Saturday, August 1, 2020

Well there's bad news, and rather worse news. 

First the somewhat bad. 
July was measured as the hottest month in the lower 48 States in our history. That's the 200 or so years of consistent measurement by the government. Of course there were earlier local measurements, but fuck them slave holding yokels back in the day.

The badder news.
The first stupidly launched cruise ship to take passengers since the start of the Pandemic. That ship now has massive infections aboard. Imagine that. Gee how could that happen. 

The plague vessel is the 535-passanger Norwegian ship SS Roald Amundsen. Many of whose crew have tested positive. Some of whom became seriously ill during the last voyage.

The passengers from the previous voyage, and who were released from the current one a few days ago.  Near 500 in all. These went their merry ways...infecting as they did. With crew already sick why they were disembarked is unknown.

In the tradition of wielding the barn door closed when all the unicorns have bolted. The passengers have been contacted, and told to self-quarantine.  ...Swell.

...and not a damned thing learned.

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