mean in all that spilled digital ink there might be one or two sentences readable. Okay maybe a phrase or so.

    Maybe not too profoundly vastly shitty, but ya know.

    Still how is it that fans come up with interesting concepts plots dreams. Just read the fanfic. Sure tons of slush. mine up there, sorry I tried. However piles of them fic things would make a neat one off even a cool series.

    I've read a few that would be very watchable movies.
    Some rather extremely watchable. Yet the wonks the make the real things come up with lame crap every time.

    I've always wondered.
    How can a project with over a $$$ Hundred, and more Millions of Bucks to play with. Talented crews actors techs the fucking works.

    How with all that does shit still happen.
    With a pool of real talent the size of a town it still stinks.
    Just wondering.

    But I digress. Trek.

    Them wonks constantly do shit that throws the whole Trek tradition down the crapper. Like all fucking 50+ years of it never happened, and they just fucking invented it. I mean some of the writers admit they never watched it.

    ...yeah pal we can tell!

    Just say'n.


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