Friday, April 30, 2021
When I was eight. Sister Alice my teacher gave me something magical. She said all of our lives every moment, and everything we did no matter how small,…was a prayer. To G-d every living being all life is a prayer. Individual special living prayers. My Mother gave me life Sister Alice gave me a miracle to put in it.
(...This one also from a few years back. Hey I gots near 16 years of this blog stuff around. So ya gots to expect re-runs for time to time. Anyway I remember Sister Alice because she was one of the few Nuns that didn't beat humiliate or generally traumatize me for life. I think she was one of maybe three that didn't commit what would now be felonies against us.)
FB just gave a pre-COVID memory from four years ago. Just days before #45 took office.
As you know besides everything else I'm a shape shifter. I find it easier to turn into cartoon characters as opposed to say a radioactive toaster. Anyway there I am as "Alice". I always wanted to be a 9 year old Victorian abused kid.
I'm also the cat.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
I had another of those dreams a few nights ago.
The snap polling of the Biden address to Congress. 85% of those who watched the speech generally approved of it, while 15% disapproved. 74% of people in the poll said they believe the plans Biden laid out would help them, while 85% said they like his plan to create jobs. 73% said Biden’s proposals would move the country in the right direction.
The share of Republicans who agreed with the statement doubled after the speech, from 13% to 27%. Among independents, the number rose from 61% before the address to 73% after.
Mind you polling in this country is not always reliable. The 2020 elections polls were serious off. Still even with that most Americans were at least optimistic after hearing Uncle Joe.
One thing is certain. He’ll get no help from Republicans.
Though the Covid Bill has a near 80% approval from both sides. Not one republican voted for it…not one. Also as was pointed out not one republican applauded when Uncle Joe said we could cure many kinds of cancers. They weren’t even against curing cancer if a democrat was going to do it.
As commentators said. Though Joe sez he wants Bi-partisan cooperation there will be none. He will have to govern over the heads of the republicans.
As Mitch McConnell said of Obama.
"We will oppose everything he tries even if it’s good good the country."
That’s who, and what republicans are.
At least in this divided era.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Several thoughts observations.
"...the living end"
Heaven at least at first. What would da gawds make for us? I imagine it would be a matter of point of view, and degree. East St. Louis in 1978 was at the time among the worst of American urban hells. However some peasants from 1428 Ipswich England dumped there would imagine they'd gone to heaven. Fresh water miraculous machines. Everyone so well dressed like the nobility. Amazingly wealthy Moors, and great palaces everywhere, and free food. All that would actually be fire hydrants cars buses the ghetto underclass abandoned factories, and garbage.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
"I Love A Mystery" '30's radio game show.
We as usual had been dragged in for Friday confessions.
However what 10 or 11 year old kids could do to look bad in G-d's eyes I can't imagine.
They prefer things go through the main office.
Well the bishop came to shut the whole deal down. A fucking Gag Order!
There she is above 60+ years older, and looking fresh as butter in the humid sun.
Though not talking when I went by to say hello. ...gag order.
I really believed this.
At the time I also believed that I could fly.
Btw I bet I could'a flown
I'll bet kids fly, and perform all manner of Miracles.
Любовь к миру, любовь к добру, любовь к мальчикам.
Love of Peace love of Kindness
love of Beauty.
These are the most Ancient of Thought Crimes.
"...This is the World Queer Pacifists Want"
"...Fire Sale!"
I am now posting on >>>> "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot. The ot...

"...stunned" 1944 Americans in stunned horror. This as they see 2019 Americans support Nazis.
I found in my archives photos of my model WW1~Albatros. I still have it in one of my closet boxes. Click to view. I wanted to ...