Wednesday, September 30, 2020



As for the first debate between Trump, and Biden last night. 

The CNN summary: "...That was a Shit Show."

Pretty much. Even I was stunned befuddled, and horrified at the mayhem. The President of the United States of America is literally Insane. ...and not in a nice way. That, and is using it as a campaign point for re-election. 

He's fucking batshit hog humping drooling barking at da moon fucking ass nuts. This in the Nurse Ratchet Joe McCarthy Goebbels style. 

He did everything, but juggle snakes bite the heads off bats, and burn a bleeping cross. He came close to that cross thing when he told that Nazi terrorist bunch the Proud Boys to "...Stand By."

Fuck,....I 'mean' fucking fuck. 

Did I mention he threatened voters with his armed mobs? That was the nice part after that he lost his mind.

The moderator was a deer in the headlights of an oncoming freight train, and Biden was a homeroom teacher in a class full of Crips, and Bloods.

To find a president as openly demented racist, and frankly as stupid as #45 you'd have to go back to Andrew Johnson...that other Impeached president. 

Yeah there was Clinton, but that was a TKO. White House blowjobs have a long complicated history. Sort of like that pool boy thing going on now. 

Anyhow #45's base had multiple orgasms with their guns. This sort of thing is exactly why they love that psycho maniac. As for the rest of the country, let's just call it stunned silence. Sort of like that scene of the audience in "Springtime for Hitler".

More as events befall us.


Monday, September 28, 2020

It Begins.

I just got my Absentee Ballot. I'll now be voting for two. Despite court orders the mails are still being disrupted. This by our head of state to prevent us from voting. He knows if we do he's history. That, and as he literally said last month. "...If I'm not re-elected I might go to jail". This for all he did in his unfortunate business behaviors before he was in office. ...we can but hope.

I'm as of now seeing things as they are. I'm going to hand deliver my ballot. I suggest this to all where possible, and or safe.

This election has the aura of the pre-Civil War election of 1861. We're deciding the very fate of the republic next month. Vote wisely so much, and so many lives depend on it.





The Governor sez my 'hood is in the top ten Zip Codes for an increase in COVID infections. We're up around 8%. I don't think I can stand on a voter line with that. I'll hand deliver my ballot earlier. Our local infections cooled down for some months, During the worst we were one of the burning hot spots in the State. Remember this thing is as potent as it was the first day. Remain cautious...Please. Keep washing them hands use alcohol all that. And stay the fuck home!

As for them red cap that think it's fake news. Fine whatever. Actually I think we should leave'em alone. Let them go about like nothing happened. This problem solves itself. Much as with them Crack Heads back in the day. Seen many of them around these days?

Nature favors the most adaptable,...not the strongest. The most adaptable.

Darwin wins. Darwin always wins.

The last t-shirt I did for them demented folks. This around the station's 50th Anniversary. The copy beneath the graphic said: "Radio with Heart. Founded by Pacifists 1960." ...we had us a time.

"... angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night ..." ...from Howl.

This evening's Moon over Brooklyn.
This from my kitchen observatory.
Life goes on.




We painted the nights with stars.



We were a chosen family. Those of us together at WBAI a public radio station. For years we shared dreams, and wonders with the listeners, and each other. Now yet another has left us. Tom Wisker. Bless him. As I wrote before. I hope we helped those that listened. It doesn't matter if anyone remembers our names. We did what we could in that time for that time. When it worked we painted the night with stars.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Super Woman is watching.
She don't like what she sees. 



We're already in a damned Civil War.
We're just waiting for orders.

A cup of shells on my kitchen table.
Even with hell on earth outside my door
These is quiet, and calm here.




“Falling into the Sky”

What would it be like if you fell into the Sky. Forever, and Forever ,…Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. Above the Trees above the Towers beyond the Clouds. I think of falling into Eternity falling into Forever. One foot in front of the other. One step then another. Then,…Falling. Falling into Heaven.


Follow the movements of the red black, and blue. …rotation of the circle…it’s a circle…moving over time…the spiral…the corresponding red, and blue….it’s poetry. That’s what math is.



I just want to get into this damned thing, and fucking Drive!
I’d drive, and drive, and never look the fuck back.
I’d have a sawed off pump action shotgun.
This on the seat next to me.

A crate of ammo. 10 bottles of Jack Daniels.
A few handy eight-balls of speed, and coke.
Boxes with rolls of Hundreds in them.
Morphine for if I get shot or stabbed.

Passports to several Central American countries.
A letter of introduction from Hillary Clinton,
and a pack of aspirins.
Eh,…the latter just to be on the safe side.

Saturday, September 26, 2020


The Lion "Fortitude",...or is it the other one.
There in front of the 42nd Street Library a few summers ago.

