Saturday, August 15, 2020

It's another warm humid day in the Emerald City. I'm feeling better puttering about trying to be useful to eternity. Eating a peach. Peaches are suddenly everywhere, and priced to go at last. Superwoman, and pal are hanging out with me too.


  1. Glad you're feeling better. Stay cool.


  2. Thanks much, far so good.

    I thought I had the Plague...all that barfing.
    However no respiratory stuff or fever...yet.
    So, far so good.

    A friend messaged I might have the mild version.
    In any case as of last Thursday I'm staying in my digs to the end of the month. I've enuff in da pantry for that.

    Basically no going to the corner store.
    Tho' I do check the mail. I go down after midnight so I don't accidently infect anyone.

    Meanwhile movies, and lots of wandering the net.
    Fortunately I'm broke as hell. So I won't be buying insane useless crap online like everyone else in lockdown.

    You be safe ya'self...loves ya Comrade.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...