Saturday, May 8, 2021

"...after shocks"

Further after shocks of the year 2020. 

2020 a year where 600,000+ Americans perished from the COVID Virus. More killed than in all of our wars combined. The political tremors from unarmed Blacks being murdered by police.  This causing coast to coast demonstrations. These brutally attacked by local, and state police.

Far right violent incidents. These getting kid glove treatments by law enforcement. Then a contested election in which the deranged loser sent mobs to ransack the Capitol Building to stop the vote certifications. 

All this underpinned by virus induced shattered local economies. Massive job loss lines miles long for food. 

After all this fun the last months have seen a cycle of mass shootings. Who knows how many by now. Two days ago a 12 year old white girl shot up her middle school...and lived to talk about it. A month before an unarmed brown kid got shot in the guts by a cop,...and died on the spot. Too bad he wasn't white huh? Point is shit is getting shot up.

Literally a few minutes ago a mall in Florida was shot the hell up. This time white people got pissed, and shot the hell out of each other. As I said in a below post. Let da red states keep them guns. They mostly use them on each other,...Darwin smiles.

But wait there's more.

Times Square had another shooting. Four dropped. This in the Disney store. Customer went nuts when he was charged,...get this $65 bucks for a cheap coffee mug made in China. Hell I'd have busted a few caps over that myself!

Meanwhile I'm taking my chances to get my COVID shot in the morning. It's on the same block that had a fatal shooting last week. Btw them cute pictures I took at my local park, and posted a few weeks back? ...see above. 

It just had a fatal shooting feet from where I sat enjoying the Spring sun, and breezes.  I could just as easily have had my face shot off by assorted stray bullets that day.

It's Life in War Time comrades.


  1. Hey... lots of shit going down all over the place:

  2. There's no place to go unless you like a brutally hot and humid tropical climate. I can't stand it myself.


    P.S. - Guggle is blocking me from posting, even on a computer, sometimes. I never know when my connection might wink out. Z

    1. Why is Google blocking you from posting? Where do you usually post?


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