My local Library. As a design before construction in 1915. Then in 1958 when I first went there as a little boy. The at last as it was when I turned 258 on a rainy summer day in 2019.

In 1958 I used to just walk out with books, and bring them back when I was finished. It took some time for me to understand I had to check them out.
Back then before the culture of incarceration or the age of terror. I wasn't arrested fined beaten or shot for this.
The librarian smiled, and calmly explained the system to me. I said "Okay." ...and all was well. It was such an innocent time.

Performers, actors real on the stage amaze me. They can transform into other beings. The do so right before your eyes. This much as Shamans did. They changed into the animals their tribe was hunting. Their stages their props survive today as flowing cave paintings. More are still being discovered. There's a straight line from them to the sagas to you.

Another Time Portal tale from before the Pandemic. I've written no new ones. This as I could infect the past causing temporal disasters.

“Peach Bonnet”,…a time portal tale.
Peach Bonnet Wisconsin December 21st 3:26pm 1904~CE.
A Wednesday early evening. Yule decorations were up. Not as many nor gaudy as later years. They were very homespun. Warmly sincere.
The quiet strikes you.
The air pristine. A sky so clear stars were appearing in early dusk. The main street unpaved. Shops gas lit. So quiet.
A woman with a child came out of a Sundry store. A 7-11 to us. The child four? Born with the new century. The woman grinned, and nodded to me the child openly smiled. People not yet afraid of strangers.
I walked this place.
This peaceful though no doubt complex human place. So unknowing of the terrors, and wonders to come. I took a quick snap shot of folks across the way. This with a period box camera.
As new to them as 3-D iPhones to us.
I’ll come back in Spring when Peach Bonnet will be in full leaf.
With that I shifted back to Tomorrowland.
September, 23rd 2019~CE 1:13pm. This In front of the main Brooklyn Library. There was a demonstration about the U.S. government imploding,…again.


I wrote this maybe three or so years ago. I just read it again. It's a hopeful tale. We could use a few of those.

"The Day"
One day it just stopped. We all just stopped doing it. The cruel selfish mean things stopped. No sparkling lights no Angels around. It just stopped.
You know how some would step over the homeless, and hungry all that. The bad stuff everybody always said they were against yet allowed to keep going. Well it stopped.
At first I didn’t notice,…exactly.
Till I went to a Chinese take out joint, and they fed me,…for free.
Btw I went back, and gave them an “Astro Boy” action figure in thanks. This is going on as ya know. People exchanging things. Not barter exactly. Just a nice sharing.
Police began taking homeless persons home to stay with them. That, and releasing those they knew were wrongly busted. Firemen took poor folks into their stations. Treating them like family. The News became very funny. Them jokers was all coming clean about lying to us.
Fancy stores, and regular shops began giving stuff to folks.
Not just the poor, but all of us. Like at the Chinese place. Where they told me, “…everybody has to eat”.
Btw none of that “Black Friday” greed festival stuff ever happened.
All this, and somehow the economy still worked,…better than ever. It wasn’t just us. This was happening all over the world. I mean I was watching that BBC special about how our aircraft carriers are being converted into grain ships.
The government, and president had nothing to do with it.
The sailors, and farmers just got together figured it out, and did it. A lot of this going on. Like them big Israeli Iranian water purification projects in Africa, and other places.
Mind you as you knows too well. Folks is still folks.
We still have all sorts of assholes running around loose. Just not as many, and they’re not in change anymore.
As for “The Day”, and what the hell it means.
Well the surprise was that we’ve been in a post scarcity world economy for near a hundred years.
Some of them wonks think longer. We’d been in a hand to mouth boom bust war genocide tradition for so long we just didn’t know how to share.
Predatorily capital, and Soviet style communism were signs as to how wrong we were getting it, but were too stupid to see.
So one day it just changed.
Basically all at the same moment.
Some religious types think it’s some deity or other. However the smarty pants online, and TV call it an Evolutionary Awakening. Sort of like when the ability for language suddenly spread all over the place. They think we’ve had this cooking up for a very long time.
Sort of explains the peasant revolts through history. Abolition Women's rights even hippies, and similar attempts through the centuries. One day like a genetic log jam it burst. Works for me.
Though I’m still holding out for some Angel stuff somewhere.
All I know is I finally got to open a free book store, and hobby shop.


"Pondering our Plight"

#45. Internally he's not lying. As he sees the world he never lies. None of the facts lining up is not relevant. Either to him or his fans. His fans are desperate, and fucked over. He's their savior from a dark skinned 21st century. Anything he sez or does is holy. 20 years from now they'll still worship him. Go into a poor black home you'll likely find pictures of JFK, and MLK. Go into a poor white home you'll find Trump, and Elvis. So it is. So it will always be.

