Wednesday, September 30, 2020



As for the first debate between Trump, and Biden last night. 

The CNN summary: "...That was a Shit Show."

Pretty much. Even I was stunned befuddled, and horrified at the mayhem. The President of the United States of America is literally Insane. ...and not in a nice way. That, and is using it as a campaign point for re-election. 

He's fucking batshit hog humping drooling barking at da moon fucking ass nuts. This in the Nurse Ratchet Joe McCarthy Goebbels style. 

He did everything, but juggle snakes bite the heads off bats, and burn a bleeping cross. He came close to that cross thing when he told that Nazi terrorist bunch the Proud Boys to "...Stand By."

Fuck,....I 'mean' fucking fuck. 

Did I mention he threatened voters with his armed mobs? That was the nice part after that he lost his mind.

The moderator was a deer in the headlights of an oncoming freight train, and Biden was a homeroom teacher in a class full of Crips, and Bloods.

To find a president as openly demented racist, and frankly as stupid as #45 you'd have to go back to Andrew Johnson...that other Impeached president. 

Yeah there was Clinton, but that was a TKO. White House blowjobs have a long complicated history. Sort of like that pool boy thing going on now. 

Anyhow #45's base had multiple orgasms with their guns. This sort of thing is exactly why they love that psycho maniac. As for the rest of the country, let's just call it stunned silence. Sort of like that scene of the audience in "Springtime for Hitler".

More as events befall us.


"...Fire Sale!"

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