Wednesday, January 20, 2021



Joseph Biden, and Kamila Harris
have taken the Oaths for
President, and Vice President
of the United States of America.


  1. The good news is that Trump is gone. That's the good news.
    Now let's see what Biden does.
    Obama promised a lot of things and delivered very little.
    While I am hopeful, I am not expecting much.

  2. Obama saved us from a Second Great Depression. The day he took office he was told the ATM's were two weeks from being shut down across the country. The same as the great run on the banks in the 1930's.

    Obama gets little to no credit for stopping that.
    Most don't even know that day happened.

    His sell-out to the banks he's cursed for by progressives was part of the package to get them to go along with his emergency measures. Which saved us from that depression which would still be going on.

    This is all in the history books that no one reads.

    As for his failure to be a progressive...he never was.
    He was always at best a slightly left of center moderate...moving right when needed politician. Examine his pre-presidential politics. He allowed us to believe he was Che' because it got him elected. He is after all a politician. Bush,...both of them allowed Kluxers to believe he was on their side. That also worked.

    Also Obama not having either the House or Senate on his side for anything didn't help. McConnell admits that their playbook was to block everything he did even if it was good for the country. This to insure he was a one term president.

    Obama was the right-wing's Trump.
    A historic mistake. An abomination to be removed as fast as possible.
    However his charm, and intelligence also his intent no matter how useless make folks love him...I loved him still do. So we gave him a second term.

    Biden is what he always was. A decent guy a moderate, and one who has proven he can work with all sides. Which is exactly what we need at this moment. He will not be a progressive messiah nor a reactionary sell out. he will try to get a nation on the verge of Civil War back together. As he said he know he can't get everyone on the same page. But he thinks he can get "...just enough to make a difference".

    So far so good.


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