"Being Black Right Now" ...I wrote this four years ago.

The murder rate among blacks in NYC has risen 70% this year. Nothing has changed.

Well as I said elsewhere. Here I speak a truth that's for now still unspeakable. I may not get invited to the "New Afrika Bar-B-Q" after this.
Blacks kill more blacks than anybody else in this the way I'm a Colored person. Have been for some time now. Anyway in Chicago 1000+ blacks have been killed this year,...yes mostly by other blacks. Multiply that by all of the rest of the country just for this year, 2016, and it becomes a ponderous number. We'd be looking at the body count of a small war.
Count all the violent deaths of blacks by blacks from the last ten years, it starts to approach American casualties from the first few years of WW2. You hear that...WW2.
We slaughter each other.
Our lives do not, and for near a century haven't, and don't matter to each other. There's all sorts of reasons for that. Tons of reasons most of them even true. We're sort of unique in behavior for an ethnic minority in the world...but then our treatment here was also a tad unique...even for an enslaved people.
Not only are we despised...but we profoundly despise ourselves. Hair straightener or skin lightener anybody?
The awful thing the so-so-so sad thing about it is we all...that's all of America accepts this as just how it is. I can tell you as a Negro or Black or Hip Hop Niggah or Afro or African American or African...all of the before are some of the various names we've given know we're fucked since we don't even know what to call ourselves...that unique treatment again.
Right I can tell you our internal genocide is never spoken about...unless someone we know is butchered...even then the 'why' never really comes up. So it's a custom accepted by us all,...for now. Like Lynching was. So what is to be done?
"Gandhi said there are 1000's of doors that lead out of hell, only have to choose one."


These are from my notes written during my year of being "Houseless".

"Time passes strangely. A minute is a year a week a second."
"My previous life has become an echo of an echo."
"I wander the frontier of an unknown country".
I had once planned to do a one person play about my time of living outside. My Houseless year of over a decade ago. My going out into the streets alcoves, and parks.
However after I got back in. Into a secure home behind my own door with my own key. I found I just wanted to forget it. All of it. Who would want to pay money, and sit through such a thing...I sure wouldn't. Not just then at least.
I needed time.
Just as survivors of war need time. In fact when my brother found out ,...I told no one what had happened. After hearing of my experiences my brother John a decorated soldier told me that I was a "Veteran" now. In that I'd spent a year in constant danger of losing my life or sanity as he had.
This past decade has been more than interesting for me. So many great lessons learned. The Houseless year. The retirement from my career. The loss of family, and so many friends.
Much lost, but much gained.
A play a book an essay.
I will soon do one of the above about my life, and times.



I've been dreaming about my decades long career in broadcast. Specifically dreams about doing shows. Much as soldiers dream of wars conductors dream of concerts, and mystics, and children dream of gawds.
Just now I dreamed of being in studio with old friends. Some of them now gone. It made me wonder if we did any good. Did we help at all?
I hope we did I think we did. I mean in that time for those people. I think yes.
It doesn't matter if we're not personally remembered. In that medium it's rare that anyone is. Our contact was intimate, and on the whole to the good. At least as best we understand the "good'. In the sort of performances we gave. A kind no longer really done. A one on one with a person in the deep of, and them.
Each member of the audience was being spoken to individually. It was a command performance for folks in the sanctuary of their most private places.
I told stories from my life, and related them to the world as it was then. I wrote stories, and performed them. I deliberately played music that I both loved, and hoped would help the folks get through the night. We did this. There was a crew of unique brilliant people speaking into the night. We shared intimate space for a few hours in the depths of the dark once twice or several times a week for yes decades.
Margot Adler whom some of you know from NPR started at the same public station I served. I remember things I heard from her on the air that she said near 40 years ago, and they still matter.
What we did mattered.
I have no awards or trophy's. These were rare in the era I worked in. Now there are awards ceremonies in the industry for wiping your butt, and flushing. What we have. What we were given is more ephemeral, and more lasting. We touched hearts souls. We informed were informed gave laughter hope rage confusion insight the whole catalogue.
It was what it was, and still lives in those that were there to share it.

The Meek armed with Teeth, and Claws
Will inherit the Earth.


"Middle Heaven"



Do Angels speak?
I know they're around.
However they never say much.
In times like these I wish they would.


"on the other hand"


As I've mentioned before. If we really have life after life. Among my likely earlier lives,...besides many times a peasant farmer often a mother sometimes a potter or carpenter. Besides all that happy grim weird noise. I feel I was an early 20th century aviator. 'Been building model planes since age six, and still am aged 70.

I think that was my last life. A flyer. 
'Very likely a WW1 pilot. At least by the dreams, and sensations. 
I think so.



Friday, September 25, 2020


On the other hand,...“Such a Party”

“My dreams have become unusually surreal. They’re full of living, and dead friends, and relatives.
I’m not sure, but I think I had a glimpse of my own memorial. This dream, I hope that’s all it was, took place back in the old neighborhood.
It was nice to see the old place, and all of the people I grew up with.” “Here’s the thing,…I was late. Part of this drama was me trying to get to my party/wake on time. I’m still not sure which it was.
I must say it was a swell show once it got started though. Lots of food, and booze for all. Even I had a good time,…I think.
Then in the middle of everything I was suddenly yanked to City College.” You know how dreams are.
I was giving a lecture on the complications of history as seen through the prism of the human heart. Basically why do we insist on looting, burning, and butt fucking every damned thing on the planet. …and twice on Sunday’s. It was a swell rant. I pulled out all the stops. ‘Wish I could remember it I’d post it here for your befuddlement.
Then I was back at the party.
Btw all this took place either at dusk or late night. That’s when many of my dreams happen.
Anyway the pies, cakes, cream puffs. Basically everything I can no longer eat was there beckoning.
See thing is I rarely have dreams where nice things happen to me. However in 'this’ dream I got cake. I can still see it.
Wonderful chocolate cake with a cream filling!


“…And Another Thing”

I was remembering my Jury selection experience. ...early last May. This brought certain matters to mind. How Justice, and Law very rarely meet. Both are multifaceted, and usually contradict.
One our sense of instinctive rightness. Which is intuitive, and eternal. The other arbitrary rules of civilization built up over generations. In it’s more extreme circumstances matter, and anti-matter. This has an inevitable reaction when they meet.
On a related matter.
I have noticed that above a certain level of complexity intuitiveness does not apply. This runs counter to what the universe as we so far know it seems to dictate.
Which is of course “…simplicity within complexity.”
I imagine research continues.

Ol' Tink has been with me for 27 years.
Broken many times repaired just as often.
She has a many scars as I do.
We're well met, and still shining.


I wrote this maybe three or so years ago. I just read it again. It's a hopeful tale. We could use a few of those.
"The Day"
One day it just stopped. We all just stopped doing it. The cruel selfish mean things stopped. No sparkling lights no Angels around. It just stopped.
You know how some would step over the homeless, and hungry all that. The bad stuff everybody always said they were against yet allowed to keep going. Well it stopped.
I didn’t notice,…exactly.
Till I went to a Chinese take out joint, and they fed me,…for free.
Btw I went back, and gave them an “Astro Boy” action figure in thanks. This has caught on as ya know. People exchanging things. Not barter exactly. Just a nice sharing.
Police began taking homeless persons home to stay with them. That, and releasing those they knew were wrongly busted. Firemen took poor folks into their stations. Treating them like family. The News became very funny. Them jokers was all coming clean about lying to us.
Fancy stores, and regular shops began giving stuff to folks.
Not just the poor, but all of us. Like at the Chinese place. Where they told me, “…everybody has to eat”. Just so the folks at the shops felt that people needed their stuff to live well so cool.
Btw none of that “Black Friday” greed festival stuff ever happened.
All this, and somehow the economy still worked,…better than ever. It wasn’t just us. This was happening all over the world. I mean I was watching that BBC special about how our biggest aircraft carriers are being converted into grain ships.
The government, and president had nothing to do with it.
The sailors, and farmers just got together figured it out, and did it. A lot of this going on. Like them big Israeli Iranian water purification projects in Africa, and other places.
Mind you as you knows too well. Folks is still folks.
We have all sorts of assholes still running around loose. Just not as many, and they’re not in change anymore.
As for “The Day”, and what the hell it means.
Well the surprise was that we’ve been in a post scarcity world economy for near a hundred years.
Some of them wonks think longer. We’d been in a hand to mouth boom bust war genocide tradition for so long we just didn’t know how to share.
Predatorily capital, and Soviet style communism were signs as to how wrong we were getting it, but were too stupid to see.
So one day it just changed.
Basically all at the same moment.
Some religious types think it’s some deity or other. However the smarty pants online, and TV call it an Evolutionary Awakening. Sort of like when the ability for language suddenly spread all over the place.
They think we’ve had this cooking up for a very long time.
Sort of explains the peasant revolts through history. Abolition Women's rights even hippies, and similar attempts through the centuries. One day like a genetic log jam it burst. Works for me.
Though I’m still holding out for some Angel stuff somewhere.
All I know is I finally got to open a free book store, and hobby shop.

"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...